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An update on the Copernicus Space segment Yasjka Meijer, Thorsten Fehr, Ben Veihelmann, Jörg Langen, Paul Ingmann, Susanne Mecklenburg, Pier Bargellini.

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Presentation on theme: "An update on the Copernicus Space segment Yasjka Meijer, Thorsten Fehr, Ben Veihelmann, Jörg Langen, Paul Ingmann, Susanne Mecklenburg, Pier Bargellini."— Presentation transcript:

1 An update on the Copernicus Space segment Yasjka Meijer, Thorsten Fehr, Ben Veihelmann, Jörg Langen, Paul Ingmann, Susanne Mecklenburg, Pier Bargellini European Space Agency – ESA

2 Yasjka Meijer, CAMS General Assembly, Athens, 14 June 2016 2 S1: Radar Mission S2: High Resolution Optical Mission S3: Medium Resolution Imaging and Altimetry Mission S4: Geostationary Atmospheric Chemistry Mission S5P: Low Earth Orbit Atmospheric Chemistry Precursor Mission S5: Low Earth Orbit Atmospheric Chemistry Mission S6 (Jason-CS): Altimetry Mission Copernicus Space Component (CSC): Dedicated Missions

3 Yasjka Meijer, CAMS General Assembly, Athens, 14 June 2016 3 Launches A: 3 April 2014 B: 25 April 2016 First Launch 23 June 2015 First Launch 16 February 2016 Launch Window Oct./Nov. 2016 CAMS General Assembly, Athens, 14 June 2016 Dedicated Copernicus Space Component (CSC)

4 Yasjka Meijer, CAMS General Assembly, Athens, 14 June 2016 4 A sharp increase of users as a consequence of Data Policy and Mission Operations Concept systematic observation, acquisition, processing and dissemination A sharp increase of users as a consequence of Data Policy and Mission Operations Concept systematic observation, acquisition, processing and dissemination ESA missions data users Number of registered users Copernicus missions data users (through open hub) 28,9230 self-registered users on open access data hub (status 31 March 2016) 28,9230 self-registered users on open access data hub (status 31 March 2016) Sentinel data - Users Registration

5 Yasjka Meijer, CAMS General Assembly, Athens, 14 June 2016 5 Sentinel-3: Status Sentinel-3A successfully launched on 16 February 2016! Commissioning phase is on-going (extensive calibration/validation activities) All instruments are working well First sample data provided to expert users provided to all users (tew orbits for familiarization) Data access by ESA through the Sentinel Data Hub and by EUMETSAT through its Earth Observation Portal Mission status on mission-status mission-status

6 Yasjka Meijer, CAMS General Assembly, Athens, 14 June 2016 6 L2 Surface Topography Products Topography processing based on altimeter, radiometer and POD data Synergy Products L1C: Hybrid processing based on SLSTR & OLCI L1C Ocean & Land Colour L2 Products Ocean & Land Colour Processing based on OLCI OLCI L1B SLSTR Instrument SRAL Instrument MWR Instrument POD System OLCI Instrument L2 Surface Temperatures Products Surface Temperature Processing based on SLSTR data SLSTR L1B SRAL/MWR L1B SRAL L1A, L1B-S Sentinel-3: User Products

7 Yasjka Meijer, CAMS General Assembly, Athens, 14 June 2016 7 Sentinel-3: Atmospheric Products Water Vapour: Level 2 OLCI data products over ocean and land Heritage from MERIS TCWV based on water vapour absorption around 950 nm using differential absorption Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD): Requested by user community via a EC change request NRT product provided by Eumetsat (SLSTR only) Consolidated product provided by ESA (SLSTR/OLCI synergy) Heritage from CCI Aerosol Source: Fischer et al, FU Berlin Source: Bevan et al., RSE 2012

8 Yasjka Meijer, CAMS General Assembly, Athens, 14 June 2016 8 Dedicated Atmospheric Missions: Sentinels-4, -5 and -5p GEOstationary (GEO) –Hourly revisit time over Europe –Mainly air quality –Diurnal cycle of tropospheric composition  Sentinel-4 (S4) Low Earth Orbit (LEO) –Daily revisit time global coverage –Climate, air quality, ozone & UV –Tropospheric & stratospheric composition  Sentinel-5 Precursor (S5p)  Sentinel-5 (S5)

