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Regional OP Calabria 2014-2020 “ future is a daily task ” Migration Challenges 5 July 2016 - Vienna.

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Presentation on theme: "Regional OP Calabria 2014-2020 “ future is a daily task ” Migration Challenges 5 July 2016 - Vienna."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional OP Calabria 2014-2020 “ future is a daily task ” Migration Challenges 5 July 2016 - Vienna

2 2 START meeting START meeting "smart, sustainabl and inclusive growth”. "smart, sustainabl and inclusive growth”. drawn up with EU and national rules is the result of a process which has seen the European Institution Partners, institution Socio- economic Partners, institution Socio- economic APPROVEDAPPROVED APPROVEDAPPROVED ROP 2014-2020 01 What is ROP ERDF ESF 2014-2020 The ROP, approved by EU Decision C (2015) 7227

3  financial resources of the ROP Calabria 2014-2020 ERDF ESF amount to € 2,379 Billions, of which 1,784 by ERDF and ESF and 595 MEURO co-financing by national and regional governments.  is divided into 14 priority axes. For each axis there is one or more specific objectives (OS), and many actions. This actions are measured by a set performance’s indicators.  Direct beneficiaries of the actions are mainly: local authorities, universities, research organizations, educational institutions, emprises, third sector, individual citizens (young people, unemployed, disadvantaged peoples). 4 ROP 2014-2020 02 structure of the ROP ERDF ESF 2014-2020

4 Smart specialization strategy S3, connecting with PON 'Research and Innovation’; Governance of research system; Research and Innovation Production Competitiveness ICT development and Digital Agenda implementation to reduce digital divides and to roll out high-speed broadband connectivity in regional production areas; To processes and to roll out interoperable digital services To improve the sectorial and territorial production system of Calabria on domestic and international markets. state aid ROP 2014-2020 Energy and Sustainable Development improve the regional energy balance through energy saving and efficiency, 05

5 ROP 2014-2020 Risk prevention Coastal erosion and defense of the soil Protection of environmental and cultural heritage resources on waste and water cycles Intervention on recycling waste (door to door) Tourism and culture in environmental enhancement rail infrastructure Link Lamezia Terme airport to train station Motorway of Gallico Gambarie Networks and sustainable mobility sustainable employment Integration with NOP “youth employment actions” Complementarity interventions for migrant workers ESF actions supported by other funds 06

6 ROP 2014-2020 Social Inclusion measures for territories and active inclusion actions Social Housing action plans at the local level Capacity building Training and Education redevelopment buildings and laboratories (colleges and universities) Urban and rural strategies Implementation of strategies by Urban Agenda and Strategy Internal areas (FAP) TA TA Action Plan Beneficiaries TA interventions and integration with the NOP National Governance Integration with action plan of strengthening PA 07

7 TO 8 Quality Employment FSE 120,8 - 133,5 Milioni Di Euro

8 30 Expected Results Calabria at Work Access to employment Integration of young people into the labor market Gender equality Adaptation to change Modernization of labor market institutions 29

9 30 TO 8 – Financial Framework Calabria at Work TO 8 Quality Employment 168.750.00 0 7,09 8.1 - Increase youth employment 45.000.000 1,89 8.2 - Increasing women's employment 35.000.000 1,47 8.5 – long-term unemployed 46.000.000 1,93 8.6 – workers involved in crisis situations 17.750.000 0,75 8.7 - Improve the effectiveness and quality of services at work 25.000.000 1,05 30

10 TO 9 Social Inclusion fight against poverty and discrimination FSE 48,3 - 53,4 Milioni Di Euro FESR 94,9 - 128,5 Milioni Di Euro

11 32 Expected Results More inclusive Calabria Paths of active inclusion of the most vulnerable groups Strengthening the social economy Qualifying social infrastructure and access to nursing services (childcare, children, the elderly) Strengthening of regional health and social services Reduce housing problems and extreme marginality Support for economic and social regeneration of deprived communities (confiscated and recovery properties) 32

12 TO 9 – Financial Framework More inclusive Calabria TO 9 Social Inclusion fight against poverty and discrimination 216.807.59 3 9,11 9.1 - Reduction of poverty, social exclusion and promoting social innovation 20.000.000 0,84 9.2 – Increasing participation in the labor market of the most vulnerable 20.000.000 0,84 9.3 - Increase / consolidation / qualification of socio-educational care services for children and care services for people with limited autonomy and strengthen the infrastructure and supply network of health and local health and social services 89.628.135 3,77 9.4 - Reduction of the number of families with special social and economic weakness in housing distress conditions 50.082.7972,10 9.5 - Reduction of the extreme marginalization and inclusion measures for homeless people, in line with the national inclusion strategy 12.952.965 0,54 9.6 - Increase of law in areas of high social exclusion and improvement of the urban fabric in low-rate areas of law 16.318.696 0,69 9.7 - Strengthening the social economy 7.825.000 0,33 33

13 TO 10 Training and Instruction FSE 60,5 - 66,9 Milioni Di Euro FESR 94,9 - 128,5 Milioni Di Euro

14 34 Expected Results Growing Calabria Reducing and preventing early school leaving Quality and accessibility to education and equivalent education more relevant to the labor market of education and training systems Laboratories teaching sites (university or equivalent) Upgrading school buildings technological innovation and industry labs (school) 35

15 34 TO 10 – Financial Framework Growing Calabria TO 10 – Training and Instruction 232.071.30 6 9,76 10.1 - Reduction of early educational failure and school and training dispersion 30.550.000 1,28 10.5 - Raising skills levels, participation and training in education success 80.549.375 3,39 10.6 - Qualification of the offer of education and technical and vocational training 20.000.000 0,84 10.7 – Increasing of young people to remain in training contexts of the School Environment 60.175.192 2,53 10.8 - Dissemination of the knowledge society in the world of education and training, and adoption of innovative teaching approaches 40.796.739 1,71 36

16 34 Best practices 36 Housing and social inclusion of immigrants in Calabria. The case of Riace Italy, Calabria, Municipality of Riace Social service sector investigated: Housing and neighbourhood Housing and inclusion policies for immigrants The paper critically addresses the following aspects: The integration of two goals: the rehabilitation and repopulation of abandoned dwellings and the hosting of immigrants (housing and inclusion policy) The institutionalization of bottom-up social innovation The sustainability of such innovative practices in the long run The replicability of such practices in other contexts and for other categories of immigrants

17 34 Best practices become a project 36 Creating public spaces – in the re-use of confiscated properties: EUROPEAN COMMISSION DIRECTORATE-GENERAL HOME AFFAIRS Directorate C : Schengen Unit C4 : Internal Security Fund CALL FOR PROPOSALS HOME/2013/ISEC/AG/FINEC Financial and Economic Crime (FINEC) Mapping the confiscated buildings of Berlin Elaborate a pilot project on the possible social re-use one of the confiscated buildings

18 34 INTERREG PROPOSAL develop the ability to design consistent high-quality projects, able to compete in competitive contexts of the territories and public and private actors; strengthen the capacities of project generation by the public - private partnership of the territories, according to an integrated territorial vision, based on the complementarity of public and private actions and aimed at increasing competitiveness and attractiveness of local communities; promote the ability of food producers and crafts and operators of tourism offer in the various areas (Hellenistic, Arbereshe, etc ) to organize themselves into networks able to act jointly in the markets at different spatial scales. 36 Calabrian Region in the ROP Calabria 2014-2020 deals with the planning related to Internal Areas, considered fundamental for the preservation of cultural identity of the territory through instruments of the ITI (Integrated Territorial Investments).

19 Thanks for your attention Nicola Mayerà

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