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Death by PowerPoint (And how to avoid it). Death by PowerPoint

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Presentation on theme: "Death by PowerPoint (And how to avoid it). Death by PowerPoint"— Presentation transcript:

1 Death by PowerPoint (And how to avoid it)

2 Death by PowerPoint

3 “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” - Abraham Lincoln

4 Don’t Ever Do A Slide Like this!

5 The 5 Rules of Not Having the Worst PowerPoint Ever (most of which I will break on this slide, for emphasis) “No more than six words on a slide. EVER” (Godin, n.p.). “No cheesy images. Use professional stock photo images” (n.p.). “No dissolves, spins or other transitions” ( n.p.). Ditch the sound effects! No terrible color schemes or unreadable fonts! “When in doubt, throw it out!”

6 Friends don’t let friends use Comic Sans, Papyrus, or Curlz MT !

7 10:20:30 Rule

8 Example PowerPoint

9 Do you know how to format your backgrounds? Do you know how to format your backgrounds? Do you know how to use the preset templates and color schemes? Do you know how to use the preset templates and color schemes?

10 Works Cited Godin, Seth. How Can I Make My PowerPoint fjfjfjfjfPresentations Amazing? 20 fjfjfjfjfNov. 2013. Harker, Zoie. NCLB PowerPoint. BYU-Idaho. 20 Nov. fjfjfjfjf2013. Lincoln, Abraham. Quotes. 20 Nov. fjfjfjfjf2013. Pictures From:

11 Let’s Try a Sample Slide! Cite a Source- Owl at Purdue MLA Format Background Add a Picture Choose a Font/Color Add a Chart

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