9 Yasjka Meijer, CAMS General Assembly, Athens, 14 June 2016 9 Sentinel-4 UVN Instrument Meteosat Third Generation – Sounder Satellite Tropospheric composition With fast revisit time (<1 hour) At high spatial resolution over Europe Operational over 15 years (2 satellites) CAMS General Assembly, Athens, 14 June 2016 Sentinel-4 Mission

10 Yasjka Meijer, CAMS General Assembly, Athens, 14 June 2016 10 Sentinel-4/UVN: Key Requirements Spatial Sampling: 8 km at 45°N Band ID Wavelength range [nm] Spectral resolution [nm] Spectral sampling ratio UV305 - 4000.53 VIS400 – 5000.53 NIR750 – 7750.123 Geographic Coverage Area, Observation Zenith Angle, Reference Area NASA TEMPOESA Sentinel-4KARI GEMS JAXA GMAP-ASIA Spectral range and resolution (UVN) Coverage Global Cooperation Sentinel-4/UVN: Key Requirements

11 Yasjka Meijer, CAMS General Assembly, Athens, 14 June 2016 11 Sentinel-4 Level-2 Product Overview *) by European Standards: SpeciesRelevance Air qualityOther Ozone (O 3 )Toxic, irritates lung and soft tissue, regulated (*) Reduces plant growth, greenhouse gas, controls oxidising capacity of atmosphere, controls surface UV Nitrogen Dioxide (NO 2 )Toxic, production of O 3 and nitrate aerosol, regulated (*) Acid rain Sulfur Dioxide (SO 2 )Toxic, production of sulphate aerosol, regulated (*) Acid rain, tracer for volcanic emissions Formaldehyde (HCHO)Influences production of O 3 and COVolatile Organic Compounds emission estimates Glyoxal (CHOCHO)Influences production of O 3 and COVolatile Organic Compounds emission estimates Aerosol or Particulate Matter (PM) Pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases, regulated (*) Direct and indirect climate effect, controls cloud formation, aviation control (volcanic ash) Cloud characteristicsAuxiliary for other products Surface characteristicsAuxiliary for other products

12 Yasjka Meijer, CAMS General Assembly, Athens, 14 June 2016 12 Sentinel-4: Implementation Status Space Component Development lead by ESA a.UVN Instrument & Level-1b Prototype Processor b.Airbus Defence & Space prime contractor c.Critical Design Review Q4 2016 d.Instruments to be delivered to MTG prime in 2019 Level-2 Processor Development lead by ESA a.Algorithm breadboarding, independent verification, prototype and operational processor to run on MTG ground segment b.DLR prime contractor c.System Requirements Review June 2016 d.Preliminary Design Review with external ATBD review end 2016

13 Yasjka Meijer, CAMS General Assembly, Athens, 14 June 2016 13 Sentinel-5 Mission Sentinel-5 consists of - a UVNS spectrometer to be embarked on the MetOp-SG A platforms; - will utilise the IR sounder (IASI-NG), the imager (MetImage) and the polarisation imager (3MI), all onboard the same platform Satellite A IASI-NGCNES via EUMETSAT METimageDLR via EUMETSAT Sentinel-5ESA - Copernicus MWSESA – MetOp-SG 3MIESA – MetOp-SG ROESA – MetOp-SG MetOp-SG Satellite A Sentinel-5 IASI-NG METimage MWS 3MI Satellite B Argos-4CNES via EUMETSAT MWIESA – MetOp-SG ICIESA – MetOp-SG SCAESA – MetOp-SG ROESA – MetOp-SG

