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The New Deal. Objectives & Agenda Objectives: 1.Describe the policies and programs of the New Deal 2.Explain how the New Deal affected society during.

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Presentation on theme: "The New Deal. Objectives & Agenda Objectives: 1.Describe the policies and programs of the New Deal 2.Explain how the New Deal affected society during."— Presentation transcript:

1 The New Deal

2 Objectives & Agenda Objectives: 1.Describe the policies and programs of the New Deal 2.Explain how the New Deal affected society during the Great Depression and has influenced American society today. Agenda: 1.Do Now

3 Do Now- Page 175 You learned that during the Great Depression, 1 in 4 people was out of work. Every week, 100,000 workers across the country would loose their job. Question: What should the government do? Choose an answer and explain why you like this option. a)Encourage businesses to grow so they can hire more. Loans and tax relief should be provided to failing businesses b)Even though it will cost a lot, the govt. should start a public works project (construction of roads, bridges, etc.) to provide jobs to unemployed. c)Govt. should take control of all businesses and provide a job for every American.

4 Conservative, Radical, and Liberal solutions to the Great Depressions “Say that civilization is a tree, which as it grows, continually produced rot and dead wood. The radical says: ‘cut it down.’ The Conservative says: ‘don’t touch it.’ The Liberal compromises: ‘let’s prune, so that we lose neither the old trunk nor the new branches.” This campaign is waged to teach the country to march upon its appointed course… avoiding alike the revolution of radicalism and the the revolution of conservatism. - Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1932

5 Hoover’s Policy Hoover- Conservative approach “let it be” – No direct federal aid to the poor – Tries to stabilize wages and maintain jobs – Help the businesses to help the people – Some public works projects – Public discontent “Hooverville” “Hoover flags” (empty pockets sticking out)

6 Franklin D. Roosevelt FDR promises a “New Deal” in his campaign. A liberal approach The New Deal: government programs to relieve, employ, and insure Americans during the Great Depression – Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) – Securities and Exchange Commission – Social Security Act – The Works Progress Administration – Tennessee Valley Administration

7 Today’s Activity! Task: Become an expert on one New Deal Program, create and decorate a poster, and present it to the class. Instructions: 1.In your group of 4, gather information and complete the matrix for your section. 2.Design a Poster (15 minutes) * Your Poster should answer all questions on the matrix 1.What did the program do? Describe it 2.How does it impact Americans during the Depression? 3.What is the program’s legacy? (Where do we see it today?) 3.Present your poster and New Deal program to the class (3 minutes per group)

8 Processing Pretend you are an American during the Great Depression who has benefitted from one of the New Deal programs. Write a letter to FDR explaining how his program helped you and your family. Use specific details

9 1

10 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)


12 2

13 Securities and Trade Commission


15 3

16 Social Security Act


18 4

19 Works Progress Administration (WPA)


21 5

22 Tennessee Valley Authority



25 Federal Emergency Act


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