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New Psychoactive Substances and young people Presentation to NPS Cross Party Group Jorden Linden MSYP Chair, Scottish Youth Parliament.

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Presentation on theme: "New Psychoactive Substances and young people Presentation to NPS Cross Party Group Jorden Linden MSYP Chair, Scottish Youth Parliament."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Psychoactive Substances and young people Presentation to NPS Cross Party Group Jorden Linden MSYP Chair, Scottish Youth Parliament

2 Introduction 1.About SYP 2.Background to event 3.Format and approach 4.Discussion themes 5.Results and recommendations

3 About SYP The democratically elected voice of Scotland’s young people… The Scottish Youth Parliament represents young people all over Scotland. We were established on the 30 th June 1999, making us one day older than the Scottish Parliament. Elections are held every 2 years, and young people from all over Scotland can stand as candidates to become MSYPs.

4 Brief from Scottish Govt

5 26 th February- Minister for Community Safety and Legal affairs states SG’s desire ‘to increase effective engagement with young people on NPS’ Scottish Govt officials approach SYP to discuss development of process to ascertain views of young people on NPS

6 Methodology 26 th September- SYP jointly facilitates discussion event with Scottish Govt and 40 young people Purpose: to gain better understanding of young people’s awareness of NPS and give them opportunity to shape Government’s approach

7 Event format and approach SYP youth engagement team worked with officials to develop agenda and session plans Session combined innovative and traditional youth work techniques SYP staff facilitated and scribed feedback

8 Discussion themes What participants knew about NPS What are young people’s perceptions of the dangers of NPS? How could information be best targeted at young people? How should young people receive advice about NPS?

9 Results from discussions

10 What are the dangers? 1.Lack of overall knowledge/awareness 2.Challenges around terminology- NPS/legal highs? 3.NPS seen as very accessible and easy to acquire

11 Info for young people Should be accurate on negative impacts Info best expressed through facts/case studies Info should be presented in bite size chunks Info should be ‘localised’- eg signpost local support services Tone was seen as crucial. Should be balanced and avoid ‘preaching’

12 Advice for young people Not enough existing sources- most had not received any advice on NPS Young people felt any professionals they interacted with should be a source of advice Importance of a peer-led approach Potential of social media- info should be where young people might stumble across it when they need it most

13 Recommendations 1.There should be a new name for NPS 2.There needs to be increased investment in increasing knowledge and awareness of NPS 3.The content of information about NPS should accessible, young person friendly and localised. 4.There needs to be information specific for those who are supporting a young person who may be/is using NPS. 5.Young people should be involved in the design and delivery of information on NPS 6.Information should be fact-based 7.An innovative approach should be taken to the structure of information.

14 Recommendations 8. The tone of information about NPS should be balanced, pragmatic and not patronising. 9. The provision of advice services should be increased. 10. Advice and information about NPS should be a core part of the curriculum. 11. There should be further training and support for education/youth professionals about NPS. 12. Where possible, a peer-led and youth-led approach should be used for the dissemination of information and advice. 13. Social/digital media should be utilised more to provide information and advice.


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