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Holt CA Course 1 9-3Circles Warm Up Warm Up California Standards California Standards Lesson Presentation Lesson PresentationPreview.

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1 Holt CA Course 1 9-3Circles Warm Up Warm Up California Standards California Standards Lesson Presentation Lesson PresentationPreview

2 Holt CA Course 1 9-3Circles Warm Up 1. Two angles are supplementary. One angle measures 61°. Find the measure of the other angle. 2. Two angles are complementary. One angle measures 19°. Find the measure of the other angle. 3. Two angles are supplementary and congruent. Find the measure of each angle. 119° 71° 90°

3 Holt CA Course 1 9-3Circles MG3.1 Identify and construct basic elements of geometric figures (e.g., altitudes, midpoints, diagonals, angle bisectors, and perpendicular bisectors; central angles, radii, diameters, and chords of circles) by using a compass and straightedge. California Standards

4 Holt CA Course 1 9-3Circles Vocabulary circle center of a circle arc radius diameter chord central angle circumference

5 Holt CA Course 1 9-3Circles A circle is the set of all points in a plane that are the same distance from a given point, called the center of a circle. This distance is called the radius of the circle. A circle is named by its center. For example, if point A is the center of a circle, then the name of the circle is circle A. There are special names for the different parts of a circle.

6 Holt CA Course 1 9-3Circles Arc Part of a circle named by its endpoints Radius Line segment whose endpoints are the center of a circle and any point on the circle Diameter Line segment that passes through the center of a circle, and whose endpoints lie on the circle Chord Line segment whose endpoints are any two points on a circle

7 Holt CA Course 1 9-3Circles Circumference: the distance around the outer edge of a circle If you’re given the diameter: C = d If you’re given the radius: C = 2 r

8 Holt CA Course 1 9-3Circles Name the parts of circle M. Additional Example 1: Identifying Parts of Circles O N P Q R M A. radii: B. diameters: C. chords: MN, MR, MQ, MO NR, QO NR, QO, QN, NP Radii is the plural form of radius. Reading Math

9 Holt CA Course 1 9-3Circles Name the parts of circle G. Check It Out! Example 1 A. radii: B. diameters: C. chords: GB, GA, GF, GD BF, AD A B C D E F G H AH, AB, CE, BF, AD

10 Holt CA Course 1 9-3Circles Lesson Quiz Name the parts of circle B. 1. radii 2. diameter(s) 3. chord(s) 4. 45° A pie is cut into 8 equal sectors. Find the measure of the central angle of one slice of pie. BA, BC AC DE, FE, AC

11 Holt CA Course 1 9-3Circles ) Central angle Sector A central angle of a circle is an angle formed by two radii. A sector of a circle is the part of the circle enclosed by two radii and an arc connecting them. The sum of the measures of all of the central angles in a circle is 360°. We say that there are 360° in a circle.

12 Holt CA Course 1 9-3Circles The circle graph shows the results of a survey about favorite types of muffins. Find the central angle measure of the sector that shows the percent of people whose favorite type of muffin is blueberry. Additional Example 2: Problem Solving Application

13 Holt CA Course 1 9-3Circles 1 Understand the Problem Additional Example 2 Continued List the important information: The percent of people whose favorite muffin is blueberry is 40%.

14 Holt CA Course 1 9-3Circles 2 Make a Plan The central angle measure of the sector that represents this group is 40% of the angle measure of the whole circle. The angle measure of a circle is 360°. Since the sector is 40% of the circle graph, the central angle is 40% of the 360° in the circle. 40% of 360° = 0.40 · 360° Solve 3 0.40 · 360° = 144°Multiply. The central angle of the sector measures 144°. Additional Example 2 Continued

15 Holt CA Course 1 9-3Circles Look Back 4 The 40% sector is less than half the graph, and 144° is less than half of 360°. Since 144° is close to 180°, the answer is reasonable. Additional Example 2 Continued

16 Holt CA Course 1 9-3Circles The circle graph shows the results of a survey about favorite types of muffins. Find the central angle measure of the sector that shows the percent of people whose favorite type of muffin is banana nut. Check It Out! Example 2

17 Holt CA Course 1 9-3Circles 1 Understand the Problem List the important information: The percent of people whose favorite muffin is banana nut is 35%. Check It Out! Example 2 Continued

18 Holt CA Course 1 9-3Circles 2 Make a Plan The central angle measure of the sector that represents this group is 35% of the angle measure of the whole circle. The angle measure of a circle is 360°. Since the sector is 35% of the circle graph, the central angle measure is 35% of the 360° in the circle. 35% of 360° = 0.35 · 360° Solve 3 0.35 · 360° = 126°Multiply. The central angle of the sector measures 126°. Check It Out! Example 2 Continued

19 Holt CA Course 1 9-3Circles Look Back 4 The 35% sector is about one-third the graph, and 126° is about one-third of 360°. Since 126° is close to 120°, the answer is reasonable. Check It Out! Example 2 Continued

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