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Alphabet and Pronunciation. “Qui transtulit, sustinet” Connecticut state motto “He who transplanted, sustains” (He who transported us, will support us)

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Presentation on theme: "Alphabet and Pronunciation. “Qui transtulit, sustinet” Connecticut state motto “He who transplanted, sustains” (He who transported us, will support us)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Alphabet and Pronunciation

2 “Qui transtulit, sustinet” Connecticut state motto “He who transplanted, sustains” (He who transported us, will support us)


4 ABCDEFGHI LMNOPQRST UVXZ The letter “K” might sometimes be used in words of Greek origin No letters “J”, “W”, or “Y”

5 There are no silent letters. Even final letter e’s are pronounced Latin is very consistent in the sound a letter represents. There is usually only one way to pronounce each letter.

6 C - always sounds like a K (cena is pronounced “kena”) G – always hard, like in the English word “great” I – like our letter Y in English, the Latin letter I can be both a consonant and a vowel. The consonant “I” is pronounced like the Y in the word “yes” V – pronounced like the English letter W (avis is pronounced “awis”)

7 rigidus(stiff) magicus(magical) biceps (two-headed) facile (easy) circus (racecourse) iaciō(I throw) vestitus (costume)

8 Latin has the same 5 vowels that we have in English, and each vowel can be either long or short. Long vowels will have a line over them, and will be pronounced differently from short vowels Short VowelEnglish Ex.Long VowelEnglish Ex. aaheadāfather ebetbetēhey ibinbinīsee ooffōrole uputputūmood

9 Latin also can combine two vowels to create a single sound DiphthongExample aeaisle auout eieight euey-oo oetoil uiPhooey!

10 ōs(mouth) oculī(eyes) caeruleus(blue) iēiuna(hungry) aurēs(ears) equī(horses) manūs(hands)

11 Pick 5 vocabulary words that you have trouble pronouncing and write them down. (Pick words that are longer than 1 syllable) Practice them using the rules you have learned. Come to class prepared to show me your word list and pronounce your words for me.

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