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Dr. Bernhard Brückner “Modernizing Occupational Safety and Health at Work in a Globalized Economy” Final Conference, Baku 20-21 November 2012 EU Twinning.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Bernhard Brückner “Modernizing Occupational Safety and Health at Work in a Globalized Economy” Final Conference, Baku 20-21 November 2012 EU Twinning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Bernhard Brückner “Modernizing Occupational Safety and Health at Work in a Globalized Economy” Final Conference, Baku 20-21 November 2012 EU Twinning project „Support to the State Labour Inspectorate Service (SLIS) in Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) enhancement in the Republic of Azerbaijan” ( SUPSLIS )

2 National Consus paper on OHS-MS- Key-Elements Background for German national OHS-Management- System Management-System 2Baku 20-21 November 2012

3 Objective of The National Guideline Orientation for Integration of OSH-MS in general business management Elaboration of models of voluntary application in enterprises Development of tailored guidelines, considering size, branch or specific risks Voluntary agreements to evaluate effectiveness of OSH- MS with authorities No certification intended. 3Baku 20-21 November 2012

4 Basic idea: continuous improvement continuous improvement Politik Organisation Planung und Umsetzung Messung und Bewertung Verbesserungsm aßnahmen 4Baku 20-21 November 2012

5 Targets of OSH-Managementsystems Motivation of stakeholders to implement OSH systematically to comply better with OSH legislation better link enterprise OSH activities continuously improve OSH performance provide economic profit while mainstreaming OSH in all relevant business processes 5Baku 20-21 November 2012

6 Transposition of National Guideline into a practical management-concept: ASCA-OSH-Management-System 6Baku 20-21 November 2012

7 Product design and development Procurement Order Processing Production Performance Processes Human Ressource Management of Resources Information + Communication Maintenance, Emergency Processes Service delivering Support Processes Management Processes Strategy-Development Organisation-Development Evaluation and Improvement Processes 7Baku 20-21 November 2012

8 ASCAsys – Concept: Regular Labour Inspection of OSH-Management in enterprises  Focus: Cause – effect chain  Enterprise: Model of interlinked processes or a process network 8

9 9 Activities (Tätigkeiten, Veränderungen) A 1 A 2A 3A 4A 5 Supplier (source) Input Output Ressources (workers, budget, equipment information, methodologies) Objectives, Tasks Client (sink) Incident ASCAsys - Concept

10 10 Strategic planning Ressources available Working procedures In effect Procedural plans Information available Assigning of tasks IT available Risk assessment System-approach with ASCAsys

11 ASCAsys - Instrument ASCAsys-Elements 1-1 statutory obligation to manage OSH 2-1 Regulation and procedures for risk assessment 3-1 Monitoring of legislation and management of OSH standards 3-2 Qualification for OSH 3-3 Provision of workplace and workers instructions 3-4 Involvement of specific experts and responsible persons 4-1 Delegation of tasks, competences, and responsibilities 4-2 Supervision of compliance with assigned tasks and duties 5-1 Organisation of first-aid and emergency measures 11

12 ASCAsys - Procedure Scope: pro-active and re-active inspections Independence from branch and company-size Stationary worksites Inspection procedure: Pre-information (from inspectorate‘s register) On-site-inspection of work-places Interviews and meetings with employer, line management, OSH experts, workers‘ representatives Concluding meeting 12

13 ASCAsys - Instrument ASCAsys assessment Applying traffic light principle: 3-1 Monitoring of legislation and management of OSH standards a = green Clearly defined and fixed internal regulations for systematic monitoring of legislative obligations and OSH standards. Transparent and defined responsibility. Information and communi- cation procedures to keep line managers up-to-date with OSH obligations in place. b = yellow Monitoring of legislation and management of OSH standards organised only to some extend. Continuous information on up-dates not assured. c = red No fixed internal regulations and procedures for monitoring of legislation and management of OSH standards. Information of responsible management on up-dates only by chance. 13

14 ASCAsys – Results 2011  ASCAsys applied in 1008 Enterprises  Evaluation: The OSH management is… Mai 2012 appropriate partially appropriate not appropriate 14

15 ASCAsys – Results 2011 Statutory management obligation complied Procedures for risk Assessment in place Monitoring of legislation and OSH standards organsied OSH qualification assured Instructions provided OSH experts and responsible persons involved Delegation of tasks and responsibilities in effect Supervision of compliance with tasks assigned in place Organisation of first-aid and emertgency measures assured 15

16 Impact Evaluation  improved value of OSH for higher management  improved cooperation of line management with OSH experts and workers‘ representatives  improvements in definition and assignement of tasks and responsibilities  systematic OSH activities  indepth knowledge on OSH  higher safety standards  up-to-date documentation 16Baku 20-21 November 2012

17 Factors for Sustainability  „Good health is good business“ policy  Culture of improvement and change management on OSH  OSH Know-how on site  Good practice of cooperation of all internal actors and external stakeholders  Competence to actively gain information and knowledge from all relevant sources  Credibility and competence of labour inspectors and Labour Inspection Service  Impact orientation of labour inspection policy 17Baku 20-21 November 2012

18 18 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION ! Baku 20-21 November 2012

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