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SEPTEMBER 22, 2015 5:30PM ANNUAL TITLE I PARENT MEETING College Park Elementary School 2075 Princeton Avenue College Park, Georgia 30337 Mari Early, Principal.

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Presentation on theme: "SEPTEMBER 22, 2015 5:30PM ANNUAL TITLE I PARENT MEETING College Park Elementary School 2075 Princeton Avenue College Park, Georgia 30337 Mari Early, Principal."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEPTEMBER 22, 2015 5:30PM ANNUAL TITLE I PARENT MEETING College Park Elementary School 2075 Princeton Avenue College Park, Georgia 30337 Mari Early, Principal 100% All Day! Every Day!

2 TITLE I MEETING AGENDA  Welcome  Staff Introductions  Vision & Mission Statement  What is Title I?  How does our school participate in Title I?  What are the requirements of Title I?  What is our school’s status?  What does our Milestones data look like?  What is our plan for raising student achievement?  What’s included in our Parental Involvement Policy and School/Student/Parent Compact?  What is “Parents Right to Know”?  How are Title I Funds used?  How can I be a more involved game changer?  Meeting Wrap up


4 The Mission drives the Work! MISSION DRIFT – the effect of choosing the “easy way” instead of the “right way” - what we get when we allow convenience to determine how we teach our students & raise our children. If we remain mission driven, the things we desire for our kids will line up with the possibilities that are in store for them.

5 THE MISSION DRIVES THE WORK! When we decided to do what’s right, not what’s easy, when we decide to stick to the mission and pattern the work we do after the mission, we will be victorious in our efforts and our children will thrive! This mission is important! It’s the most important job we will ever have.

6 WHAT IS TITLE I? A grant than helps us fund programs for children, teachers, and parents. School-wide program Based on percentage of children from economically disadvantaged families. $251,790 for College Park ES 2 Instructional Coaches & Parent Liaison Materials and supplies Staff professional development

7 WHAT IS OUR SCHOOL’S STATUS? CCRPI  The College and Career Ready Performance Index :  how a school is doing.  100 point scale  Achievement (70% of the total CCRPI score),  Progress (15% of the total CCRPI score points possible) and  Achievement Gap (15% of the total CCRPI score points possible).  Current score is based on data from the 2013-14 school year.

8 WHAT’S OUR SCHOOL’S STATUS? We have no score – we’re a new school…

9 …but…  72.7 for Elementary Schools in the State CCRPI  73.3 for Elementary in Fulton  Conley Hills = 73.5  Harriet Tubman = 76 …not awful…but we can do BETTER!

10 WHAT IS OUR PLAN?  Village mindset –  Our children are worth saving  The work is not about US, it’s about those whom we serve  This is a call to action!  Focus on intentionally challenging instruction: Subject integrationeffective instruction Engaging students on high levelslooking at data Building healthier community (teachers, students, family & community)

11 PARENT INVOLVEMENT POLICY Parental involvement always has been a centerpiece of Title I. Participation of parents in regular, two-way, and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities, including ensuring— that parents play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning; that parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education at school

12 PARENT INVOLVEMENT  Partners in education (making decisions) School Governance Council, PTA, etc.  Ensure that other activities are carried out, such as those described in section 1118 of the ESEA (Parental Involvement). [Section 9101(32), ESEA.]  Funding as part of the grant (at least 1%)

13 PARENT’S RIGHT TO KNOW:  Right to request teacher qualifications  Notified if child has been taught by a non-highly qualified teacher for more than four weeks


15 JOIN US IN THE EFFORT! To your suggestions for improvement Ideas for increased parent participation Thanks for your time!

16 SGC ELECTIONS Please visit the tables in the lobby for your ballot!

17 CURRICULUM NIGHT ROOM ASSIGNMENTS Pre-K: room 164 Kindergarten: Cafeteria 1 st: room 251 2nd: room264 3 rd : 352 4 th : room 361 5th: 366


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