14 Yasjka Meijer, CAMS General Assembly, Athens, 14 June 2016 14 1.UVNS instrument & Level-1b Prototype Processor developed by ESA with Airbus Defence & Space as prime a.Preliminary Design Review completed in December 2015 b.Critical Design Review mid 2017 c.Flight Acceptance Review early 2021 2.Level-1 Operational Processor developed by EUMETSAT kick-off in 2017 3.Level-2 Prototype Processor developed by ESA, kick-off mid 2016 4.Level-2 Operational Processor developed by EUMETSAT kick-off in 2018 5.EUMETSAT will operate the instruments and process the mission data up to Level-2 SENTINEL-5 Sentinel-5: Implementation Status

15 Yasjka Meijer, CAMS General Assembly, Athens, 14 June 2016 15 Sentinel-5 Precursor (S5P): Mission Sentinel-5 Precursor (S5P) bridges between OMI and Sentinel-5 Its PM orbit provides first diurnal sampling together with GOME-2 (AM) Focus on global observations of atmospheric composition related to Air Quality and Climate with daily global coverage The TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) is the payload of the S5P mission and is jointly developed by The Netherlands and ESA Targeted launch window is Oct–Nov 2016 with a 7 year design lifetime ‣ UV-VIS-NIR-SWIR nadir view grating spectrometer. ‣ Spectral range: 270-500, 675-775, 2305-2385 nm ‣ Spectral Resolution: 0.25-1.1 nm ‣ Spatial Resolution: 7x7km2 ‣ Global daily coverage at 13:30 local solar time. TROPOMI ‣ Total column O 3, NO 2, CO, SO 2,CH 4, HCHO ‣ Tropospheric column O 3, NO 2 ‣ O 3 profile ‣ UV Aerosol Index ‣ Aerosol layer height ‣ Clouds Contribution to Copernicus

16 Yasjka Meijer, CAMS General Assembly, Athens, 14 June 2016 16 Near real-time (NRT):3 hours after sensing Non time critical (NTC):14 days after sensing Level 1b and Level 2 will be provided to the users S5P Data Products ProductDescriptionRemarks Level 0 Raw measurement & engineering datainternal use only Level 1B Calibrated, geo-located Earth radiance & solar irradiance spectraSystematic processing Level 2 Geophysical data (column densities/profiles) of S5P: UVN channel products O 3 total & tropospheric columns, profiles NO 2 total & tropospheric columns SO 2, HCHOtotal columns aerosolsaerosol index & aerosol layer height cloudscloud fraction, top height, optical thickness SWIR channel products CO, CH 4 total columns Near Real-Time: All species except CH 4 & tropospheric O 3 Non Time Critical delivery: All products Sentinel-5 Precursor: Product Overview

17 Yasjka Meijer, CAMS General Assembly, Athens, 14 June 2016 17 S5P Data Volume ProductVolume per Orbit [GB]Volume per Day[GB] Level 1BNRT36.6506 Level 1BNTC 35.6 506 Level 2NRT 4.3 61 Level 2NTC 5.2 74 S5P data access will be the same as for the other Sentinels a.Products will be available to all users (Level 1 and Level 2) b.Access to rolling hub and long term archive, Data products will be provided following six month commissioning phase Sentinel-5 Precursor: Data Volume

18 Yasjka Meijer, CAMS General Assembly, Athens, 14 June 2016 18 Sentinel-5 Precursor Ready for Launch Source: ESA NO 2 over Europe Source: Geert Vinken (TU/e) and Folkert Boersma (KNMI) Coming soon… CAMS General Assembly, Athens, 14 June 2016

19 Yasjka Meijer, CAMS General Assembly, Athens, 14 June 2016 19 Summary Successfully launched missions: Sentinel-1A, Sentinel-1B, Sentinel-2A and Sentinel-3A Sentinel-5 Precursor ready with launch window Oct./Nov. 2016 Sentinel-2B and Sentinel-3B preparing for launch in 2017. Sentinel-4 and Sentinel-5 Space and Ground Segment implementation on-going with planned Flight Acceptance in 2021 Launch Schedule of Atmospheric Sentinels

20 Yasjka Meijer, CAMS General Assembly, Athens, 14 June 2016 20 Thank you for your attention! Questions? Sentinel-5P Online: Copernicus Programme: CSC Data Access:

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