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Published byLogan Goodwin Modified over 8 years ago
Welcome to Workforce 3 One U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration WIOA Consultation: Eligible Training Provider Requirements December 15, 2014
Agenda Purpose and Session Flow Overview of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Provisions Related to the Eligible Training Providers Discussion Questions Technical Assistance Tools and Resources Stakeholder Engagement 2
Purpose This WIOA consultation webinar is aimed to: Gather input from state and local workforce leaders and practitioners, workforce system partners, customers, and other stakeholders on key implementation topics; Inform development of regulations; and Inform technical assistance strategies to support implementation. Please note that ETA is gathering input from the field, and that you are always welcome to send comments and questions to Our Federal Partners (ED and HHS) are also collecting input, and we are working closely together on implementing the new legislation. 3
Session Flow The Department of Labor is in a “listening” mode. Submit your responses and input to the discussion questions through the chat feature. Responses will be reviewed and analyzed as we are developing draft regulations and planning future guidance issuance and technical assistance. 4
Overview of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act President Barack Obama signed WIOA into law on July 22, 2014. Passed by Congress with wide bipartisan majority (The Senate voted 93-5 and the House of Representatives voted 415-6). Reaffirms ongoing role of American Job Centers. Promotes program coordination and alignment of key employment, education, and training programs at the Federal, State, local, and regional levels. Builds on proven practices such as sector strategies, career pathways, regional economic approaches, work-based training. Complements and supports the President’s Job-Driven Workforce Vision. 5
Programs under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Supersedes the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 and retains and amends the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act, the Wagner-Peyser Act, and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Identifies “core programs”: – Adults, Dislocated Workers, and Youth formula programs and Wagner-Peyser employment services administered by the Department of Labor; and – Adult education and literacy programs and Vocational Rehabilitation state grant programs that assist individuals with disabilities in obtaining employment administered by the Department of Education. Authorizes the Job Corps, YouthBuild, Indian and Native Americans, and Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker programs, and evaluation and research activities conducted by DOL. 6
Highlights of Reforms to the Public Workforce System under the Act Requires states to strategically align workforce development programs to support job seekers and employers. Promotes accountability and transparency of programs. Fosters regional collaboration to meet the needs of regional economies. Streamlines and strengthens the strategic roles of workforce development boards. Enhances services provided to job seekers and employers through the American Job Center system. Improves services to employers and promotes work-based training. 7
Highlights of Reforms to the Public Workforce System under the Act Provides access to high quality training Enhances workforce services for the unemployed and other job seekers. Improves services to individuals with disabilities. Makes key investments in serving disconnected youth and other vulnerable populations, including Native Americans and Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers. Increases the performance and quality of the Job Corps program. Reinforces connections with Registered Apprenticeship. 8
Training Provider Eligibility Sections 116, 122 and 134 of WIOA establish the eligibility requirements for training providers, related performance reporting requirements, and prescribe the responsibilities for creating and disseminating a list of eligible training providers and information about their programs. States must develop a list of training providers that are eligible to receive WIOA Title I-B adult and dislocated worker training funds. The eligible entities may include institutions of higher education and other public and private providers of programs of training services. 9
Training Provider Eligibility The State list must be publicly disseminated with relevant information about each training provider and program. The list is a means to ensure the quality and market- relevancy of training programs and to ensure informed consumer choice for individuals seeking training. Governors must establish eligibility procedures and criteria for all providers, including the role of the local board. 10
Eligibility Procedures Eligibility criteria must take into account a set of statutorily-defined factors. Initial eligibility of new providers is limited to one fiscal year. Governor may establish a transition period for existing WIA-eligible providers to remain eligible through December 31, 2015. State procedures must include for a biennial review of providers as a condition for renewal of eligibility. Providers of Registered Apprenticeship programs must be included in the list so long as the program remains registered. 11
