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Instructional Leadership ICT for Education: Mobile Broadband in Myanmar Pedagogy, Resources, Presence & Vision 22-25 March 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Instructional Leadership ICT for Education: Mobile Broadband in Myanmar Pedagogy, Resources, Presence & Vision 22-25 March 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Instructional Leadership ICT for Education: Mobile Broadband in Myanmar Pedagogy, Resources, Presence & Vision 22-25 March 2016

2 2 INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP To identify and discuss the roles of Instructional Leaders To identify and discuss the Mindset Change necessary for teachers to succeed in Shifting their Teaching approaches (Pedagogy) To discuss and agree on best practices of Instructional Leaders for supporting Teachers

3 INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERS 4 Essential Skills 3 PEDAGOGY Know Best Instructional Practices for Student Learning VISION Develop and Communicate a clear Vision to All Stakeholders RESOURCES Identify and Share Educational Resources for all Subject Areas SUPPORT Monitor and Support Teacher Development on an Ongoing Basis

4 How Do We Measure the Success of a Teacher? 4


6 VISION BUILDING 6 activity THINK-PAIR-SHARE What is the Goal of a Teacher?

7 VISION BUILDING To Empower Teachers to Succeed with their Goals, What Can WE DO to Support them? -Provide Knowledge -Provide Skills -Instill Confidence -Shift their Thinking -Give them Permission 7

8 FOUR CORNERS activity 8

9 INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERS 4 Essential Skills 9 PEDAGOGY Know Best Instructional Practices for Student Learning VISION Develop and Communicate a clear Vision to All Stakeholders RESOURCES Identify and Share Educational Resources for all Subject Areas SUPPORT Monitor and Support Teacher Development on an Ongoing Basis

10 VISION 10




14 The Brain… 14

15 Brain Research 15

16 Brain Based Learning 16

17 Brain Based Learning 17

18 Brain Based Learning 18

19 Brain Based Learning 19 SYNAPSES

20 Brain Based Learning 20 Stunning Brain Map Reveals Tiny Communication Network, National Geographic

21 21

22 Development of Synapses 22

23 Loss of Synapses 23


25 Pedagogy -- Brain Based Learning 25

26 Pedagogy -- Brain Based Learning 26

27 EFFECTIVE Pedagogy requires LESSON PLANNING 27

28 VISION 28

29 VISION for Active Brain Based Learning 29 FINAL activity With your team, please write a beginning VISION about WHAT we should see happening in a classroom so that the students must use all parts of their brain. LIST at LEAST 5 Activites you think we need to see.

30 VISION for Brain Based Learning 30

31 Thank you. 31

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