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Take out foreign policy assignment! Circle German actions that posed a threat for the U.S. Underline German actions that posed threats to other countries.

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Presentation on theme: "Take out foreign policy assignment! Circle German actions that posed a threat for the U.S. Underline German actions that posed threats to other countries."— Presentation transcript:

1 Take out foreign policy assignment! Circle German actions that posed a threat for the U.S. Underline German actions that posed threats to other countries

2 EQ: How appropriate was U.S. foreign policy in Europe in the years leading to WWII?

3 German aggression toward U.S.? Withdraws from disarmament talks & repudiates Versailles Treaty Greer incident (1941) Kearny incident (1941) U.S. Responses? U.S. Responses? – “NFA” – Shoot-on-sight – Change neutrality laws Should the U.S. have done more to combat German aggression?

4 German aggression toward other countries? Invasions: Invasions: – Rhineland (1936) – Austria (1938) – Czechoslovakia (1939) – Poland (1939) – Denmark & Norway (1940) – Low Countries (Belgium, Netherlands) & France (1940) – Yugoslavia & Greece (1941) – *Soviet Union (1941) Blitz of London Blitz of London U-boat attacks U-boat attacks U.S. Responses? U.S. Responses? – “NFA” – Change neutrality laws – “cash and carry” – “NFA” – Sel. Service Act, aid, destroyers-for-bases – Send aid – “NFA” – Expand escort zone Should the U.S. have done more (or less) to assist other countries?

5 Munich pact (Sept 1938) Read summary on handout Answer questions and analyze documents Chamberlain(UK), Daladier(F), Hitler G), Mussolini(I), and Ciano(I)

6 Lend Lease reading Was Lend Lease a wise idea? How “neutral” was the U.S. at this point?

7 EQ: How appropriate was U.S. foreign policy in Europe in the years leading to WWII? Make cartoon! Make cartoon!

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