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Presentation on theme: "Losana Korovulavula GOVERNANCE DIMENSIONS OF HIV/AIDS."— Presentation transcript:


2 Purpose Risks to Women (and Men) Advocates/Champions of HIV/AIDS What is the role of local government?

3 Why a gender approach? Men and women face: Different risk factors; Different impact of the pandemic Implications for care, strategies for prevention and coping mechanisms

4 HIV/AIDS affects men and women differently Women Drop out of school Need to find food, medicines and other necessities Women are more affected than men – burden (wife, carer and HIV-positive) Strategies are more male oriented

5 HIV/AIDS affects men and women differently Men also vulnerable due to expectation of Masculinity Number and variety of sexual partners Self-reliant socialization Men who have Sex with Men

6 Women and Girls Risk Factors Biological vulnerability Social and cultural vulnerability Economic vulnerability Not able to avoid risky situations Sugar daddies, transactional sex, sex work Lack of money to pay for prevention and treatment

7 How women and men interact Domination over womenDefer to male authority; lower social status Sexually activeIgnorant about sex Control decision making concerning sex No control on when, how, with whom to have sex Multiple partners essential to mens nature Virgin, faithful; have to stick to one man Have to prove their manhoodHave to prove their motherhood

8 How women and men interact Real men take risks: expected to use drugs, alcohol Engage in risky behaviour to please men Supposed to have relevant info about sex Little information concerning their reproductive roles Supposed to be strong, daring and muscular Supposed to be fragile

9 IMPACTS OF HIV/AIDS Impacts Hinders development, heavy toll on families Stretch resources of welfare and health sectors Erase decades of health, economic and social progress Women are hardest hit – triple burden Increased poverty and hunger Reduction in growth rate of labour force -affect agriculture, health, education, sectors

10 Each one of us is responsible Women as leaders in your communities In your role as business/market vendors/workplace, councillors HIV does not discriminate It can affect your loved one – need to be advocates/champions Provide information and break the silence Be positive and open minded ADVOCATES/CHAMPIONS FOR HIV/AIDS?

11 Advocates for change, champions Speak to Local Govt and also do your part as a leader Local Govt to listen more to the voices of the people, esp marginalised and meet their needs Raise awareness and help to have better service delivery Need to start questioning things and not accept readily; Ensure that women and young people are represented when decisions are made All leaders; Advocate for good Leadership Hold Local Government accountable WHAT CAN WE DO TO ASSIST LOCAL GOVERNMENT?

12 Commitment Political will and commitment from Councillors and you as Leaders Parental support and advice Everyones responsibility (leadership, support, care, love etc) The choice to be responsible is the first step to freedom and peace of mind

13 Engage Local Government, church, sports and communities in prevention work; Break the silence and talk about issues; Involve men and Local Govt actively in HIV prevention work; Ensure that people have a voice through development and participation Get real and understand issues well in own municipalities or communities. Change the way things are normally done and be adventurous and creative and try new things WHAT CAN WE DO?

14 A New Level of Thinking « Our current problems cannot be solved with the same level of thinking which created them. » Albert Einstein

15 Insanity « Insanity consists in doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results each time » Rita Mae Brown

16 Taking the powerful view (Transformational Leadership) When something happens we dont like, we have a choice of how to view it -- we can look out through the window at who did it to us or look in the mirror at ourselves looking at what we did or did not do. Message: Transformational Leadership starts with you – the individual! THE ANSWER LIES WITHIN!

17 Our Role How do we empower our Local Government to be effective leaders in the midst of uncertainty and change?


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