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Rising Sixth Grade Parent Night. Vision Statement EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE FOR ALL Mission Statement The mission of Simpson Middle School is to facilitate.

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Presentation on theme: "Rising Sixth Grade Parent Night. Vision Statement EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE FOR ALL Mission Statement The mission of Simpson Middle School is to facilitate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rising Sixth Grade Parent Night

2 Vision Statement EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE FOR ALL Mission Statement The mission of Simpson Middle School is to facilitate life-long learning through a multitude of educational experiences that enable students to become self-directed learners, perceptive thinkers, and effective oral and written communicators. By developing these skills, students become contributors in the school and in the diverse world.

3 Beliefs All students can learn. All students can become proficient writers. All students can become proficient in mathematical problem solving. Everyone is accountable and responsible for his or her actions. All students are guaranteed a quality curriculum. All stakeholders are partners in the educational process through effective communication. All students can strive and excel as self-directed learners, and effectively participate as a collaborative team member.

4 The Middle School Student All children develop differently but you may notice the following traits as your child attends Sixth Grade. Want to be together in groups and teams. Have the patience to work toward short-term goals. Form cliques and friendships with own sex and age group. Seek status through excellence in skills and knowledge of grown-up things.

5 Are fairly competitive in team and individual activities. Have a growing concern with their physical size and appearance. Like to make, do, and collect things. Boys and girls work and socialize in programs where they share planning responsibilities. Students enjoy being mischievous, daring, and trying things they would not have done in Elementary School or at Home.

6 Middle School Concept Our school program is designed around the unique developmental needs of early adolescents (11-14 year olds). The intellectual, social, physical, and emotional needs of this age group are different from either elementary or high school students. The middle school is a bridge between elementary school and high school. It is not an exaggerated elementary school nor a miniature high school.

7 At Simpson Middle School During the first few weeks of school, it will be our goal to help your child make the adjustments from elementary to middle school. Your student will be encountering many new experiences including class changes, lockers, gym clothes, lunch periods, and schedule rotations.

8 Your student will have a schedule to follow and a locker combination to remember. We will help them with suggestions to organize their passing period time so they will be able to go to their locker or to the restroom and still get to class on time. To minimize passing period confusion, teachers are in the hallways to help your child with locker and/or scheduling problems.

9 Student Schedule 8:50 Busses Arrive/Students go to homeroom 9:10Homeroom 9:151 st period – Academic Class 10:082 nd period– Academic Class 11:083 rd Period – Academic Class and Lunch 12:374 th Period – Academic Class 1:315 th Period – Academic Class 2:256 th Period – Connections Class 3:197 th Period – Connections Class 4:15End of School

10 Types of Academic Classes In sixth grade all students will take five academic classes: – English Language Arts – Math – Reading – Science – Social Studies

11 Types of Connections Classes In sixth grade all students be in one of three performing music classes: – Band – Chorus – Orchestra All students will also have Art, PE/Health, and a STEM (PLTW) class. – Students will rotate through these classes during the year.

12 Advanced Content Classes In each of our subject areas we have Advanced Content Classes. These are classes that go above and beyond the state and county mandated curriculum. Each class does have a specific curriculum goal and requirements. Students are placed in these classes based on ITBS scores, EOG scores, Teacher recommendation, and overall performance in 5 th grade.

13 Soaring Day To help transition students into sixth grade we have a sixth grade camp. It will be held the week before school starts on Thursday, July 28 th, 2016. Students – Will get their lockers and have time to practice their locker combinations – Will get their schedules – Meet their teachers – Tour the building – Go through their schedule prior to the start of school.

14 Bring your Parent to School Day Simpson encourages visitations by parents during Bring Your Parent to School Day. This is an opportunity for you as a parent to experience what your child is going through as a student. This opportunity is offered in September September 13, 14, and 15, 2016.

15 Other Opportunities for Sixth Grade Parents Soaring Day – July 28, 2016 - Open House – August 16, 2016, 6:30 p.m. Sixth Grade Parent Curriculum Night – October 4, 2016, 6:30 p.m. – An opportunity for sixth grade parents to meet and discuss the first two months of sixth grade, see where students are, and where they are headed. Coffee Chats – Second Friday of every month – Opportunity to come in and chat with the principal, administrators, and other parents.

16 The Mission of the Simpson Middle School Counseling Program To implement a comprehensive school counseling program that addresses the needs of all students in the domains of academic, personal/social, and career development. Counselors will serve as student advocates, collaborate with school staff and students to identify and remove barriers to learning, and provide interventions as needed. Students are assisted in acquiring appropriate attitudes, knowledge, and communication skills through classroom guidance, advisement, and individual counseling. The professional school counselors promote an environment that fosters academic progress, personal/social responsibility, and productivity for all students. Ms. Taijah Davis: Ms. Randi Vaughn:

17 What does PTSA mean? Parent Teacher Student Association What is its purpose: Support our Students: Encourage Parent & Family Involvement: Support our Teachers & Staff: Support our School and Improvements: And much, much more. SIMPSON MIDDLE SCHOOL PTSA

18 Committees and Volunteer Opportunities Copying for teachersSpecial projects 8 th Grade DanceRed Ribbon Week Consequences of CrimeSoaring Day Special ServicesMeet and Greet Spring Cobb Hobbler RunHospitality Fall Danceemail lists Student RecognitionStaff Appreciation School StoreActivity Nights Eagle WeeklyCalendar WebsiteReflections Honoring our Heroes Hearing and vision screening

19 Best ways to get information: PTSA Calendar & Eagle Eye Weekly Newsletters There are many ways to get involved. If interested in volunteering and to get on the newsletter distribution list please send email to In the Lobby Volunteer sign up sheets spirit store items If you cannot donate your time to Simpson please consider making a donation to the PTSA SIMPSON MIDDLE SCHOOL PTSA

20 SIMPSON FOUNDATION State and local education budget cuts have left gaps between what our students need and what gets funded. Our purpose is to provide funding for opportunities at Simpson that would otherwise not be funded.

21 SIMPSON FOUNDATION Our contributions to Simpson include: Paid a technology manager’s salary for over five years Equipped over 30 classrooms with a Smart Board Provided multiple LCD projectors and image producing Elmo’s Raised $10,000 for science lab equipment and supplies Sponsored a Study Skills Seminar for students and parents Awarded teacher grants Purchased two i-pad carts Sponsored teacher attendance at a Model Schools Seminar And much more…

22 SIMPSON FOUNDATION The Foundation is an independent non-profit organization. We pay no fees to any state or national organization. EVERY DOLLAR DONATED STAYS AT SIMPSON!

23 Two Great Ways To Support SIMPSON PTSA Educational Enrichment Whole Child Development Teacher & Staff Support Volunteers Parent/Community Involvement FOUNDATION Capital Improvements Technology Investment Tech. Mgr. Salary Program Funding Teacher Grants

24 Questions

25 Lets Go View the School Sixth Grade Cafeteria Music Wing Art and Technology Physical Education

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