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Rocio Cifuentes Director of Ethnic Youth Support Team (EYST), Swansea Understanding how to reach ethnic minority youth - patients now and increasingly.

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Presentation on theme: "Rocio Cifuentes Director of Ethnic Youth Support Team (EYST), Swansea Understanding how to reach ethnic minority youth - patients now and increasingly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rocio Cifuentes Director of Ethnic Youth Support Team (EYST), Swansea Understanding how to reach ethnic minority youth - patients now and increasingly in the future

2 Understanding how to reach ethnic minority youth Rocio Cifuentes, EYST Director

3 Set up in 2005 by and for young BME (11- 25) in Swansea A voluntary constituted organisation Thanks to a range of funders - now employ 14 members of staff Provide mentoring, advice, guidance & counselling Culturally sensitive approach Range of Services (Education, Employment, Community Safety, Health etc) Deliver information workshops, training & educational opportunities Deliver Lunch-time Drop In Sessions within 5 schools & 2 Colleges every week About EYST Urban Youth Centre, St Helens Road, Swansea Regular visits from 250 young people each week

4 The Need for EYST? Evidence of Social Disadvantage: Educational Underachievement Poverty Over-represented in Criminal Justice System Specific Health Issues – Diabetes; FGM/ HBV, etc Increase in BME Population in Swansea: - nearly 10% of Swansea School Age Population is non-white, non-British -Biggest group is Asian or Asian British, but increasingly diverse -Increase in Asylum Seeker & Refugee population as well as Eastern European Migrants Barriers to Accessing Mainstream Services: Lack of Cultural Understanding (Perceived or Actual) Specific Cultural Barriers (e.g. gender constraints) Community Cohesion Issues: Negative Public Attitudes Increase in Hate Crime/ Far Right Activity in Swansea

5 Issues Affecting BME young People: The Same.... but different? Nowhere to Go, Nothing to Do Unemployment Street Issues (Drugs, Alcohol, Crime) Racism/ Ignorance/ Stereotyping Lack of Cultural Understanding Services not culturally sensitive Need someone to talk to Sometimes need extra help Parental language & experience barriers limit ability to support Islamophobia “ After 9/11 no-one came to explain to the school what Islam really said about suicide bombing and all that and everyone thought we were murderers…”

6 Specific Health Issues Cultural Definitions of Honour & Shame Domestic Violence Honour Based Violence Female Genital Mutilation Forced Marriage Self Harm Depression Isolation Health Inequalities Interlinked with Poverty Diabetes Cardiovascular Disease Angina; Stroke Cancer Mental Health Suicide Barriers to Mainstream Health Services Economic Barriers Language Barriers Lack of knowledge Lack of confidence Racism Services’ Lack of Understanding

7 How can Services Engage with BME young people? Be AWARE of Specific Issues : Female Genital Mutilation; Honour Based Violence; Self-harm, Suicide; Depression; Isolation; Asylum-specific issues e.g. Post-Traumatic Stress…. Ensure CONFIDENTIALITY: do not discuss young people’s issues with family members; do not ask family members to translate; do not contact via family home phone or by post… SEEK SUPPORT from BME or Culturally Sensitive Organisations: Increases Trust, Facilitates Access, Reassure about confidentiality  Best outcome for young person….

8 Thank You Rocio Cifuentes Ethnic Youth Support Team Units B & C, 11 St Helens Road, Swansea Thank You Rocio Cifuentes Ethnic Youth Support Team Units B & C, 11 St Helens Road, Swansea

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