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ECMWF/EUMETSAT NWP-SAF Satellite data assimilation Training Course 14-18 Mar 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "ECMWF/EUMETSAT NWP-SAF Satellite data assimilation Training Course 14-18 Mar 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECMWF/EUMETSAT NWP-SAF Satellite data assimilation Training Course 14-18 Mar 2016

2 Welcome Overview of the timetable Welcome packs and computer user IDs Feedback questionnaire emailed to Who are we and what do we do ? Tours depart from here and return to classroom for coffee and first lecture

3 Welcome Overview of the timetable Welcome packs and computer user IDs Feedback questionnaire emailed to Who are we and what do we do ? Tours depart from here and return to classroom for coffee and first lecture

4 Welcome !

5 Welcome Overview of the timetable Welcome packs and computer user IDs Feedback questionnaire emailed to Who are we and what do we do ? Tours depart from here and return to classroom for coffee and first lecture

6 Monday 14th March Tuesday 15th March Wednesday 16th March Thursday 17th March Friday 18th March 9:30…10:45 Welcome, course overview and meet the students 9:30…10:45 The infrared spectrum - measurement, modelling and information content Tony McNally 9:30…10:45 GPS Radio Occulation: Extended applications Sean Healy 9:30…10:45 Observation errors for satellite data assimilation Niels Bormann 9:30…10:45 Satellites for environmental monitoring and forecasting Richard Engelen Break 10:45…11:15 11:15…12:30 Theoretical background (1) What do satellites measure ? Tony McNally 11:15…12:30 GPS Radio Occulation: Principles and NWP use Sean Healy 11:15…12:30 The detection and assimilation of clouds in infrared radiances Tony McNally 11:15…12:30 Background errors for satellite data assimilation Tony McNally 11:15…12:30 Systematic errors, monitoring and auto-alert systems Mohamed Dahoui Lunch 12:30 …14:00 14:00…15:15 Theoretical background (2) Data assimilation algorithms, Key elements and inputs Tony McNally 14:00…15:15 Satellite information on the ocean surface (SCAT) Giovanna De Chiara 14:00…15:15 The detection and assimilation of clouds and rain in microwave radiances Alan Geer 14:00…15:15 Satellite information on the land surface Patricia De Rosnay 14:00…15:15 Current satellite observing network and its future evolution Stephen English Break 15:15…15:45 15:45…17:00 The microwave spectrum, - measurement, modelling and information content Alan Geer 15:45…17:00 A Practical guide to IR and MW radiative transfer – using the RTTOV model and GUI James Hocking (UK Met Office) 15:45…17:00 Wind information from satellites (Atmospheric Motion Vectors) Katie Lean 15:45…17:00 1D-Var theory, simulator + practical session on background and observation errors Tony McNally 15:45…17:00 Question and answer session, course evaluation close 17:30 Cocktail Party 17:00…17:30 Practical extension period 17:00…17:30 Practical extension period 17:00…17:30 Practical extension period

7 Welcome Overview of the timetable Welcome packs and computer user IDs Feedback questionnaire emailed to Who are we and what do we do ? Tours depart from here and return to classroom for coffee and first lecture

8 Welcome Overview of the timetable Welcome packs and computer user IDs Feedback questionnaire emailed to Students - who are we and what do we do ? Tours depart from here and return to classroom for coffee and first lecture

9 Welcome Overview of the timetable Welcome packs and computer user IDs Feedback questionnaire emailed to Who are we and what do we do ? Tours depart from here and return to classroom for coffee and first lecture

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