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How to make an effective presentation. We may not a great presenters but we are good listeners. So it will be easy to learn how to make others to listen.

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Presentation on theme: "How to make an effective presentation. We may not a great presenters but we are good listeners. So it will be easy to learn how to make others to listen."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to make an effective presentation

2 We may not a great presenters but we are good listeners. So it will be easy to learn how to make others to listen our presentation.

3 What the listeners need from a talk Before planning your talk think about its purpose, Don’t assume the audience will all be experts. Never underestimate your audience! Check on the time that has been allotted to you.

4 Powerpoint basics: 1. What font to use Type size should be 18 points or larger: 18 point 20 point 24 point 28 point 36 point


6 Powerpoint basics: 2. Color Dark letters against a light background are best for smaller rooms and for teaching. View your slides in grayscale to ensure that there is adequate color contrast in each slide.

7 Powerpoint basics: 2. Color Avoid red-green combinations because it is tough to see and understand words in red-green combination. Lots of people can’t read this – and even if they could, it makes your eyes hurt.

8 Powerpoint basics: 3. Layout Keep the layout and style as simple as possible Every slide should have a heading. Sentences are preferred if it’s possible to make a statement. Limit text blocks to no more than two lines each.

9 Powerpoint basics: 3. Layout Lists should contain no more than 3 items: Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Avoid sublists! Item 1 - Item 1a - Item 1b - Item 1c Item 2 - Item 2a - Item 2b Item 3

10 Powerpoint basics: 4. Style Try your best to include a simple image on every slide. Limit the number of items on each slide. Each slide should make just one or two points Don’t try to show too many slides.

11 Powerpoint basics: 5. Animations and sounds Do not use distracting animation Do not go overboard with the animation Be consistent with the animation that you use Sound effects may distract too Use sound only when necessary

12 Powerpoint basics: 6. Use Simple Graphs

13 Spelling and Grammar Proof your slides for: – speliing mistakes – the use of of repeated words – grammatical errors you might have make If English is not your first language, please have someone else check your presentation!

14 When Creating Text to support the communication Pictures to simplify complex concepts Animations for complex relationships Visuals to support, not to distract Sounds only when absolutely necessary Think about the people in the back of the room when creating slides

15 When Presenting Speak loudly and clearly with fluctuation Direct your words to all aspects of the room Maintain eye contact with your audience Ask questions of your audience – (if applicable) Don’t read the slides word-for-word, use them for reference

16 Closing Remarks Practice your presentation before a neutral audience – Ask for feedback Be particular about the time allotted for presentation Leave time for questions

17 Questions?? End your presentation with a simple question slide to: – Invite your audience to ask questions – Provide a visual aid during question period – Avoid ending a presentation abruptly

18 Conclusion So to conclude : Always prepare Channelize you fear Interact with your audience

19 Thank you

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