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From the Mountains to the Prairies: A National Online Model for Training Field Instructors Diane Casey Crowley, MSW, LCSW Kristina Whiton-O’Brien, MSW,

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Presentation on theme: "From the Mountains to the Prairies: A National Online Model for Training Field Instructors Diane Casey Crowley, MSW, LCSW Kristina Whiton-O’Brien, MSW,"— Presentation transcript:

1 From the Mountains to the Prairies: A National Online Model for Training Field Instructors Diane Casey Crowley, MSW, LCSW Kristina Whiton-O’Brien, MSW, LICSW

2 Welcome & Introductions Diane Casey Crowley, MSW, LCSW - Coordinator, Online Program Advising and Field Education Kristina M. Whiton-O'Brien, MSW, LICSW - Assistant Director, Online Program Advising and Field Education – Hire and support geographic advisors – Locate and approve placements – Teach Integrative Seminar for students and Online SIFI – Develop Field Education policies, procedures and material

3 Online Program Overview 65 credit program – Clinical HSE Track Traditional Track Advanced Standing Students admitted 3 times yearly: Fall, Spring and Summer Courses run year-round: Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters Each course = 7 weeks, two per semester Courses taken sequentially First Year: foundation courses Second Year: concurrent clinical practice courses and field internship Third Year: concurrent advanced courses such as CBT, Mental Health Policy, Alcoholism & Drug Abuse and field internship Field internship(s) second and third years Integrative seminar for students each semester

4 OLP By the Numbers 350 Online Program Students About 50% are currently in the field 37 Regional Advisors 494 OLP Field Instructors (includes active and some not currently being used) Over 1,600 agencies (includes all campuses, active and some not currently being used)

5 OLP Students and Field Instructors 4/2016

6 Objectives for Today Understand the advantages and challenges of an online format for training field instructors. Gain knowledge of ways to engage participants and offer supports needed in an online format. Learn about results of performance and outcome evaluations and plans for further evaluation.

7 Basic Elements of Seminar in Field Instruction (SIFI) Consistent content in cohesive course Transition from practitioner to educator Information on SSW curriculum and Field Education requirements Interactive and supportive Focused on Competencies for students and field instructorsCompetencies

8 Online SIFI An online seminar for new field instructors and those wanting a refresher course was developed in 2013. Uses a Blackboard Learn platform in the Online Campus Based on the content of the traditional face-to-face model Uses a Discussion Board to foster the support and engagement developed among the participants in a face-to-face SIFI

9 Elements of the Online SIFI Home page Videos Text Graphics Exercises Quizzes Discussion Board Evaluation

10 Online SIFI Home Page

11 Implementation of the Online SIFI

12 SIFI Participant Profile Offered the Online SIFI to 9 semesters/groups of field instructors o Invited = 170 - Some defer to next semester; some determine they cannot or do not need it o Enrolled = 135 o Completed = 115 - Completion rate for those enrolled = 85% Majority are OLP field instructors supervising a student for the first time Increasingly field instructors from our Boston campus and 3 off campus programs choose Online SIFI and for: o Convenience o Offered 3 times yearly Highest number of participants in Fall semesters

13 Participant Satisfaction Survey Results 1=not effective/helpful; 5 - extremely effective/helpful Fall 15 Summer 15Spring 15Mean Develop an effective supervisory relationship with your intern 4.003.603.903.83 Teach social work competencies to your intern as they are practiced in your agency or organization 4.00 4.304.10 Attend to administrative aspects of field placement 3.673.203.803.56 Conduct an educational assessment of your intern 3.833.404.003.74 Provide constructive feedback to support your intern's learning 4.003.804.204.00 Collaborate with the school (i.e., advisor, Field Education Department) to develop appropriate learning opportunities and to resolve challenges with your intern 3.003.403.603.33 Develop a professional identity as a field instructor 4.003.603.903.83 Decide to supervise interns in the future 4.173.604.203.99

14 Comparison of Online to In Person Satisfaction Spring 2015 Online SIFI In Person SIFI #QuestionMean 1Develop an effective supervisory relationship with your intern3.904.18 2 Teach social work competencies to your intern as they are practiced in your agency or organization 4.304.18 3Attend to administrative aspects of field placement3.803.95 4Conduct an educational assessment of your intern4.004.14 5Provide constructive feedback to support your intern's learning4.204.45 6 Collaborate with the school (i.e., advisor, Field Education Department) to develop appropriate learning opportunities and to resolve challenges with your intern 3.603.86 7Develop a professional identity as a field instructor3.904.41 8Decide to supervise interns in the future4.204.32

15 Previous Supervisory Experience of SIFI Participants – Spring 2015 Please tell us about your supervisory experience: (check all that apply) OnlineIn Person 1 This has been my first time supervising an intern50%64% 2 I supervised an intern while completing the Seminar for New Field Instructors 100%91% 3 I have previously taken a course in supervision20%14% 4 I had previous experience as a supervisor prior to taking the seminar 30%32%

16 Successes Reach field instructors across the country Available to local field instructors in lieu of face-to-face Additional resources for instructors teaching face-to-face SIFI Clarify essential ingredients of SIFI 14 CEs from NASW National

17 Challenges Identification, enrollment and registration Inconsistent participation and engagement Time commitment and pace of seminar Staff needed for monitoring and responding

18 Future Steps Develop an Advanced Online SIFI Evaluate learning objectives Develop pre- and post-test for SIFI participants (all formats) Consider offering to non BUSSW field instructors Consider adding a live session to the SIFI Work with BU IT for more seamless enrollment

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