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Thierry Chicoine P.Eng - North Vancouver, BC Senior Bridge Engineer and Team Lead 15 years design and evaluation of highway, rail, pedestrian and resource.

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Presentation on theme: "Thierry Chicoine P.Eng - North Vancouver, BC Senior Bridge Engineer and Team Lead 15 years design and evaluation of highway, rail, pedestrian and resource."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thierry Chicoine P.Eng - North Vancouver, BC Senior Bridge Engineer and Team Lead 15 years design and evaluation of highway, rail, pedestrian and resource bridges Frankie Fu P.Eng - North Vancouver, BC Bridge Engineer 10 years in design of highway & railway bridges, bridge inspection, load rating and rehab. Prerna Sohal - North Vancouver, BC Bridge Engineer 10 years in design of Bridges, MRTS & elevated expressways, bridge repair and retrofit. Andrew Roth P.Eng - Terrace, BC Bridge Engineering, Inspections and Surveys 8 years inspection, evaluation and design of resource bridges and surveying. Milad Khorsani P.Eng- North Vancouver, BC Bridge Engineer 6 years in medium to large span bridges, Bridge evaluation and rehabilitation. The Bridge and Structures Team

2 Alyson Dean- Fredericton, NB Bridge Engineer 4+ years of experience in design and load rating of bridges. Tracy MacDonald, P.Eng. – Fredericton, NB Senior Bridge Engineer 20 years of experience in Bridge design tendering, maintenance, load rating, inspection and project and asset management. Nicola Cordoni- North Vancouver, BC Bridge Engineer Graduate Engineer with specialization in Finite Element modelling of concrete bridges. Sean Snowden P.Eng – Sherwood Park, AB Manager Transportation Infrastructure Rob Lonson P.Eng – Sherwood Park, AB Vice President Engineering The Bridge and Structures Team

3 Structural Evaluations of Rail bridges- some more than 100 years old!! Current Projects Opus UK - Network Rail Assessments

4 Consider existing bridge conditions in the assessments Current Projects Opus UK - Network Rail Assessments

5 Resource Road Bridge Inspections and Evaluations Skeena Sawmills – Terrace, BC Tolko Industries – Slave Lake, Alberta Current Projects

6 Communication Tower Foundation Design 5 proposed communication towers to be built on the mountains off from west of Highway 37 between Terrace and Dease Lake, BC Current Projects

7 The Bridge team completed design of three new bridges. Detailed design for a 30m span bridge with Super Tee beams on integral abutments. The bridge had a strong skew of 40 degrees Opus NZ – Western Belfast Bypass

8 Opus NZ – Papakura Bridge

9 Tobique Narrows Power Dam Bridge Phase-2: Existing structure to be replaced

10 Plan View Detour- Artist impression of the temporary Bridge Tobique Bridge

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