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New Teacher Inservice August 26, 2016 Understanding by Design Link to PowerPoint.

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Presentation on theme: "New Teacher Inservice August 26, 2016 Understanding by Design Link to PowerPoint."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Teacher Inservice August 26, 2016 Understanding by Design Link to PowerPoint

2 To assist teachers with planning using an UbD model with emphasis on: Learning targets Alignment Engagement Assessment Purpose:

3 Traditionally Teachers... Identified content to be taught Decided what activities the kids would do with little regard to alignment Organized the activities / Gathered the resources Students... Completed the activities Wrote the test Teachers... Assign the grades Plan the activities for the next unit

4 UbD Overview Stage 1 big ideas Stage 2 assessment Stage 3 learning plan Writing & Planning

5 ... is a framework for designing curriculum units, performance assessments and instruction that lead students to deep understanding of content

6 UbD provides a planning process that... Clarifies learning outcomes

7 Teaches for understanding

8 Promotes purposeful planning with the end in mind from the beginning

9 Provides structure for kids and educators

10 Invites students to think more deeply



13 The Five Minute University

14 Look at the Big Picture 40 days from now 40 months from now 40 years from now

15 Do these lessons lead to ‘deep understanding’? Why? Why not?

16 UN Debate Coverage-focused Teaching Teacher 1 is focused on “getting through” the material Johnny Appleseed Activity-focused Teaching Teacher 2 is focused on keeping students active and engaged. Neither model encourages higher level thinking. Any understanding that happens is essentially a piece of good luck.

17 3 Stages of “Backward” Design Stage 1 Identify desired results Stage 2 Determine acceptable evidence Stage 3 Plan learning

18 Stage 1 Identify Desired Results From curriculum outcomes and indicators, Identify what students will know, do and understand. Determine what “big ideas / enduring understandings” students will understand by the end of the unit? Create “essential questions” that lead to the big idea or enduring understanding.

19 KUD Content Noun

20 KUD Skills Verb

21 KUD Enduring Understanding

22 What does unwrapping look like?

23 Health – Grade 8 Outcome: 8.2 Analyze how personal prejudices/biases, and habits of mind shape assumptions about family identities, structures, roles and responsibilities. Indicators: a. Describe a variety of family structures (eg. nuclear, mixed, childless, foster, same-sex, single parent, extended). e. Explore the expectations that parents/caregivers and children/youth have of one another. j. Recognize, name and challenge instances of inequity, bias, intolerance, and discrimination related to family identities, structures, roles and responsibilities.

24 Health – Grade 8 Outcome: 8.2 Analyze how personal prejudices/biases, and habits of mind shape assumptions about family identities, structures, roles and responsibilities. Indicators: a. Describe a variety of family structures (eg. nuclear, mixed, childless, foster, same-sex, single parent, extended). e. Explore the expectations that parents/caregivers and children/youth have of one another. j. Recognize, name and challenge instances of inequity, bias, intolerance, and discrimination related to family identities, structures, roles and responsibilities.

25 Health – Grade 8 Outcome: 8.2 Analyze how personal prejudices/biases, and habits of mind shape assumptions about family identities, structures, roles and responsibilities. Indicators: a. Describe a variety of family structures (eg. nuclear, mixed, childless, foster, same-sex, single parent, extended). e. Explore the expectations that parents/caregivers and children/youth have of one another. j. Recognize, name and challenge instances of inequity, bias, intolerance, and discrimination related to family identities, structures, roles and responsibilities.

26 Students will KNOW (nouns) Family structures Expectations Parents/caregivers Children/youth Inequity, bias, intolerance and discrimination Family identities, structures, roles and responsibilities Prejudices/biases Assumptions Students will DO (verbs) Analyze Describe Explore Recognize Name Challenge

27 Bloom’s Adapted by Anderson and Krathwohl, 2001

28 Students will KNOW (nouns) Family structures Expectations Parents/caregivers Children/youth Inequity, bias, intolerance and discrimination Family identities, structures, roles and responsibilities Prejudices/biases Assumptions Students will DO (verbs) Analyze Describe Explore Recognize Name Challenge 4 2 4 1 1 4-5

29 Now It’s Your Turn Choose an outcome & indicators from your curriculum Highlight the indicators you will target (4-5) Record the student knows and dos

30 Enduring Understandings Big Ideas

31 Are the following examples of Enduring Understandings? Numbers are concepts that enable people to represent quantities, sequences, and rates Art addresses universal themes of human existence Different conditions require dietary restrictions Water covers three-fourths of the earth’s surface Studying other languages and cultures offers insights into our own Donald Trump as president will have a negative impact on Canada

32 Essential Questions They have no one obvious right answer They raise other important questions They address the philosophical or conceptual foundation of a discipline They are about concepts, not skills They reoccur naturally throughout our lives They are framed to provoke and sustain student interest They cannot be googled They lead students to the big idea

33 Are the following examples of Essential Questions? What is the relationship between popularity and greatness in literature? When was the Canadian Bill of Rights signed and by whom? Must heroes be flawless? What is hibernation? What is a linear equation? Is prejudice more a view of class or race? What is a true friend? How does a politician’s hair style influence voters?

34 Now It’s Your Turn Write one Enduring Understanding Write an Essential Question that might be posed at the beginning of a unit relevant to the outcome

35 Fist to Five

36 The Housewarming How can we make connections for our students to make learning more relevant?

37 Stage 2 Determine Evidence of Understanding How are we going to assess that the students have understood and achieved the enduring understandings? IF THEY UNDERSTOOD, THEN THEY SHOULD BE ABLE TO...

38 How Can You Measure Learning?




42 A Case Study Mr. Smith can’t believe it. He’s just about finished writing his report cards. He has just a few reports left when he realizes that he doesn’t have enough evidence of learning for these students – a couple were away when key assignments were due, another one seemed to disappear when he was making observation notes and yet another student has had difficulties staying focused. One of the students is on the list to be assessed for learning assistance. 1. What are the issue(s) here? 2. What does Mr. Smith need to think about?

43 40 - 40 - 40

44 The Quiz How can assessment serve to promote learning, not simply measure it?

45 Now It’s Your Turn Assessment Evidence – Triangulation Conversation, Observation, Product

46 Stage 3 Design Learning Activities Plan the instructional activities to meet the desired results: What will the learning environment look like? What do you need to teach it ? What teaching strategies and resources will you use? How does it match up with the desired performance tasks? What is the best order of lesson activities? How can you make the learning process engaging & effective given the desired results & evidence needed?

47 Living Sky’s Curriculum Connections

48 Now It’s Your Turn Learning Plan

49 Sharing– with someone in a similar subject or close grade or consultant with a consultant


51 Born to Learn

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