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Published byDorthy Caldwell Modified over 8 years ago
Present and Future of LEPS and LEPS2 Takashi Nakano (RCNP, Osaka Univ.) for the LEPS&LEPS2 collaboration HYP2015, September 8th, 2015 1
Outline LEPS Overview Some recent results HD target LEPS2 Overview First experiment Summary 2
Laser Electron Photon beamline at SPring-8 3 Operated since 2000.
Backward-Compton Scattered Photon 4 PWO measurement tagged Linear Polarization of beam photon energy [GeV]photon energy [MeV] 8 GeV electrons in SPring-8 + 350nm(260nm) laser maximum 2.4 GeV(2.9 GeV) photon Laser Power ~6 W Photon Flux ~1 Mcps E measured by tagging a recoil electron E >1.4 GeV, E ~10 MeV Laser linear polarization 95-100% ⇒ Highly polarized beam
LEPS spectrometer K-K- K+K+ DC3 DC2 DC1 Beam Start counter (STC) SSD AC ・ Dipole magnet : 0.7 Tesla ・ Acceptance : Hori : ± 20° Vert : ± 10° ・ AC index : 1.03 (reject 0.6 GeV/c π ) x z y ・ E γ = 1.5 ~ 2.4 GeV ・ tagger rate : ~10 6 cps ・ trigger rate : ~ 100 cps
γ n p K+K+ K-K- p n Θ+Θ+ spectator signal events γ n p K+K+ K-K- p n Λ(1520) spectator reference events Θ + study at LEPS Θ + production via γd → K - Θ + → K - K + pn Spectator can not escape from the target. signal events : γn → K - K + n reference events : γp → K - K + p n/p separation is possible by improving the proton detection efficiency.
Effect of proton rejection proton rejection cut z-vertex cut 90% of proton events (with a neutron spectator) are identified by selecting events stemming from the downstream part of the target. Enhancement is seen in the Θ + signal region. Repeat the experiment with improved proton detection efficiency. 2003-04 & 2006-07 data
Large STC (LSTC) x : 780 mm y : 340 mm z : 10 mm Large STC (LSTC) x : 780 mm y : 340 mm z : 10 mm Small STC x : 150 mm y : 94 mm z : 5 mm Small STC x : 150 mm y : 94 mm z : 5 mm 2006 - 20072013 - 2014
proton detection with STC Proton detection efficiency is improved by using large-area start counter (STC) in 2013-2014 run. energy loss at STC p K+K+ K-K- n K+K+ K-K- or proton untagged with STC p K+K+ K-K- proton tagged with STC signal K +,K - detect K +,K - detect K +,K -,p detect K +,K -,p detect 2006 - 2007 LH 2 2013 - 2014 LH 2 K +,K - detect K +,K - detect K +,K -,p detect K +,K -,p detect
2006 - 2007 90% point 2013 - 2014 90% point 2006 - 20072013 - 2014 efficiency becomes ~90 % for events with z-vertex > -960 mm for 2006-07 data with z-vertex > -1040 mm for 2013-14 data z-vertex [mm] Counts : 2006 - 2007 LH 2 : 2013 - 2014 LH 2 z-vertex point dependence Overall proton detection efficiency is: ~60% for 2006-7data ~85% for 2013-14 data Events from LH2 target. Measured proton detection efficiency
γp → K + X γd → K + X 2006 - 2007 2013 - 2014 2006 - 2007 2013 - 2014 MM(K + ) [GeV/c 2 ] Counts assuming proton mass for missing mass calculation Quality of K + missing mass spectra are the almost same. K + missing mass spectra
S.Y. Ryu, phD thesis, 2015
Kaonic nuclei search 17 K/K * Virtual K, K * p p n n N N N N K K π direct K-exchange is forbidden in (π +,Κ + ) reaction. π+π+ Κ+Κ+ K0K0 K-N interaction is strongly attractive (I=0). weakly attractive (I=1). KNN bound state (K - pp, K - pn, K - nn)
K - pp search via + d K + + + X From likelihood ratio method; = 20 MeV : 0.17 - 0.55 b = 60 MeV : 0.55 - 1.7 b = 100 MeV : 1.1 - 2.9 b n Search region 2.22 – 2.36 GeV/c 2 Significant peak cannot be observed. ~ 10% of Q.F. processes MM(K + - ) Upper limit of cross section (95% C.L.) ~10% of Q.F processes So far, no peak was observed in inclusive modes. We will try to detect decay products. → Larger acceptance, LEPS2.
