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Aging in Cumberland Bill Shane, Town Manager March 25, 2016 1The 37th Annual Statewide Manager Interchange.

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Presentation on theme: "Aging in Cumberland Bill Shane, Town Manager March 25, 2016 1The 37th Annual Statewide Manager Interchange."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aging in Cumberland Bill Shane, Town Manager March 25, 2016 1The 37th Annual Statewide Manager Interchange

2 Aging in Cumberland How did we Start? Survey – Election Day & Mailing Devel2opment of a Leadership Team Set Realistic Priorities a. Tax Relief b. Rides c. Friends d. Monthly programing – 2X Partner with Churches e. Website & Calendar 2The 37th Annual Statewide Manager Interchange

3 Aging in Cumberland Survey American Community Survey ACS Cumberland 55+ Population = 30% or 2,200 40% of Senior Population responded 3The 37th Annual Statewide Manager Interchange

4 Aging in Cumberland Survey QuestionResponse Where They livedEqual to Town 60 -20 - 20 Mobility90% Drive Living by themselves or + 168% Best Describe Future Housing72% Stay in my Home Best Way for CommunicationBest – Email/ Newsletter Worst – Public Access Ch. 2 Town Signs Most Important IssuesTaxes & Affordable Housing 4The 37th Annual Statewide Manager Interchange

5 Aging in Cumberland Senior Forum 5The 37th Annual Statewide Manager Interchange

6 Aging in Cumberland Senior Forum – Happy Halloween! 6The 37th Annual Statewide Manager Interchange

7 Aging in Cumberland Programs Tea & Talk Mornings with Friends Every Month 7 The 37th Annual Statewide Manager Interchange

8 Aging in Cumberland Tax Program Maine Revised Statutes Title 36: TAXATION Chapter 907-A: AUTHORITY The legislative body of a municipality may by ordinance adopt a program to provide benefits to persons with homesteads in the municipality. A municipality may choose to restrict the program to persons who are at least 62 years of age 1. Conditions of program. A. Require that the claimant has a homestead in the municipality B. Provide benefits for both owners and renters of homesteads; and C. Calculate benefits in a way that provides greater benefits proportionally to claimants with lower incomes in relation to their property taxes accrued or rent constituting property taxes accrued. 8 The 37th Annual Statewide Manager Interchange

9 Aging in Cumberland Tax Program Cumberland Resident for Past 10 years 1 Refund per household Income tied to 90% Median Family HUD METRO – update annually $69k 62 years of age and maintain a homestead Affidavit Required Interview and documentation reviewed by Town Payments made by 4 th week in August Based on availability of funds 9The 37th Annual Statewide Manager Interchange

10 Aging in Cumberland Tax Program (Benefit base – 4% of Income) / 2 = Benefit Amount Income A 4 % B Max Benefit C Excess Property Tax over Income D 50% E Benefit F $69,000$2,760 A x.04 $3,350 $185K Home $590 C-A $295 D x.50 $295 $46,250$1,850$3,350$1,500$750$750(MAX) 10The 37th Annual Statewide Manager Interchange

11 Aging in Cumberland Lessons Learned Taxes always #1 concern Go Slow – 1 or 2 good programs versus “All Things to All People” “Truly Care” about your Programs For More Information Call Me – Bill Shane 829- 4264 11The 37th Annual Statewide Manager Interchange

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