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 Substance abuse includes the use of illegal substances, as well as the misuse of legal substances.

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2  Substance abuse includes the use of illegal substances, as well as the misuse of legal substances.

3  Substance abuse: Any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for non-medical purposes  Illegal drugs: Chemical substances that people of any age may not lawfully manufacture possess, buy, or sell  Using illegal drugs is a crime called illicit drug use (the use or sale of any substance that it illegal or otherwise not permitted)

4  Peer pressure  Family members  Role models  Media messages  Perceptions of drug behavior- According to the CDC, more than 70% of 9 th graders have never used marijuana  Misleading information

5  Illegal drug use can lead to death  Physical Health – risk of overdose (a strong sometimes fatal reaction to taking a large amount of a drug)  Mental Health – impairs ability to reason and think  Social Health – may lose friendships with persons who choose to live drug-free, family member relationships suffer

6  Unwanted physical reactions that may result in death: Tolerance: body becomes accustomed to the drug; need more to achieve desired effect Psychological dependence: person believes that drug is needed in order to feel good or function normally Physiological dependence: develops chemical need for drug Addiction: Physiological or psychological dependence on drug

7  Individual: may stop pursuing their interests and goals engage in risky behavior Leading factor in depression and suicide  Friends & Family: Lose interest in healthy activities Stop spending time with friends & family  Others: Affects developing fetus in pregnancies  Society: Drug related crime Violence DWI / DUI

8  Marijuana: plant whose leaves, buds, and flowers are usually smoked for their intoxicating effects  Considered GATEWAY DRUG – to try more dangerous drugs  The effects of marijuana use varies from person to person and can be influenced by a person’s mood and surroundings

9 Hallucinations & Paranoia Impaired short-term memory, reaction time, concentration, and coordination Lung irritation, coughing Heart and lung damage Increased risk of lung cancer Weakened immune system Increased appetite Increased risk of stillbirth and birth defects Changed hormone levels In females, risk of infertility In males, lowered sperm count and testosterone levels

10  Physical: same health risks as tobacco smokers Contains the same cancer-causing chemicals found in tobacco smoke Damage to respiratory system  Mental & Emotional: Dopamine: Chemical produces pleasurable feeling; marijuana triggers release of so much user experiences feeling of intense well-being – “High” “Crash” when sensation stops Slowed mental reflexes & feelings of anxiety or paranoia (an irrational suspiciousness or distrust of others) Short-term memory affected, trouble thinking and problem solving

11  Inhalants: substances whose fumes are sniffed or inhaled to give effect Can cause death of brain cells Depress the central nervous system  Effects:  Glassy stare, slurred speech, impaired judgment, nausea, coughing, nosebleeds, fatigue, and lack of coordination  Long Term effects: liver & kidney damage, blindness, brain damage, paralysis, cardiac arrest, and death Some inhalants prescribed by doctors for allergies, asthma, or other medical conditions

12  PSA on Inhalants  8Y2u0 8Y2u0  Parent’s of kids killed by huffing  RoIsFY RoIsFY

13  Anabolic-androgenic steroids: synthetic substances similar to male sex hormones Anabolic = muscle building Androgenic = increased male characteristics  Roid Rage: Outbursts of anger and hostility caused by steroid use

14  Psychoactive drugs: chemicals that affect the central nervous system and alter activity in the brain  Consequences of use: health problems and addiction, violence, STDs, unintended pregnancy, and suicide Four main groups (Figure 22.7, page 604)  1. Stimulants  2. Depressants  3. Opiates  4. Hallucinogens

15  Club drug – drugs found at concerts, dance clubs, and drug parties called “raves”. Drugs are sometimes disguised in foods or slipped into drinks and taken without person’s knowledge  Designer drugs: synthetic drugs that are made to imitate the effects of other drugs Synthetic – means made in a lab Can be several hundred times stronger than the drugs they imitate

16  An illegal psychoactive drug that has a stimulating effect and the ability to cause hallucinations.  May cause short-term euphoria (feeling of intense well-being or elation)  Similar to methamphetamine and mescaline (drugs known to cause brain damage)  General taken as a pill, but also snorted or injected ure=bf_next&list=PLEF2C175A8C043896&lf=results_ main

17  Confusion  Depression  Insomnia  Severe anxiety  Paranoia  Extreme fear

18  Muscle tension  Involuntary teeth clenching  Nausea  Blurred vision  Faintness  Chills  Sweating  Increase in heart rate and blood pressure  LONG-TERM effects on brain: memory and pleasure center of the brain.  Effects of ecstasy last 3-6 hours.  Allows users to dance for long periods of time: HEAT STROKE, increasing risk for dehydration, heart, or kidney failure

19  Pacifiers and suckers control teeth-grinding  Strobe lights enhance the hallucinogenic effects  Candy dispensers are used to hide ecstasy tablets

20  Stimulant: drugs that speed up the central nervous system  Meth (Methamphetaine): white, odorless powder that easily dissolves in alcohol or water Made in make-shift labs  LSD (ACID): lysergic acid diethylamide; causes hallucinations or severely distorted perceptions of sound and color  Cocaine: rapidly acting, powerful and highly addictive stimulant Experience a surge of self-confidence followed by an emotional let down  Crack: more dangerous form of cocaine Smoked or injected – reaches brain in seconds  Amphetamines: highly addictive; used to stay alert, improve athletic performance, or lose weight

21  ayKrCvE&feature=related ayKrCvE&feature=related  Meth Users

22  Depressants: sedatives; drugs that tend to slow the central nervous system  Rohypnol or “Roofies”: colorless, odorless, and tasteless “Date-rape” drug  GHB: Gamma hydroxybutyric acid similar to Rohypnol  Ketamine: anesthetic used to treat animals Can cause respiratory failure

23 Barbiturates: sedatives that are rarely used for medical purposes Tranquilizers: relieve anxiety, muscle spasms, sleeplessness, and nervousness

24  Hallucinogen: drugs that alter moods, thoughts, and sense perceptions, including vision, hearing, smell, and touch Altered mental states - the effects may last several days  PCP (Angel Dust): Most dangerous of all drugs and effects vary from user to user Distorted sense of time, increased feeling of violence, and inability to feel pain Flashbacks can occur at any time  DXM (Tussin): Cough suppressant in over the counter medicine  Mushrooms (Psilocybin) & Peyote (peyote cactus): hallucinogens found in nature Hallucinations, nausea, flashbacks Death may result from harvested toxic species

25  Opiates: drugs such as those derived form the opium plant that are obtainable only by prescription and used to relieve pain  Codeine: highly addictive ingredient in some prescription cough medicines Causes dizziness, labored breathing, low blood pressure, seizures, and respiratory arrest  Morphine: drug stronger than codeine to treat severe pain for short period of time  Heroin: processed form of morphine that is injected, snorted, or smoke Slows breathing & pulse rate  Oxycodone: drug that helps relieve moderate to severe pain (OxyContin)


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