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Vocab Lesson 7. numer number enumerate, numeral, numerous, numerology Latin fort strong fortitude, fort, fortify, comfort, forte Latin osteo bone osteopath,

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Presentation on theme: "Vocab Lesson 7. numer number enumerate, numeral, numerous, numerology Latin fort strong fortitude, fort, fortify, comfort, forte Latin osteo bone osteopath,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocab Lesson 7

2 numer number enumerate, numeral, numerous, numerology Latin fort strong fortitude, fort, fortify, comfort, forte Latin osteo bone osteopath, osteology, osteotomy Greek ornith bird ornithology, otnithologist, ornithosis Greek polis city metropolis, megalopolis, police, poite, policy, necropolis Greek fus pour transfusion, infusion, refuse, fusillade, fusion, infuse, confusion Latin ego I egomaniac, egocentric, egotist, alter ego, egoism Latin spir breathe inspire, respiration, perspiration, expire, spirit, aspire, conspire Latin dia across diagonal, diameter, dialogue, dialect, diatribe Greek acr sharp acrimonious, acerbity, acrid, acrimony Latin acro high acrobat, acropolis, acrophobia, acronym Greek culp blame culprit, culpable, exculpate, inculpate Latin

3 derm skin dermatologist, dermatitis, pachyderm, hypodermic, ectoderm, endoderm Greek zo animal zoo, protozoa, zooplankton, Mesozoic, zodiac Greek per through perception, perforation, percolate, perambulate, peregrination Latin pac peace pacify, pacific, pacifist, pacifier, pacifism Latin brev short brevity, abbreviation, breve, brief Latin necro death necropolis, necromancer, necrophobia Greek urb city urban, urbane, suburbs, urbanite, urbanism Latin pugn fight pugnacious, repugnant, pugilist, impugn Latin ecto outer ectoderm, ectozoa, ectomorph, ectothermic, ectoplasm, ectoparasite Greek plasto molded plastic, dermoplasty, rhinoplasty, plaster Greek agog leader demagogue, pedagogue, synagogue, pedagogy Greek cle small molecule, corpuscle, follicle, minuscule, particle Latin

4 1. Please enumerate your reasons. 2.Her character is one of great personal fortitude. 3.The osteologist was called in for consultation on his bone condition. 4.Ornithology as a science is for the bird lovers of the world. 5.Metropolitan policy called for the police to be polite. 6.The stubborn old man refused to have the blood transfusion. 7.Vic is not just egocentric” but he is an egomaniac. 8.The ancient poet was inspired by the Muse of poetry. 9.Ralph expected a pleasant dialogue but received a scathing diatribe. 10.The acrimonious dispute was disturbing to everyone. 11.Unfortunately, the culprit was exculpated and escaped punishment. 12.A pachyderm rarely suffers from dermatitis on its trunk. 13.Does the zoo have a protozoan exhibit with microscopes to look through? Using the context clues from the sentence and your understanding of the root, define the underlined words in the following sentences.

5 14. The perforations let water percolate through the membrane. 15.The angry pacifists were not pacified by the president’s militaristic speech. 16.A long discursive speech lacks brevity. 17.If you have necrophobia, avoid the necropolis. 18.The wealty urbanite in Chicago had urbane manners. 19.His pugnacious attitude was repugnant to his peace-loving friends. 20.Ectothermic species enjoy the summer warmth. 21.A plastic surgery question: “Is rhinoplasty a form of dermoplasty?” 22.Is a corrupt politician a demagogue or a pedagogue? 23.Is a blood corpuscle larger than a molecule? 24.Your corrupt suggestion is both illegal and illogical. 25.The unfortunate acrobat suffered from acrophobia. Using the context clues from the sentence and your understanding of the root, define the underlined words in the following sentences.

6 1. Is a crowded stage full of supernumeraries? 2. Would a necropolis have crowded marketplaces? 3. Could a quiet, peaceful person be gentle and pugnacious? 4. Could you throw a rock across a megalopolis? 5. Is a pedagogue a large building surrounded by pedestals? 6. Is a lawyer a member of an illicit profession? 7. Is a zoophilous plant pollinated by insects? 8. Is zoophobia the love of animals? 9. Do you dislike being involved in acrimonious discussions? 10. Does an osteologist know much about the human skeleton? Answer.

7 metropolis : necropolis ::bird: ornithology :: condominium : cemetery ichthyologist : fist acropolis : acrophobiafish : ichthyologist acronym : pseudonymfish : ichthyology megalopolis : necroticfish : bird exculpate : culprit ::pachyderm : hypodermic :: illiterate : liberaldermatologist : ectoderm enumerate : acridgiraffe : telescope abbreviate : ornithopterpedagogue : demagogue liberate : oppressedsynagogue : mystagogue pugilist : pugnacious ::urban : urbane :: mystagogue : religiousmetropolitan : suave dermatologist : dermatitisilliterate : illicit police : policeegotistical : egocentric pedagogue : pedantfortify : fortitude

8 1. ecto zo a 2. brev ity 3. necro phobia 4. ped agog ue 5. acr imonious 6. spir it 7. acro polis 8. fus ion 9. ornith ology 10. fort ify 11. osteo logist 12. urb ane 13. il legal 14. dermo plasty 15. ecto derm 16. numer ous 17. dia phanous 18. pugn acious 19. corpus cle 20. pac ify 21. cul prit 22. per ambulate 23. derm atitis 24. acro polis 25. ego centric 26. junct ure 27. in clud e 28. liber ty 29. e greg ious 30. trib utary 31. re curr ent 32. poly gamy 33. trans pose 34. dis rupt 35. dign ity 36. pel luc id 37. a string ent 38. se duction 39. ex clam atory 40. pyro genic 41. tang ent 42. hyper bole 43. thermo tropic 44. astr onomy 45. alter native 46. demo cracy 47. vita lity 48. octa meter 49. dec imate 50. stell ar 51. penta meter 52. contra diction 53. sur charge 54. spiro gyra 55. stereo scope 56. chron ic 57. geo metry 58. a morph ous 59. luna tic 60. loco motion 61. claustro phobia 62. punct ilious 63. ortho dox 64. dorm ant 65. bene volent 66. ortho graphy 67. mega lopolis 68. sangui ne 69. amphi bious 70. nov a 71. inter ject ion 72. homo phone 73. spec tacle 74. pend ulum 75. re call 7 6. photo graph 77. pseudo mym 78. mono theism 79. proto zoa 80. dicho tomy 81. penta gon 82. micro n 83. hydro electric 84. omni scient 85. hypo teneuse 86. phon etics 87. auto mobile 88. anthropo id 89. biblio phile 90. port er 91. audi torium 92. dict ation 93. cred ible 94. inter cede 95. miss ionary 96. neo classic 97. bio logy 98. bell igerent 99. ante bellum 100. anti cline

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