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Tempo.  Tempo is the speed of a piece of music.

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Presentation on theme: "Tempo.  Tempo is the speed of a piece of music."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tempo

2  Tempo is the speed of a piece of music.

3  There are two ways to indicate tempo. ◦ Metronome markings ◦ Verbal descriptions

4 A. Rhythm B. Speed C. Contour

5  Are absolute and specific  Given as beats per minute  Can be estimated using a clock, but the easiest way to find them (beats) is with a metronome

6  Metronomes come with tempo indications written on them.  A tempo marking that is a word or phrase gives the conductor an idea of how fast the music should feel. ◦ Ex: Andante (medium slow tempo)

7  Tempo depends on: ◦ Texture (tone quality) ◦ Complexity (difficulty) ◦ How often the beat gets divided ◦ How fast the beats themselves are

8  Traditionally, tempo instructions are given in Italian.

9  Can vary within a piece of music. ◦ If music speeds up, it is known as accelerando ◦ If music slows down it is known as rallentando or ritardando

10  Tempo changes are related to volume and dynamics

11  Largo: Slow & Broad  Adagio: Slow  Andante: “Walking” medium slow tempo  Moderato: Moderate/Medium  Allegro: Fast  Vivo / Vivace: Lively & brisk

12  Presto: Very fast  Prestissimo: very very fast

13 A. Beats per minute B. Syncopation C. Scales

14 A. The Clef musicians start on B. The tuning of the song C. How fast the music should feel

15 A. Spanish B. English C. Italian

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