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Stage 11 Vocab 1.candidatus 2.favent 3.vir dives 4.vir nobilis 5.credunt 6.sibi dixit 7.gens nostra 8.rem cogitabat 9.scriptor 10.consilium cepit 1.candidate.

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Presentation on theme: "Stage 11 Vocab 1.candidatus 2.favent 3.vir dives 4.vir nobilis 5.credunt 6.sibi dixit 7.gens nostra 8.rem cogitabat 9.scriptor 10.consilium cepit 1.candidate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stage 11 Vocab 1.candidatus 2.favent 3.vir dives 4.vir nobilis 5.credunt 6.sibi dixit 7.gens nostra 8.rem cogitabat 9.scriptor 10.consilium cepit 1.candidate 2.favor, give support to 3.a rich man 4.a man of noble birth, have faith in 6.said to himself 7.our family 8.was considering the problem 9.sign-writer 10.had an idea

2 Stage 11 Vocab 11.murum 12.scribe! 13.titulum 14.placetne tibi? 15.scripsit 16.asinus 17.senior 18.erade! 19.inscriptionem 20.erasit 21.desistite 22.intro ite! 11.wall 12.write 13.notice, slogan 14.does it suit you? 15.wrote 16.ass, donkey 17.the elder 18.erase! 19.writing 20.erased 21.stop! 22.go inside!

3 Stage 11 Vocab 23.rem confecit 24.tertium 25.addidit 26.liberalissimi 23.finished the job 24.third 25.added 26.very generous

4 Stage 11 vocab 27.babae! 28.quo? 29.fautores 30.quinque 31.promisit 32.tantum 33.mendacissimus amphitheatrum 35.convenimus 36.orationes 37.mecum 27.hey! 28.where? 29.supporters 30.five 31.promised 32.only 33.very deceitful the ampitheater 35.gather, meet 36.speeches 37.with me

5 Stage 11 vocab te 39.periculosam 40.suscipis 41.exeunt 42.divisor 43.festinate! 44.amicissimi 45.tace! 46.utilissimi 38.about you 39.dangerous are taking on 41.they go out 42.agent 43.hurry! 44.very friendly 45.shut up! be quiet! 46.very useful

6 Stage 11 Vocab 47.scissa 48.rapuerunt 49.auxilium 50.effugit 47.torn 48.seized, grabbed 50.escaped

7 Grammar In stage 9 you met the dative case mercator Metellae togam tradidit. The merchant handed over the toga to Metella. Grumio hospitibus cenam parabat. Grumio was preparing a meal for the guests.

8 In Stage 11 you will meet further examples. mercatores agricolis respondent. The merchants reply to the farmers. Quartus Holconio favet. Quartus gives support to Holconius. nos pistori credimus. We give our trust to the baker.

9 How can you translate the above sentences more simply? mercatores agricolis respondent. The merchants answer the farmers. Quartus Holconio favet. Quartus supports Holconius. nos pistores credimus. We trust the baker.

10 Practice nos Afro favemus. We favor Afer. vos amicis creditis. We trust our friends. mercatores candidato nostro non credunt. The merchants do not trust our candidate. pistores mercatoribus respondent. The bakers answer the merchants.

11 Notice the dative with the verb placet: placetne tibi? Is it pleasing to you? mihi placet. It is pleasing to me. Or look at the easier way to translate. placetne tibi? Do you like it? OR Is it okay with you? mihi placet. Yes I do. OR Yes it is.

12 Notice the different cases of the words for We and You (plural) nos sumus fortes. We are brave. dei nobis imperium dant. The gods give an empire to us. omnes nos laudant. All praise us. vos estis ignavi. You are lazy. dei vobis nihil dant. The gods give nothing to you. nemo vos laudat. No one praises you.

13 Table WE YOU (P) Nominativenosvos Dativenobisvobis Accusativenosvos

14 Stage 11 Grammar Part Two So far you have met the following ways of asking questions in Latin: By means of a question word such as quis, quid, ubi,cur: quis est Quintus?Who is Quintus? quid tu facis?What are you doing? ubi est anulus?Where is the ring? cur tu lacrimasWhy are you crying?

15 By tone of voice, indicated in writing by a question mark: tu pecuniam debes? tu anulum habes? Do you owe money? Do you have the ring?

16 By adding –ne to the first word of the sentence: vosne estis contenti? placetne tibi? Are you satisfied? Does it please you?

17 By the means of the question num. This word is used to suggest that the answer to the question will be no. Notice the different ways of translating it: num Quintus timet? num tu Afro faves? Surely Quintus is not afraid? Quintus is not afraid, is he? Surely you don’t support Afer? You don’t support Afer, do you?

18 Practice #1 cur tu in horto laboras? quis est athleta ille? tu discum habes? vosne estis irati? ubi sunt mercatores? Why do you work in the garden? Who is that athlete? Do you have a discus? Are you angry? Where are the merchants?

19 Practice #2 quid quaeris, domina? tune Pompeianus es? quis vinum portat? cenam paras? num cenam paras? What are you looking for madam? Are you a Pompeian citizen? Who is carrying the wine? Are you preparing dinner? Surely you are not preparing dinner? OR You are not preparing dinner, are you?

20 Sentences Practices cives in foro candidatos spectant. agricolae clamant, “nos candidatum optimum habemus.” “candidatus noster est Lucius.” “nos Lucio favemus.” mercatores agricolis respondent, “nos candidatum optimum habemus.” candidatus noster est mercator.” “nos mercatori favemus.”

21 Sentence Practice cont. pistores in foro clamant, “nos pistores candidatum optimum habemus.” “candidatus noster est pistor.” “nos pistori credimus.” iuvenes pistoribus respondent, “nos iuvenes candidatum optimum habemus.” candidatus noster est athleta.” “nos athletae credimus.”

22 Sentence Practice cont. fures clamant, “nos quoque candidatum habemus.” “candidatus noster est fur.” nos candidato nostro non credimus sed favemus.”

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