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Kimberly Scott Melanie Vann September 16-20, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Kimberly Scott Melanie Vann September 16-20, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kimberly Scott Melanie Vann September 16-20, 2013

2 By the end of the PLC, you will : Have a better understanding of the RTI/PST model. Know how to get started Understand the monitoring process Understand how to collect data using the intervention tracking sheet.

3 RtI is the practice of providing high-quality instruction and intervention matched to a student’s need. It involves progress monitoring students frequently to make decisions about change in instruction or goals. It applies child response data to important educational decisions (NASDSE, 2005).

4 All children can learn. Educators are responsible to meet students’ needs. Parents have vast knowledge about their children and should be involved in all aspects of their education should be a team effort Children should be assisted when concerns arise, before problems grow.

5 Children’s needs should be met in the general education setting and within the general education curriculum first and foremost. The effectiveness of any educational strategy must be monitored and evaluated frequently. It is not about where the child “is” but where the child “is going”.

6 Usually conceptualized as a multi-tier model. Three-tier Model is most common Individualized assistance based on whether they respond to certain instruction. Data is essential to determine whether the students have responded to the instruction.


8 Tier I : Universal intervention: Available to all students Example: Additional classroom literacy instruction Tier II: Individualized Intervention: Students who need additional support than peers are given individual intervention plans. Example: Supplemental peer tutoring in reading to increase reading fluency Tier III: Intensive Intervention: Students whose intervention needs are greater than general education can meet may be referred for more intensive services. Example: Special Education or Intensive Intervention

9 Complete the necessary information on the student’s PEP. Conduct parent conferences. Obtain packet from Mrs. Vann or Ms. Scott Complete the Intervention Tracking Sheet (Sample of Tracking Sheet will be in packet) Get vision, hearing screen information. Return completed packet to Mrs. Vann or Ms. Scott


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