Development of HD polarized target RCNP ~100 km
Calibration data taken in Dec. T=0.52 K T=4.2 K P H = 44 +- 1 % Measurements Time (day) = 239 +- 66 days about 8 months T = 300 mK B = 1 Tesla P P P H Polarization & Relaxation time in HD
Recoil electron (tagging) LEP (GeV -ray) Laser room Inside SR bldg 30m long line 8 GeV electron Laser Outside SR bldg Experimental bldg Beam dump BGOegg LEPS2 spectrometer Storage ring 10 times high intensity: Multi-laser injection & Laser beam shaping Best e-beam divergence (12 rad) Photon beam does not spread out Construct experimental apparatus outside SR bldg Backward Compton scattering BGO EM calorimeter Large LEPS2 spectrometer using BNL/E949 magnet expect better resolutions ~135 m
BL31 =14 rad. BL33 =58 rad. Reaction region (30m) Reaction region (7.8m) Tagging point e- e- e- e- Divergence of LEP beam Better divergence Better tagging resolution Smaller beam size at long distance LEPSLEPS2
LEPS2 Detector 24 TPC DC counter RPC TOP B=1 T : p/p 1% for TPC Prototype Residual RMS=117 m RPC ToF time distribution 2.22 m 5 m >3 K/ separation @1.1 GeV/c 2
+ Search at LEPS2 25 pK s invariant mass K * missing mass (t-channel K-exchange is possible) No Fermi motion correction. No φ background. To measure angular dependence of production rate in large angle region, up to CLAS acceptance. A large acceptance and better resolution detector is necessary.
γ ‘n’ → K - Θ + → K - K 0 s p → K - π + π - p K- π p LEPS1 CLAS LEPS2 Wide acceptance for K -. Covers CLAS acceptance. K - ID in p < 1.4 GeV/c. Large acceptance for multi-particle productions. Search for Θ + in the invm(K 0 s p). No need for Fermi-motion correction. No background 。 E γ = 2.4 GeV Expected invariant mass resolution 26
Two pole structure of (1405) 27 D. Jido, et al. NPA725(2003) V.K. Magas, E. Oset and A. Ramos, PRL 95
E K* K p K-K- K*(890) Λ(1405) photoproduction with linearly polarized photon 28
E K* K p K-K- K*(890) Λ(1405) photoproduction with linearly polarized photon T.Hyodo et. al, PLB593 29
Exp. hall was constructed. (2010.Oct-2012Jan) Installation of the E949 magnet (2011.Nev-Dec) counters were installed. (2012.June) Beam pipe (2012.May) 30
Comparison of LEPS and LEPS2 LEPSLEPS2 Beam Intensity (~2.4 GeV)2~3x10 6 (2 lasers)<10 7 (4 high-power lasers) Beam Intensity (~2.9 GeV)2~3x10 5 (2 lasers)<10 6 (4 high-power lasers) PolarizationLinear/Circular Detector Area42m 2 x 3m(h)198m 2 x 10m(h) Charged Particle Acceptance 0~30 degrees7~120 degrees Momentum Resolution0.5% (for 1-GeV kaon)1~1.5% (for 1-GeV kaon) Photon Coveragenone30~110 degrees 31
Experimental Setup 32 BGOegg Inner Plastic Scintillator (IPS) Drift Chamber (DC) Resistive Plate Chamber (RPC) Cylindrical Drift Chamber (CDC) Target 6.8 z=0 m 1.28 m E949 -counter 2 m (Vertical) x 3.2 m (Horizontal) 6.8 z=12.5 m 21 E949 Magnet z=1.6 m Upstream Charge Veto Counter Tagged Photon Energy : 1.3 – 2.4 GeV (355 nm UV laser) Tagged Photon Intensity : 1.4 – 1.8 Mcps (3 or 4 laser injection) From 2015A UpVeto counter has been enlarged since 2015 Jan.