Eligible Training Provider Performance Reports Eligible training providers are required to provide student performance outcome data in State Eligible Training Provider Performance Reports. These reports include performance data on all individuals engaged in a program of study for the following common performance indicators: – Percentage of workers that entered employment at 2 qtrs after exit – Percentage of workers that entered employment at 4 qtrs after exit – Median wages of these workers – Credential attainment of these workers 12
Eligible Training Provider Performance Reports The report must also include: ◦the total number of individuals exiting the program, ◦several elements relating to the number of WIOA participants receiving and exiting training, ◦average cost, and ◦number of special populations served. 13
Other required data for the ETPL Performance Reports: The State must make the Performance Reports for eligible training providers publicly available (including any electronic means). ETA does not plan to waive these requirements. 14
General Discussion Questions – Training Provider Eligibility 1.What infrastructure do you have in place for managing the eligibility of training providers now? 2.Describe current mechanisms you have for getting training providers to provide performance data. 3.POLL: The ETP Performance Reports include primary performance information on all individuals engaged in a program. Will your state be able to obtain this information for all students? 15
General Discussion Questions continued: 4.The law requires States to make Eligible Training Provider Performance Reports publicly available (including electronic means). Have states developed similar consumer information reports or “scorecards” that may be shared as models? 5.The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) has presented a challenge for some training and education providers in sharing student data in order to cross-match with other data sources (wage records, State Directory of New Hires, etc.) to calculate student outcomes. Which states have overcome FERPA issues and how? 16
Discussion Questions Re: Using UI Wage-Record Data The core indicators of performance required in the ETPL Performance Reports involve the use of wage records to determine outcomes. Many ETPs are not permitted access to Unemployment Insurance (UI) wage data directly because they are not “public officials” so as to make it permissible for state UI agencies to share wage record data. 6.Do any states currently support cross-matching with UI wage data so as to provide ETPs with aggregate results to enable them to report their performance? If so, please describe the infrastructure and processes you have in place to do that. 7.Do any states have any other strategy that enables the use of UI wage data for ETPs to enable reporting? If so please describe. 17
Use of UI Wage-Record Data continued 8.POLL: For those states that have waivers under WIA regarding the ETPL, are you currently exploring strategies with your state’s UI agency to support ETP performance reporting under WIOA? a.Yes, b.No, c.We plan to in the future. 9.What technical assistance would be helpful to states to better understand UI confidentiality laws related to UI wage record data in relation to their use with ETP reporting? 10.Which States feel that they are ready to meet WIOA’s ETP reporting requirements? Are any willing to share best practices? 18
Discussion Questions Re: Registered Apprenticeship on ETPL Providers of Registered Apprenticeship programs are included as eligible training providers as long as the program remains registered. 11.What challenges may exist for including or eliminating Registered Apprenticeship programs from the list? 12.POLL: Some Registered Apprenticeship programs may not want to be on the list of eligible providers. What is the best way for Registered Apprenticeship programs to indicate their interest in being on the list? ◦State will reach out to Registered Apprenticeship programs. ◦Information should be obtained from the State Apprenticeship Agency or USDOL/Office of Apprenticeship ◦Other? Please describe. 19
Registered Apprenticeship Questions continued 13.POLL: How will states obtain data from Office of Apprenticeship and State Apprenticeship Agency databases on new Registered Apprenticeship programs and deregistered programs? ◦State will reach out to Registered Apprenticeship programs. ◦Information should be obtained from the State Apprenticeship Agency or USDOL/Office of Apprenticeship ◦Other? Please describe. 14.POLL: How often should the Registered Apprenticeship data be collected to keep current on new and deregistered programs? ◦Monthly? ◦Quarterly? ◦Other interval? Please describe. 15.Would you like to share anything else on this topic? 20
Technical Assistance Tools and Resources Department of Labor – WIOA Resource Page ( – WIOA Dedicated Email ( Department of Education – Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education’s WIOA Resource Page ( – Rehabilitation Services Administration’s WIOA Resource Page ( reauthorization.html) reauthorization.html 21
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