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ELL357 Welcome to Week #3 Dr. Holly Wilson. This Week’s Essential Learning Authentic Materials Evaluating Materials.

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Presentation on theme: "ELL357 Welcome to Week #3 Dr. Holly Wilson. This Week’s Essential Learning Authentic Materials Evaluating Materials."— Presentation transcript:

1 ELL357 Welcome to Week #3 Dr. Holly Wilson

2 This Week’s Essential Learning Authentic Materials Evaluating Materials

3 Authentic Materials What Are Authentic Materials? Written, audio, and video language materials created by native English speakers for an English speaking audience

4 Authentic Materials What Are Examples of Authentic Materials? Novels, short stories, poems, song lyrics Newspaper and magazine articles Menus, street signs, maps, graphs, tables Business letters, memos, reports, brochures Television shows, movies, advertisements Television and radio news broadcasts Websites, Youtube and other videos Social media: Facebook, Twitter

5 Authentic Materials Why Use Authentic Materials? Having students comprehend authentic materials prepares them to use the language appropriately with native speakers Authentic materials provide models of the real use of English for students for their own language production

6 Authentic Materials What is ESP? ESP stands for English for Special Purposes In an ESP curriculum students are studying English to use it in a specific profession Authentic materials are particularly appropriate for ESP classes

7 Modified Materials What Are Modified Materials? Written, audio, and video language materials created by teachers or materials developers for using with English language learners

8 Modified Materials Why Use Modified Materials? The appropriate authentic materials are difficult to find or not available The exact authentic materials desired are not available Students’ proficiency level is too low to comprehend authentic materials

9 Modified Materials Options for Creating Modified Materials Adapt existing authentic materials Create our own materials “from scratch”

10 Modified Materials How Are Materials Modified? Simplification More basic vocabulary is used Simpler sentence structure is used Elaboration Key terms are defined and expanded on Examples are given

11 This Week’s Assignments 1.Chapters 10 and 15 in Text 2.Supplementary Articles: “ESL Textbook Evaluation Checklist” and “How to Choose a Good ESL Textbook” 3. Discussion #1 4. Discussion #2 5. Journal 6. Assignment

12 This Week’s Instructor Article “Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development” Four Stages of Cognitive Development – Proposes that people pass through four stages of cognitive development depending on their age, which move from learning from concrete objects and sensory information from their immediate environment to high levels of abstract thinking The Formal Operations Stage – Adults are at the final stage of cognitive development

13 This Week’s Instructor Article “Piaget’s Four Stages of Cognitive Development” Adult learners are capable of metacognition, which means that they can: Reflect on their learning process Verbalize what they know and don’t know Verbalize what they want to learn Consciously apply learning strategies Self-direct their learning experience

14 This Week’s Instructor Article “Piaget’s Four Stages of Cognitive Development” Because of adult learners’ high level of metacognition, They benefit from: Direct instruction Learner-centered instruction They do well in: Problem-solving activities Role plays and simulations But: They need more repeated practice in real communicative activities to develop fluency

15 Hope You Enjoy This Week’s Content And Activities!!!

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