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Govt. 2305.830 Fall – 2011 Accelerated 10 Week Online Course.

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2 Govt. 2305.830 Fall – 2011 Accelerated 10 Week Online Course

3 Introduction Instructor Instructor:Richard Huckaby Office: Room #351, Corinth Campus Office Phone: 940-498-6295 Home Phone:940-484-0759 Email: Office Hours: Online anytime using your NCTC ANGEL account.

4 Text Book Introduction Instructor Title: American Government: Historical, Popular & Global Perspectives Authors: Dautrich & Yalof Publisher: Wadsworth Cengage Learning Edition: Second Edition ISBN-13 978 1133 153566 Note: There are various ISBNs for this text. Be sure you select the Second Edition that contains 18 Chapters.

5 Grading Policy Tests Total of seven (7) exams. Exams may be a combination of true/false and/or multiple choice questions. Each exam will cover only material covered, reading assignments, and exercises covered or assigned since the last exam. Each exam will be graded on the basis of 100 points.

6 Grading Policy Tests Graded Assignments There will be two (2) written graded assignments (GAs). Graded assignments are a course requirement and not a student option. Missing graded assignments will be assigned a value of zero and included in the calculation of the average. Graded Assignments may involve the use of the Internet, the textbook and/or other resources. The average of all graded assignments will be substituted for the lowest score of an exam taken even if the GA average is lower. The last exam (Exam #7) and exams not taken are not eligible for substitution.

7 Grading Policy Discussion Boards Active participation in Discussion Board assignments is posting to the appropriate chapter discussion board forum and responding to questions and/or comments. Improper postings by a student is grounds for removal from the course. You meet the participation requirement when you post your original comments to the designated discussion board and make at least one comment on another student's post. A single entry receives half credit. The deadline for making your original post is midnight on the third day of the week (Wednesday) for all chapters assigned in that week. Your second post is due not later than midnight on the last day of the week (Sunday) for all chapters assigned in that week (see class calendar). Posting to all chapters assigned is required. Every student is expected to actively participate in all Discussion Board assignments. Posting to the discussion board within the prescribed times is particularly important because it is intended to be a student exchange. There is no credit for posting after the assigned deadlines.

8 Grading Policy Discussion Boards Grades Your Examinations Average with the Graded Assignment Average substituted for the lowest exam grade will constitute 90% of your final course grade. The remaining 10% will be determined according to participation in Discussion Board activities. Students will lose five points from 100 for each unexcused nonparticipation in a discussion board requirement.

9 Grading Policy Discussion Boards Grades Attendance Online Courses - Students are expected to login to their ANGEL account frequently and meet all assigned deadlines. It is a good idea to check for announcements and emails daily -- that is how you can stay advised and/or reminded of course activity and deadlines

10 Sample Grade Calculation

11 Class Schedule Government 2305 - American National Government Fall - 2011

12 1 st Module Monday, August 22, 2011 ---- Wednesday, August 31, 2011 Introduction and Orientation Chapter 3 - Federalism Chapter 1 - Perspectives on American Government Chapter 2 - The Founding and the Constitution

13 Your ANGEL username is your last name, followed by the first initial of your first name, followed by six randomly assigned digits. For example, John Doe's username is: doej345672. ANGEL usernames are not case sensitive. There are no spaces or dashes in your username or password. Your ANGEL password is your student ID number. This is a nine-digit number assigned to your NCTC student account when you register. When entering your password in ANGEL, exclude any dashes or spaces. You will be required to change your password on your first login to ANGEL. Passwords are case sensitive. How to Login to ANGEL

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