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Catie Welsh April 18, 2011.  Program 4 due Wed, April 27 th by 11:59pm  Final exam, comprehensive ◦ Friday, May 6th, 12pm  No class Friday - Holiday.

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Presentation on theme: "Catie Welsh April 18, 2011.  Program 4 due Wed, April 27 th by 11:59pm  Final exam, comprehensive ◦ Friday, May 6th, 12pm  No class Friday - Holiday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Catie Welsh April 18, 2011

2  Program 4 due Wed, April 27 th by 11:59pm  Final exam, comprehensive ◦ Friday, May 6th, 12pm  No class Friday - Holiday 2

3 3

4  Inheritance and polymorphism 4

5  Person has a jump method, so all subclasses have a jump method 5 Person Athlete HighJumper Skydiver ExtremeAthlete XGamesSkater

6  Each subclass has its own jump functionality public class Person { public void jump() { System.out.println("Whee!"); } public class Athlete extends Person { public void jump() { System.out.println("I jump really well!"); } 6

7  ExtremeAthlete is an Athlete  XGamesSkater is a Person  Person is not necessarily a Skydiver 7 Person Athlete HighJumper Skydiver ExtremeAthlete XGamesSkater

8  Person p = new ExtremeAthlete(); ◦ legal  Athlete a = new Athlete(); ◦ legal  XGamesSkater xgs = new Person(); ◦ illegal 8

9  “many forms” Enables the substitution of one object for another as long as the objects have the same interface 9

10 public static void jump3Times(Person p) { p.jump(); } public static void main(String[] args) { XGamesSkater xgs = new XGamesSkater(); Athlete ath = new Athlete(); jump3Times(xgs); jump3Times(ath); } 10

11  Note that we wrote the class Person before any of the derived classes were written  We can create a new class that inherits from Person, and the correct jump method will be called because of dynamic binding 11

12  The method invocation is not bound to the method definition until the program executes public class SkiJumper extends ExtremeAthlete { public void jump() { System.out.println("Launch off a ramp and land on snow"); } } public static void main(String[] args) { SkiJumper sj = new SkiJumper(); jump3Times(sj); } 12

13  Every class in Java is derived from the class Object ◦ Every class in Java is an Object 13 Animal ReptileMammal HumanCrocodileWhale Object Person StudentEmployee

14  Object has several public methods that are inherited by subclasses  Two commonly overridden Object methods: ◦toString ◦equals 14

15  There is a version of System.out.println that takes an Object as a parameter. What happens if we do this? Person p = new Person(); System.out.println(p);  We get something like: Person@addbf1  The class name @ hash code 15

16  Every class has a toString method, inherited from Object public String toString()  Intent is that toString be overridden, so subclasses can return a custom String representation 16

17  the object’s toString method is called  the String that is returned by the toString method is printed 17 public class Person { private String name; public Person(String name) { = name; } public String toString() { return "Name: " + name; } } public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { Person per = new Person("Apu"); System.out.println(per); } } Output: Person@addbf1 Name: Apu

18 (Assume the Person class has a getName method) public class Student extends Person { private int id; public Student(String name, int id) { super(name); = id; } public String toString() { return "Name: " + getName() + ", ID: " + id; } public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { Student std = new Student("Apu", 17832); System.out.println(std); } 18 Output: Name: Apu, ID: 17832

19  Would this compile? public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { Person per = new Student("Apu", 17832); System.out.println(per); } }  Yes. What is the output?  Automatically calls Student’s toString method because per is of type Student 19 Output: Name: Apu, ID: 17832

20  First try: public boolean equals(Student std) { return ( ==; }  However, we really want to be able to test if two Objects are equal 20

21  Object has an equals method ◦ Subclasses should override it public boolean equals(Object obj) { return (this == obj); }  What does this method do? ◦ Returns whether this has the same address as obj ◦ This is the default behavior for subclasses 21

22  Second try public boolean equals(Object obj) { Student otherStudent = (Student) obj; return ( ==; }  What does this method do? ◦ Typecasts the incoming Object to a Student ◦ Returns whether this has the same id as otherStudent 22

23 public boolean equals(Object obj) { Student otherStudent = (Student) obj; return ( ==; }  Why do we need to typecast? ◦ Object does not have an id, would not compile  What’s the problem with this method? ◦ What if the object passed in is not actually a Student? ◦ The typecast will fail and we will get a runtime error 23

24  We can test whether an object is of a certain class type: if (obj instanceof Student) { System.out.println("obj is an instance of the class Student"); }  Syntax: object instanceof Class_Name  Use this operator in the equals method 24

25  Third try public boolean equals(Object obj) { if ((obj != null) && (obj instanceof Student)) { Student otherStudent = (Student) obj; return ( ==; } return false; }  Reminder: null is a special constant that can be assigned to a variable of a class type – means that the variable does not refer to anything right now 25

26  Get into groups of 3-4 ◦ At least 1 person you have never worked with before ◦ At least 1 video game player  Design 3-4 video game characters ◦ Brainstorm instance variables and methods for each ◦ What is common between the characters? ◦ How could you use inheritance to take advantage what is in common? What would your inheritance hierarchy look like?  Write your names down and hand it in 26

27  Search Algorithms 27

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