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My Mystery Country By Mr. Manion

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1 My Mystery Country By Mr. Manion

2 9/29/2016 Basic Facts About My Country Population – 153 million Life Expectancy – 63 Years Infant Mortality Rate – 57 per 1,000 Literacy Rate – Male: 54%, Female: 32% GDP Per Capita – $1,400 Major Religions – Muslim (83%) & Hindu (16%) Motorized Vehicles – 2 per 1,000 People Capital – Dhaka Independence – Dec. 16, 1971 * Information based on CIA World Factbook

3 9/29/2016 People & Dress This young village boy to the right is from my country. The “skirt” he is wearing is called a Lungi. Lungis are a very common item of clothing in my country.

4 9/29/2016 Food This food item is called dal. It is made from a pea/bean type of crop called pulses. Dal and rice are the two main food items in my country.

5 9/29/2016 Transportation The people of my country generally travel by bus, boat, & bike. Very few people from my country own a car. Photos from

6 Landscape & Climate Due to the tropical climate, people dress in light clothing. My country has a very green and lush landscape, but flooding can often be an issue. About 2/3 of the people in my country are farmers - growing rice, tea, & mustard. Many others work as fishermen.

7 Living Conditions My country has pretty poor living conditions. The picture to the left shows businesses run out of shack-type buildings on a busy, muddy street. The picture to the right shows a typical rural house made from bamboo and covered with a thatched roof.

8 9/29/2016 Current Issue My country is part of a low-lying region plagued by flooding, especially during monsoon season. This flooding typical destroys crops, roads, houses, and has caused the death of many people. The most recent floods occurred in 2004 and 2007.

9 My Country’s Current Leader The president of my mystery country is Prof. Iazuddin Ahmed. President Ahmed is about 77 years old. He was elected as president in 2002.

10 Currency The image below is of my country’s currency – the Taka. The 50 Taka bill below equals about 75 U.S. cents.

11 Location My country is located within the red boxed area to the right. My country only has two countries bordering it. My country is located on the Bay of Bengal.

12 My Country’s Flag The green in the flag symbolizes the greenery of my mystery country and its youthfulness. The red circle on the flag symbolizes the sun. It also serves as a memorial to those who shed their blood to help this country gain its independence.

13 Personal Choice History of My Country My country used to be part of a British colony known as British India. From 1955-1971, my country was known as East Pakistan. In 1971, my country achieved independence. On December 16, my country celebrates its Victory Day (Independence Day).

14 Can You Guess My Country?

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