BGO-Egg : constructed @ ELPH, Tohoku U. Large acceptance photon detector (BGO-Egg) 1320 BGO crystals Covering 24 o ~144 o polar angle 1.3% energy resolution for 1 GeV
Summary of Data Collection 34 PeriodTarget Integrated # of ’s (tagged E region) = tagger counts dead time corr. DAQ eff. 2014A (Apr. July) Carbon/CH 2 [20 mm] C: 1.31 10 12, CH 2 : 1.58 10 12 (In total, C: 4.29 10 12, CH 2 : 2.56 10 12 ) Additionally, empty target 2014B (Nov. Feb.) LH 2 [40 mm] Hori: 2.24 10 12, Vert: 2.01 10 12 Additionally, empty target & nuclear targets 2015A (Apr. July) Carbon [20 mm] 9.77 10 12 (Vert: 8.97 10 12 ) Additionally, empty target & CH 2 target All the detector systems have been stably operated in 2015A.
Experimental setup 35 γ + 12 C -> η’ x 11 B + p 12.5m 7°7° 24 ° 144 ° BGOegg calorimeter Forward TOF target Tagging counter Storage Ring LEPS2 building Drift Chamber Tracking e-e- 150 MeV H.Nagahiro et al. PRC74(2006)45203
γ + 12 C -> η’ x 11 B + p Experimental method 36 Identify η’ production by η tag BGOegg calorimeter 1m 2 γ 3π 0 ->6 γ → → η (39%) 2m 3.2m Search for a bound state Forward TOF 12.5m from the target Vert : ± 7 ° Hori: ± 4 ° (33%)
Expected energy spectrum 37 2.4 GeV γ 0°0° NJL model calculation No shift -1001000 bound 150MeV shift ΔE=28MeV bound multi π Secondary η E ex -E 0 (MeV) ΔE=28MeV η tag (6 γ ) E ex -E 0 (MeV) H. Nagahiro Small background See signals in bound region counts
η tag by BGOegg (C target run) 3π 0 invariant mass 3 neutral cluster combinations minimizing η -> 3 π 0 -> 6 γ decay mode BGOegg cluster = 6 or 7 3π 0 InvM (MeV) 2 γ InvM (MeV) Energy re-calculate sigma 8.0±0.1MeV (PDG:547.9MeV) η tag (3σ)side band (3-6σ) Choose best π 0 combination small combinatorial (multi π) BG mean 548.0±0.1MeV 110-160MeV 2 γ invariant mass
Proton missing mass spectra γ + 12 C -> X + p (γ + 12 C -> η’ x 11 B + p) Mx – M 11B - M η’ η tag (signal region masked) missM ’ (MeV ) large η related BG ηX (ηπ, ηππ) secondary η (πN→ηN) MC simulation missM(MeV) side band 20MeV/bin Signal region (-200~200MeV) masked cos (ηp Opening angle) -200 < MisM <200MeV masked no events in < -0.9 cosOpen
Mass spectra from CH 2 target run 6-gamma missing mass 2-gamma missing mass MeV Select proton 6-gamma invariant mass2-gamma invariant mass MeV require and ’’
Combination of BGOegg and RPC(TOF) Proton missing mass for 2 gammas Momentum conservation Invariant mass and proton missing mass Invariant mass of 2 gammas Invariant mass of 6 gammas Proton missing mass for 6 gammas By using both BGOegg and RPC, background events are cleaned up. MeV ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ require and presented by T. Nam@SNP
Summary 42 LEPS Updates on Θ +, interference, kaonic nuclei search. Development of the HD target LEPS2 x10 luminosity. ~10Mcps. Two different experimental setups. Solenoid spectrometer Θ +, Λ(1405) BGO EGG + TOF(RPC) Backward meson production from proton and nuclei BGO EGG experiment was started last year.
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