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EA SEA-WAY Project WP5 Development of sustainable passenger transport models for the Adriatic basin and capacity building 3 rd Technical CB Working Group.

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Presentation on theme: "EA SEA-WAY Project WP5 Development of sustainable passenger transport models for the Adriatic basin and capacity building 3 rd Technical CB Working Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 EA SEA-WAY Project WP5 Development of sustainable passenger transport models for the Adriatic basin and capacity building 3 rd Technical CB Working Group Passenger Terminal Services & Infomobility Issues LWG activity’ State of Art FB1 Informest Shkodër, 3 rd March 2015

2 State of art (brief description) of the issue (max 500 ch.) (summary from LWG1) H IGHLIGHTS  TTP activities focused on cruise and ferry, plus congress and parking management  Foreseen growing passenger flows; mainly Costa cruise passengers with complete travel package  React to Venice cruise traffic congestion risk. Trieste seen as main North Adr. Alternative  Traffic congestion risk. Terminal port within centre city.  Most basic services offered directly by the city  needed new fast maritime lines and implementation of local lines – self sustainability aspect  Support to luxury tourism R ESULTS  Need for infr. modernization and services implementation of Stazione Marittima  Differently develop congress activity  Implement hinterland connections (airport; rail travel from/to) LWG2 Passenger Terminal Services

3 O PTIMAL SOLUTION TO BE IMPLEMENTED  Terminal modernisation and extension  Activation of new piers, not in the city centre  Cooperation with Venice Terminal  Activation of regular connections with hinterland; fast sea lines (Venice), rail to airport (future Ronchi terminal)  Implementing services to cruise passengers (all inclusive offer – onboard/outboard =>arrival/departure)  Implementation of service offers from the city A CTUAL SOLUTION RECOMMENDED / PROPOSED  Terminal 2 Finger introduction  Enlargement of left side of the Terminal dock  Cooperation with airport for the direct luggage transit  Implementing passenger transit and security solutions  Repeating of seasonal hydrofoil line Trieste-Pula  New intermodal terminal at Ronchi airport  Rail extension to Trieste (MicoTra) LWG2 Passenger Terminal Services Identified needs

4 T IMING FOR THE REALISATION OF ACTUAL SOLUTION  1 finger: 2015/2016  Dock enlargement: after 2016  Luggage transit airport to terminal: 2015  passenger transit and security solutions: tbd  Trieste-Pula hydrofoil: Summer 2015  New intermodal terminal at Ronchi airport: 1° tender launched; completion works in 2 years I NVOLVED STAKEHOLDERS  TTP, Trieste Port Authority, Ronchi Airport Authority, Trieste Lines, RFVG E XPECTED COSTS  1 finger: € 1.5 M  Trieste-Pula hydrofoil: € 700 K (public subsidy)  New intermodal terminal at Ronchi airport: € 17,2 M LWG2 Passenger Terminal Services Identified needs

5 LWG2 Infomobility State of art (brief description) of the issue ( max 500 ch. ) (summary from LWG1) H IGHLIGHTS  Solutions linked to congress activities  Basic offer (infopoints, totems, fixed panels/dashboards, wi-fi)  Travel info granted directly by travel agencies and transport companies / not coordinated  Search info accomodations, timetable, online ticketing and booking  Scarce tourist info  Incomplete regional operator network (loss of willingness to participate)  Only in Italian and English R ESULTS  Need for info harmonisation (travel; travel+tourist ; other service info)  Use of other foreign languages  Recourse to other solutions (digital/multimedia HW/systems, apps)  Implementation of info related to security (comfort) and travel

6 LWG2 Infomobility Identified needs O PTIMAL SOLUTION TO BE IMPLEMENTED  Overall data network with involvement of all regional operators  Info harmonisation  Common updated dbase  Unified check-in system  Digital/Multimedia solutions  Direct Info (customised) to travellers  Multilanguage approach  Extended Local Mobility social app use A CTUAL SOLUTION RECOMMENDED / PROPOSED  Data exchange airport/port  Digital info panels at airport/port  Implementation of infopoints (new 30 TurismoFVg touch sites)  New web platform solutions (ViaggiaFacile; Discover Trieste)  Traveller monitoring through cell roaming (local, UD)

7 LWG2 Infomobility Identified needs T IMING FOR THE REALISATION OF ACTUAL SOLUTION  Data exchange airport/port: Summer 2015  Implementation of infopoints (new 30 touch sites): Spring 2015  New web platform solutions (new multilanguage website & app since July 2014 – “”: since January 2015) Done  Travel monitoring through cell roaming (local, UD) in progress I NVOLVED STAKEHOLDERS  TTP, Trieste Port Authority, Ronchi Airport Authority, TurismoFVG, Trieste Trasporti, FUC, ATP, Udine Municipality, Udine University, Tcd, PromoTrieste, RFVG, TrenItalia E XPECTED COSTS  platform: € 160 K

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