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Early Civilizations Religions & Belief Systems Ancient Greece Rome & Roman Empire Middle Ages Renaissanc e & Sci. Revolution Protestant Ref. & Enlightenme.

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Presentation on theme: "Early Civilizations Religions & Belief Systems Ancient Greece Rome & Roman Empire Middle Ages Renaissanc e & Sci. Revolution Protestant Ref. & Enlightenme."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early Civilizations Religions & Belief Systems Ancient Greece Rome & Roman Empire Middle Ages Renaissanc e & Sci. Revolution Protestant Ref. & Enlightenme nt Pot Luck 100 200 300 400 500 Age of Exploration 100 200 300 400 500

2 Early Civs 100 Animals were domesticated during this period

3 Early Civs 100A The Neolithic Revolution

4 Early Civs 200 The first civilizations began in this region

5 Early Civs 200A The Fertile Crescent

6 Early Civs 300 This was the first written legal code

7 Early Civs 300A The Code of Hammurabi

8 Early Civs 400 Evidence that the Harappan civilization was advanced would incude:

9 Early Civs 400A Walls, brick construction, well laid out streets, irrigation channels

10 Early Civs - 500 Who were the people who moved down from the north, ended the Harrapan civilization in India and started the caste system?

11 Early Civs - 500A The Aryans

12 Religions - 100 A religion or belief system that believes in many gods is called a _______ religion.

13 Religions - 100A Polytheistic

14 Religions 200 This was the first monotheistic religion

15 Religions 200A Judaism

16 Religions 300 Hindus and Buddhists both believe in what about the next life?

17 Religions 300A They believe in reincarnation

18 Religions 400 The Eightfold Path to Nirvana is an important belief of which religion/belief system?

19 Religions 400 A Bhuddism

20 Religions 500 Name the Five Pillars of Islam

21 Religions 500A 1. Only one God and Muhammad is his prophet 2. Pray five times per day 3. Charity to the poor 4. Pilgrimage to Mecca once in your lifetime 5. Fasting during Ramadan

22 Greece 100 The Trojan Wars were fought between Greece and ______

23 Greece 100 A Troy

24 Greece 200 This blind poet wrote the epic poems “The Iliad” and “The Odyssey”

25 Greece 200A Homer

26 Greece 300 This government of this Greek city-state became the basis for “democracy.”

27 Greece 300 A Athens

28 Greece 400 These THREE Greek philosophers are credited with starting the study of philosophical thought. (you must get all three)

29 Greece 400 A Socrates Plato Aristotle

30 Greece 500 The author of “A History of the Peloponnesian Wars,” he is considered to be the first real historian

31 Greece 500A Thucydides

32 Rome 100 The language of Rome and the Roman Empire

33 Rome 100A Latin

34 Rome 200 The first written code of laws, posted by the Roman government. It only applied to Romans.

35 Rome 200A The Twelve Tables

36 Rome 300 What the Romans did with conquered people when the Republic was growing in order to insure their loyalty to Rome

37 Rome 300A Made them citizens of Rome

38 Rome 400 He was the first Emperor of Rome and was assassinated by Roman senators in 46BCE

39 Rome 400A Julius Caesar

40 Rome 500 These wars between Rome and Carthage established Rome as the greatest power in the Mediterranean region

41 Rome 500A The Punic Wars

42 Middle Ages 100 After the fall of Rome, Western Europe fell into a period of ________

43 Middle Ages 100A Anarchy

44 Middle Ages 200 First established by St. Benedict, these groups of men became teachers, copier of books, etc.

45 Middle Ages 200A Monastic Orders/Monks/Monasteries

46 Middle Ages 300 This King of the Franks was crowned Holy Roman Emperor on Christmas Day 800CE

47 Middle Ages 300 A Charlemagne

48 Middle Ages 400 This engineering advance allowed Gothic Cathedrals to have higher walls and many windows because it held up the weight of the walls and roof

49 Middle Ages 400A The Flying Buttress

50 Middle Ages 500 This Pope issued the call for the First Crusade to free the Holy Land

51 Middle Ages 500A Pope Urban II

52 Renaissance 100 The reason the Renaissance started in Italy

53 Renaissance 100A Italy’s location at the hub of both land and sea trade routes

54 Renaissance 200 Renaissance artists used this technique for the first time, and it added realism to their work

55 Renaissance 200A Linear Perspective

56 Renaissance 300 He was the true “Renaissance Man” -- really good at everything he did.

57 Renaissance 300 A Leonardo da Vinci

58 Renaissance 400 He wrote “The Prince” in which he spelled out his philosophies about how a monarch should rule his country.

59 Renaissance 400A Machiavelli

60 Renaissance 500 This merchant family acted as patrons for many artists and sculptors

61 Renaissance 500 A The Medici Family

62 Prot Ref 100 Luther posted these on the door of the Wittenburg Cathedral

63 Prot Ref 100A The 95 Theses

64 Prot Ref. 200 Buying these from the church could get you into heaven

65 Prot. Ref. 200A Indulgences

66 Prot Ref. 300 He wrote about the responsibilities of government towards its citizens

67 Prot. Ref. 300A John Locke

68 Prot Ref. 400 Luther’s punishment for refusing to recant

69 Prot Ref. 400 A Excommunication and banishment from the Holy Roman Empire

70 Prot Ref. 500 This philosopher believed government should be separated into three branches

71 Prot Ref. 500 A Montesquieu

72 Pot Luck100 In China a dynasty was said to have this so they could rule

73 Pot Luck 100A The Mandate of Heaven

74 Pot Luck 200 He founded the Church of England because the Pope wouldn’t grant him a divorce

75 Pot Luck 200 A Henry VIII

76 Pot Luck 300 This word means the systematic killing or elimination of a race or group of people.

77 Pot Luck 300 A Genocide

78 Pot Luck 400 This document, signed by John I in 1215 was the first to officially put limits on the power of the monarchy

79 Pot Luck 400 A The Magna Carta

80 Pot Luck 500 The people of this region/country fell victim to genocide at the hands of the Turks just before and then just after World War I

81 Pot Luck 500A Armenia

82 Age of Exploration 100 Without this Chinese invention the Age of Exploration probably would not have been possible

83 Age of Exploration 100A The Rudder

84 Age of Exploration 200 He established a school for sailors so they could develop the skills needed to explore the seas.

85 Age of Exploration 200A Prince Henry the Navigator

86 Age of Exploration 300 As a result of the Treaty of Tordesillas, this country got the “lion’s share” of land for colonization in the Western Hemisphere

87 Age of Exploration 300A SPAIN

88 Age of Exploration 400 This term is used to describe the exchange of goods, animals and diseases between the New and Old Worlds

89 Age of Exploration 400 A The Columbian Exchange

90 Age of Exploration 500 (1)The conqueror of the Incas: (2) The conqueror of the Aztecs: You must answer both correctly to get the 500 points

91 Age of Exploration 500 A Francisco Pizzaro (Incas) Hernando Cortes (Aztecs)

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