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COMMUNICATIONS All Staff Meeting – May 11, 2016. MESSAGING  Defining Republicans  Defining the Democratic Party  The DNC.

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Presentation on theme: "COMMUNICATIONS All Staff Meeting – May 11, 2016. MESSAGING  Defining Republicans  Defining the Democratic Party  The DNC."— Presentation transcript:

1 COMMUNICATIONS All Staff Meeting – May 11, 2016

2 MESSAGING  Defining Republicans  Defining the Democratic Party  The DNC

3 MESSAGING BUCKETS  Defining Republicans  Trump as Divisive and Dangerous  Party Accountable: Trump is the GOP  Defining the Democratic Party  Values / Narrative  Obama / Democratic Accomplishments  Strength of our Candidates  The DNC  Building general election infrastructure  Support for states / National Voter File / Coordinated Campaigns  Comm / Research / Digital Support  Voter Protection / Expansion

4 MESSAGING  Donald Trump: Divisive and Dangerous  Donald Trump’s recklessness would hurt our economy, diminish our standing in the world, and make our communities less safe. Trump is divisive and dangerous, and he lacks the judgment and temperament to be president.  Trump is reckless and only looking out for himself. His plans would benefit those at the very top and economists have predicted that his policies could cause a global recession. He would drag our country back to where we were when the last Republican left office.  Trump has already damaged America’s relationships across the globe.  His record of denigrating women has only gotten worse throughout this campaign and his divisive rhetoric has made our communities less safe.

5 MESSAGING  Donald Trump is the Republican Party  Trump’s impending nomination is a reminder that for years the Republican Party has elevated extreme voices, using divisive campaigns that sought to exploit unfounded fears for political gain.  You don’t have to go back to Nixon’s Southern Strategy  Look at DOMA in ’04, Immigration in ‘05/’06 till now, and 7 years of obstruction in Congress, giving rise to the Tea Party

6 MESSAGING  Dangerous and Divisive Donald Trump on National Security: Would Make America Less Safe  No foreign policy experience – well Ms. Universe -- relies on his own misinformed ideas and in his own words, on his “good brain.”  Falsely claimed he knows “more about ISIS than the generals,” recommended that the U.S. military commit international war crimes.  Threated most important military alliances like NATO, pull aid from our allies like Israel, and gushing praise for dictators.  Refused to rule out using nuclear weapons on European territory, wants countries that don’t have nuclear weapons to get them.

7 MESSAGING  Wrong on Women: Decades-long record of denigrating women and promoting misogyny.  Said you had to treat women “like s**t” – decades calling women offensive names and that they have to support men at home  Would repeal Roe v. Wade and punish women who get abortions, opposed exceptions for the health of the mother  Would leave equal pay to “the marketplace” and suggested family leave policies should be scaled back.  Complained pregnancy was an “inconvenience for business”

8 MESSAGING  Divisive and Dangerous: Exploited Racial Anxieties and Cultural Fears – Rallies Sparked Violence  Spouts hateful and dangerous lies (muslims, immigrants)  Endorsed by KKK leader David Duke, tried to get away with not disavowing it  Fostered violence against protestors  Threatened First Amendment

9 MESSAGING  Reckless on Economy: Making Millions at the Expense of Hardworking Americans, Endangering Global Financial System  Talks tough on trade deals but manufactures own clothing line in China and Mexico  Trump University Fleeced Thousands  Unfounded Predictions of Recession and Warned Against Investing  Tax Plan Cut From Same Old GOP Cloth: Helping Those at the Top, Adding to National Debt  Opposes Raising Minimum Wage, said wages are “too high,”  Would Play Games With Debt, Hurting Credit

10 MESSAGING  The Democratic Party:  Inclusive  Expanding and Ensuring Opportunities for Everyone in America  So Every American Has a Fair Shot  7 Years of Progress – Look How Far We’ve Come

11 MESSAGING  The DNC  Candidates Have Run Exciting Primary – 70-75% of Dem Primary Voters Excited  Compare to GOP, Majority Divided  Will be United at Our Convention, Stronger in General Election  Building Infrastructure


13 OPERATIONALIZING: ECHO CHAMBER  Internal Coordination  State Party Coordination  Committees  Allies  Candidates

14 THANK YOU! (AND STAY ON MESSAGE) All Staff Meeting – May 11, 2016

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