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Key Principles A community partnership which brings together key stakeholders Clear regional boundaries Commitment to improving education and training.

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Presentation on theme: "Key Principles A community partnership which brings together key stakeholders Clear regional boundaries Commitment to improving education and training."— Presentation transcript:

1 Key Principles A community partnership which brings together key stakeholders Clear regional boundaries Commitment to improving education and training arrangements through collaboration Integration of existing local services Involvement of young people Willingness to share resourcing

2 Key Activities An environmental scan documenting youth participation in employment, education and training. Development of clearly identified benchmarks and indicators with periodic evaluation against these.

3 Further Actions 1: Tracking and Monitoring Arrangements in Place for all School Leavers Student Destination Surveys - conducted annually Further Actions 3: Skilled Transition Brokers Further Actions 2: Personal Action Plans for All Secondary Students Further Actions 4: Careers Advice and Guidance which meets the needs of all secondary Students Further Actions 5: New Labour Market Opportunities Further Actions 6: Employers taking an active role in ensuring young people have positive employment opportunities

4 How would we know this is working? Key Indicators: Increase in the known destinations of all young people Increase in the proportion of 15, 16 year and 17 year olds staying in education (secondary or TAFE or other education) Increase in the number of & percentage of employers providing structured work placements for secondary school students Increase in the proportion of school leavers completing Year 12 or equivalent Increase in the proportion of school leavers who are aware and make use of appropriate programs and services

5 Key Indicators Increase in the proportion of school leavers achieving an employment and structured training outcome (apprenticeship & traineeship commencement) Increase in the proportion of school leavers in the local area who are employed. Increase in the proportion of school leavers who see themselves as socially competent, healthy (physically and emotionally) self reliant and engaged. Decrease the proportion of school leavers who are not in full-time or part-time employment and not in full-time education

6 Some Possible Scenarios

7 I hate school! I think I’ll leave and get an apprenticeship Meet Jason - a disgruntled Year 10 student Jason meets with his school’s transition broker They work out a plan for Jason to investigate his options before leaving school. She arranges some interviews with TAFE, employers and agencies (JPP, Centrelink) Armed with lots of information, Jason decides to finish Year 10 and then enrol in a pre- apprenticeship course at TAFE. He has also registered with the local Group Training company and is taking classes at school to prepare him for the test he will take in December.

8 School X Collects accurate information when students leave school - always referred to Transition Broker Conducts student destination surveys for all students in May each year Survey reveals many students leaving school are only able to find marginalised part-time work. School X negotiates with local Career WorkKeys or Group Training company to offer part-time study at school in conjunction with casual/part-time work. +

9 As part of the Regional Youth Commitment a Community Team meets each term to discuss programs and progress and to ensure information regarding school leavers is shared. Tracking of a particular student has failed to trace him and through discussions, the police are able to shed some light on his ‘situation’ The police then work with the various agencies to try and assist him to re-engage in education and possible employment I actually see this young fellow quite regularly

10 Meet Jessica - she left school half way through Year 10 She didn’t leave school ‘officially’ but the first agency she went to - ‘Centrelink’ issued her with her passport and referred her on to the Jobs Pathway Program (JPP). JPP assisted her to develop an action plan and arranged some career counselling for her. Results of the counselling were recorded in her passport - it showed an aptitude for working with children and Jessica indicated an interest in Child Care. Her previous work experience at McDonald’s was recorded and a copy of her academic record was also included. JPP arranged an interview at the TAFE. TAFE looked at Jessica’s passport - academic record, work profile and career counselling results. TAFE doesn’t have to go through the ‘information seeking’ process again and is able to contact Centrelink to check out her JSCI (Job Seeker Classification Information) result. TAFE (in conjunction with JPP) arranges a part-time study and work option for Jessica.

11 Contact : ‘testing the waters’ Further meetings to include key stakeholders - Region defined Key Stakeholders seek relevant data Half day workshop with Key Stakeholders/ Planning Group Plans developed for: Communications strategy Environmental Scan Recruitment and Promotion Full Workshop Post workshop Structure Co-ordination Resourcing MoU One Day Workshop with Broader group: Feedback of Env Scan and Action Planning Environmental Scan commissioned l Steering Group/Management Committee agreed upon l Agreement to work towards YC l MOU distributed & subsequently signed l Plans for follow up actions / working groups l Benchmarking planned Workshop for Broader Group Planned Key Stakeholders/ Planning Group to co-ordinate NATIONAL YOUTH COMMITMENT PROJECT Key Stakeholder Group to promote and recruit to broader community Results of Environmental Scan presented to Key Stakeholders/ Planning Group Within 9-12months of Workshop  Business Plan / Spirit of Co-operation Agreement (or similar) developed and signed off by participating agencies  Action Plans being implemented

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