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Cash flow stability of small businesses in Australia: is there a relationship with taxation and owner literacy? Melissa Belle Isle PhD Canditate Griffith.

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Presentation on theme: "Cash flow stability of small businesses in Australia: is there a relationship with taxation and owner literacy? Melissa Belle Isle PhD Canditate Griffith."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cash flow stability of small businesses in Australia: is there a relationship with taxation and owner literacy? Melissa Belle Isle PhD Canditate Griffith Business School Supervisors: A/P Brett Freudenberg Dr. Tapan Sarker

2 Research progress & purpose of the presentation 1. Status of the research  Progress to date  Where to from here 2. Purpose of todays presentation  Seek participants including experts and small businesses  Build a network in terms of sharing results and ideas  Feedback about concepts and methodology

3 Importance of small business in the service sector  The service industry is important to Australia because: -Employment: 85% of all Australian employees (9,147,000 people) -Gross Value Added: 82% or $850 B  A service is defined as:  An activity that delivers help, utility or care, an experience, information or other intellectual content. The majority of that activity is intangible rather than residing in any physical product.  Small Businesses in the service industry: -Employment: 44% or 4,009,000 of all service industry employees -Gross Value Added: $292 B

4 Relationships explored in this project Cash Flow Owner Literacy Financial Statements CAS Business Tax Literacy Taxation Timing of tax payment Frequency of reporting

5 Tax systems included in the research Pay as You Go Superannuation Guarantee Income Tax Goods and Services Tax Fringe Benefits Tax

6 Research Questions RQ: PRIMARY RESEARCH QUESTION  How is the cash flow of Australian small businesses influenced by tax obligations? SECONDARY RESEARCH QUESTIONS  SRQ1: Is cash flow of small business affected by the timing of tax payments?  SRQ2: Is cash flow management practices in small business influenced by literacy of small business owners?

7 Methodology Mixed Methods Research Project – 3 stages  Stage One – Multiple Case Study (qualitative) »Participants: small service sector businesses  Stage Two – Delphi Method (qualitative and quantitative) »Participants: experts  Stage Three – Large scale survey (quantitative) »Participants: small service sector businesses


9 UNIT OF ANALYSIS Small business in Australia Small business classified as service industry businesses Includes businesses defined as ‘Micro and Small’ by the ATO and the ABS. Annual turnover ≤ $10 million Full time workforce of ≤ 20 employees Experts:  Accountants, Financial Advisers, Academics, ATO staff and Small Business Advocates  All experts must have considerable involvement with small businesses in Australia

10 Issues/Feedback  How to measure o Financial Statement Literacy o Computer Accounting Software Literacy o Business Taxation Literacy  How to gain participants o Small service sector businesses o Experts - Accountants, Financial Advisors - Academics - ATO staff - Small business advocates

11 Contact Me Melissa Belle Isle Email: Website: onresearch/ onresearch/

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