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The Middle Passage Editorial Paper Assignment Write a 1 page editorial on the Middle Passage Day 1

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1 The Middle Passage Editorial Paper Assignment Write a 1 page editorial on the Middle Passage Day 1


3 Remember what they need !! Background information A way to keep their thoughts organized

4 The Slave Trade – Background information

5 Middle Passage the forced voyage of enslaved Africans across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas Vocabulary

6 Triangular Trade a historical term indicating trade among three regions – Raw goods from the America’s to Europe – Manufactured goods from Europe to Africa – Slaves from Africa to the America’s

7 Visual – They learn by SEEING Auditory – They learn by HEARING Kinesthetic – They learn by TOUCHING


9 Visual – They learn by SEEING Auditory – They learn by HEARING Kinesthetic – They learn by TOUCHING

10 Imagine being stuck aboard a ship with hundreds of other slaves for three, four, even six months. Millions of Africans experienced what is called the Middle Passage. This was the voyage of slave ships from the gold coast of Africa across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas. African slaves were placed below the decks of massive ships chained at the hands and feet. They received little to no sunlight, exercise, or food. Many became sick due to the filthy conditions below. Children drowned in the large tubs used to wash down slaves and dead bodies carrying diseases were allowed to rot for days next to others until being thrown overboard. When taken above deck, some slaves committed suicide by jumping overboard. None knew what awaited them and thousands upon thousands would die and never have to face the dreaded institution of slavery.

11 Visual – They learn by SEEING Auditory – They learn by HEARING Kinesthetic – They learn by TOUCHING

12 Kinesthetic Learning Devises Foldables – Example -> Diane Fikes Interactive Notebooks – Example -> TCI Cornell Notes – Example -> AVID A Combination of all three You know your students

13 Let’s Get Started !!! This is an actual lesson – Make BOOKLET FOLDABLE – Write the title on the cover The Middle Passage – Write all YELLOW information from lesson in booklet on its own page 1


15 Brief History of Slavery Slavery can be traced back to the beginning of civilization (around 4000 BC.) Ancient kingdoms would enslave those whom they defeated in battle. Slavery was not limited to Africans. We have records of people of every race as slaves. TO DO - Draw 3 stick figures and label them Black, White and Brown to represent all races 2

16 African Captives in Yokes

17 The African Slave Trade Slavery in Africa operated much the same way as in ancient times. African tribes enslaved those whom they conquered in battle Those Africans would sell their fellow Africans to the European slave traders. TO DO - Draw a set of handcuffs to represent Slavery 3

18 Slave Trade in the Congo

19 “Black” Gold for Sale!

20 Slave Ships Once sold to the trader, slaves were tightly packed into the hull of a trader’s ship. – They would not leave this place for up to 12 weeks. TO DO - Draw a box to represent the Ship and then mark 15 lines in that “Ship” to represent Tight Packing 4

21 Slave Ship Plan

22 “Coffin” Position: Onboard a Slave Ship

23 What happened to the slaves It is estimated that between 25-50% of slaves died either during the Middle Passage or because of it. TO DO - Redraw your box that represented the tight packed Ship and then X out 8 of the 15 lines. 5

24 Slave Ship Interior

25 Arriving in America If you survive the journey, the slaves are placed in a holding cell until auction.

26 The Auction The slave traders would advertise their sale in local papers. TO DO - Draw a set of 7 dollar signs to represent the remaining slaves 6

27 Notice of a Slave Auction

28 Auction The slave would be stripped naked and placed on a stage for auction, where buyers would inspect them like animals.

29 Inspection and Sale

30 What to do with a TROUBLEMAKER!

31 30 Lashes

32 A Slave Lynching

33 Olaudah Equiano (1745-1797) 1789  wrote and published, The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa the African.

34 How this makes me FEEL? On the back cover make a stick figure drawing of how this has made you feel and an adjective that matches that feeling. EXAMPLE Happy 7

35 The Middle Passage Editorial Paper Using 4 square writing method Bell Ringer – Write a 5 page dissertation on what you learned in elementary school. Day 2


37 Let’s see if we can do it? What did you learn in Elementary School?

38 Topic Paragraph

39 4 square method 1.Center rectangle: - the main idea of the paragraph. 2.The top left square: - the first paragraph that goes along with the topic. - If it doesn’t go along with the topic, then it can’t be used 3.The top right square: - write the second paragraph that goes along with the topic. - Remember to continue to stay with the main topic 4.The bottom left square: - write the third paragraph that goes along with the topic. 5.The bottom right square: - use this square as a final paragraph that reviews the key points from the previous 3 paragraphs.

40 On Your Paper Front: Draw 4 Square Graphic Organizer Back: Number lines 1 to 26

41 Topic Paragraph (3 lines) Paragraph 1 (6 lines) Paragraph 2 (6 lines) Paragraph 3 (6 lines) Summary Paragraph (5 lines)


43 What do you see?

44 Write an Editorial You are a Newspaper Journalist. You are writing a story about the MIDDLE PASSAGE. You have a choice: a)You can write a story telling your readers about a RESCUE of the slaves on the ship. You are part of the rescue party and you have rescued these slaves from certain death. b)You can write a story telling your readers of the atrocities (bad things) you see on this Slave Ship. You are a reporter who secretly has snuck on a Slave ship and is reporting on what you see.

45 Write an Editorial Make sure your story is COMPLETE with the 5 w’s (who, what, when, where and why). Make sure you grip your reader into believing your story. What do you SEE? What do you HEAR? You are describing the scene to your reader and will be paid on how much your reader learns from your article and how much they believe what you tell them is real.


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