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Survey Training Pack Session 14 – Transferring CSPro, Access and Excel Files to SPSS.

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Presentation on theme: "Survey Training Pack Session 14 – Transferring CSPro, Access and Excel Files to SPSS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Survey Training Pack Session 14 – Transferring CSPro, Access and Excel Files to SPSS

2 Session Content Exporting from CSPro to read into SPSS Importing directly from Access database into SPSS Importing from Excel worksheet into SPSS Saving the syntax in SPSS SPSS is a software package used for statistical analysis (i.e. processing raw data) whereas CSPro, Access and Excel are often used for storing raw data.

3 Export Data Tool – CSPro

4 Select Items

5 Export data options Universe: to select a subset of your data Number of files created: one file for each section of data Record with multiple occurrences: you can export as separate records if you wish Items or sub-items: sub-items for dates for example Export format: different types of files depending on your statistical analysis software package

6 Export Format Tab delimited (.txt) Comma delimited (.csv) – English version of Excel Semicolon delimited (.csv) – French version of Excel SPSS (.dat,.sps) SAS (.dat,.sas) STATA (.dat,.dct,.do) R (.dat,.R) new in version 5

7 Select Data File Select the data file Specify names for exported files

8 Syntax File

9 Transfer from Access File -> Open Database -> New Query

10 Paste the syntax

11 Syntax to read from Access Syntax can be run, edited, saved for future use Does not include labels NB: Must have ODBC driver installed Issues with 64-bit versions of software

12 Importing from Excel Can read directly from Excel files File -> Open -> Data Paste syntax

13 Select Worksheet

14 Run the syntax Again there are no labels transferred

15 Practical Try reading data from Access into SPSS Do you have any problems? Have you got the correct ODBC driver? Try reading from Excel directly into SPSS Save your syntax in each case View the demonstration video of exporting from CSPro

16 Summary Transfer between packages relatively straight-forward – Need to be vigilant Dates can cause problems – different formats String length limitations – truncation Check data after transfer

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