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ANDEAN CULTURES OF SOUTH AMERICA Chapter 6.2. First civilizations First people settled along the Peru/Chile coast Gradually moved inland (farming) – Also.

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2 First civilizations First people settled along the Peru/Chile coast Gradually moved inland (farming) – Also domesticated animals – Grew maize, cotton, squash, beans, potatoes

3 CHAVIN Culture First group to truly unify the region were the CHAVIN people @ 900 B.C. – built a huge complex temple at the current ruins of CHAVIN DE HUANTAR Believed the religion of the people unified N. & Central Peru

4 MOCHE people Believed to have come through between 100 & 700 C.E. MOCHE (for most famous city) forged an empire along northern coast of Peru Skilled farmers – efficient communicators Used ADOBE huts for houses Many other perfected skills of the people – Textiles, gold working, wood carving, ceramics

5 OTHER SOUTHERN ANDES CULTURES NAZCA – most famous for the geoglyphs – Could go for miles City of HUARI developed east of the Nazca culture (mountain & coastal) TIAHUANACO – city formed on southern shores of Lake Titicaca – Shared many same artistic styles with Huari – Same religion?

6 INCA EMPIRE Came into being in the 1100’s First true “emperor” came about in 1438 C.E. – PACHACUTI INCA YUPANQUI proclaims himself SAPA INCA – Ruled from the village of Cuzco – Conquered, then enlisted the help of conquered peoples – Empire ran from Ecuador through Chile

7 Incan Empire Emperor rules all Claimed to be divine – “Son of the sun” Empires religious leader – Gold – leaders symbol – “sweat of the sun” – Great temple in Cuzco Owned everything of the empire – even people – Used a “labor tax” (drafted labor) to finish public projects Efficient government – nobles often ran provinces Unite the empire Imposed language on people (QUECHUA) Imposed religion One of the first great road networks – Bridges, steps, etc – Allowed information and armies to travel quickly

8 Daily Incan life Village leader – ALLYU Farmers – steppes Metalwork / weaving Medical advances – surgery (including anesthesia) Religion/ritual – Offers of food/clothing/drink to guardian spirits – Each month had its own festival – INTI – “sun god”

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