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Please complete a Power Paw for your child!  Please write an inspiring note for your scholar on the POWER PAW left on the desk.  Then complete the “Getting.

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Presentation on theme: "Please complete a Power Paw for your child!  Please write an inspiring note for your scholar on the POWER PAW left on the desk.  Then complete the “Getting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please complete a Power Paw for your child!  Please write an inspiring note for your scholar on the POWER PAW left on the desk.  Then complete the “Getting to Know You” handout. Be sure to review the email address(es) attached. Initial if correct, or edit, if necessary.  Last, enjoy the quiz your child left for you!

2 Back to School Night Mrs. Donohue Room 5 Warwick Elementary School

3 Who is this person teaching my child?  First grade teacher in Philadelphia then Cold Spring Elementary  Everyday Math Teacher Consultant PreK-6  Institute on the Teaching of Reading, Teachers College, Columbia University, NYC  Fellow of the National Writing and Literature Project  Teacher Consultant to Central Bucks School District  Math Specialist and Reading Intervention Teacher  Sixth grade teacher at Barclay & Warwick Elementary Schools

4 Who is this person teaching my child? The “other stuff”

5 How can I get in touch with my child’s teacher?* Direct work number: 267-893-4050 Ext.1170 *quickest form of communication

6 What does my child’s typical day/schedule look like?  Writing and Math in the morning  Lunch and recess 11:40-12:40  Specials to follow  Both Social Studies and Science each marking period (right after special)  Reading in the afternoon  Healthy snacks and water, including birthdays

7 What does about specials? Specials are from 12:45-1:25 each day.  Monday- QUEST  Tuesday- Music  Wednesday- P.E.  Thursday- Library  Friday- Art

8 What are classroom expectations for my child?  Follow the Class Rules  Follow Themes: Respect, Responsibility, Cooperation, Excellence  Earn Power Paws (as individuals)  Earn Warwick Wonders (as a class)

9 It is evident that when the school and home environments are mutually reinforcing, learning is likely to be greatest. -Benjamin Bloom

10 What should I expect in regards to homework?  Daily (except Friday)  Assignment book-please review each night  Approximately 60 minutes (CB expectation-based on 10 minutes per grade level)  Independent Reading each night 20-30 minute minimum (based on other homework assigned)

11 School Policies  Absences:  Immediate excuse note or email  Behavior Notices  Extended School Day  Birthdays  No sugar  Invitations  Please only send invitations to school if all children are invited.

12 Progress Reports  Letter grades added in Reading, Math, Writing, Science, and Social Studies during all four marking periods  Learning Indicators will be reported with a +, S, - instead of E, M, A, LP  Report in grades K-4 is unchanged

13 How can my child celebrate his/her birthday at school?  All About Me Bag: fill with items special to your child  Share with class on/near birthday  Please do not send food items (school wide initiative)

14 What will my child learn in 6 th grade?  How to be a classroom community and team member  How to achieve his/her personal best each day  How to self-regulate  How to be a thinker and be aware of his/her thinking (metacognition) in all academic areas  See curriculum websites for specifics by subject area and related standards

15 What else will my child learn in 6 th grade?  Research Skills  Study Skills  Work Habits (100% effort)  Organizational Skills  Responsibility  Time Management  Neatness  Problem Solving

16 Overall Curriculum/Program Information  Math: Everyday Mathematics, Saxon Math or Pre-Algebra  Reading: Comprehension Toolkit; Houghton Mifflin; Novel studies  Writing: Being a Writer; Calkins Units of Study  Spelling/Handwriting: Zaner-Bloser  Science Companion Program: Human Body in Motion, Pollution, Earth’s Changing Surface  Social Studies: History Alive!  See our Class Brochure for additional curricular information.

17 Curriculum Websites  Math:    Social Studies: 

18 Why should I leave here tonight feeling excited about this school year?  I promise that I will continue to embrace your child for who they are.  My teaching is based on the strengths and needs of each child. I see each student as unique, full of potential and possibilities.  I will maintain open communication; please do the same. I am interested in creating a trusting relationship with you and your family so we can work together toward your child’s success.  I will have fun with your child. We will laugh together, but our fun will not impede on our learning.

19 Thanks for coming! Thank you so very much for taking the time to be here and support your child’s education! Parents of students in the Pre-algebra math class, please meet with Mr. Endy. Check the clipboard on the back table if you are not sure if your child is in Mr. Endy’s class. Everyone else is free to go home and enjoy the rest of your evening.

20 “A hundred years from now, it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove… but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child.” Kathy Davis

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