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Presentation to Pipeline Safety Trust Conference November 18 & 19, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation to Pipeline Safety Trust Conference November 18 & 19, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation to Pipeline Safety Trust Conference November 18 & 19, 2015

2  To raise awareness of:  Our pipelines and facilities in Alamo and Contra Costa County  Pipeline operations, maintenance, and emergency response  To address specific concerns raised by the Alamo Improvement Association

3  (a) Each pipeline operator must develop and implement a written continuing public education program that follows the guidance provided in the American Petroleum Institute's (API) Recommended Practice (RP) 1162 (incorporated by reference, see §195.3).

4  The operator's program must specifically include provisions to educate the public, appropriate government organizations, and persons engaged in excavation related activities on:  Use of a one-call notification system prior to excavation and other damage prevention activities;  Possible hazards associated with unintended releases from a hazardous liquid or carbon dioxide pipeline facility;

5  Physical indications that such a release may have occurred;  Steps that should be taken for public safety in the event of a hazardous liquid or carbon dioxide pipeline release; and  The program must include activities to advise affected municipalities, school districts, businesses, and residents of pipeline facility locations.

6  Pipeline brochures mailed once a year to addresses within 600 feet of the pipeline  Presentations to emergency responders, excavators, municipalities, developers and community organizations  100 % response to odor and stain complaints with follow up call to initiator  Public awareness contacts documented and maintained for inspection

7  Prepared specific, in-depth questions for Kinder Morgan and the California State Fire Marshall  Questions pertained to all significant aspects of pipeline operations, maintenance, inspections, and safety  Requested Local (field) involvement

8  High Consequence Areas (HCA)  Boundaries  Determination  Sign Placement  Orientation  Coordination with Other Utilities  Proximity  Coordination measures

9  Integrity management  How to maintain safe pipeline  Latest technology  Earthquakes and ground movement  Inspections  Role of agency and operator  Results  Anomalies and anomaly repair

10  Right of Way  Inspection and Maintenance  Exposed pipeline areas  Crossing requirements  Valve operation  Inspection and testing  Locations

11  Valve spacing  Grade differential  Type and amount  Placement  Spill response  Planning  Worst case discharge  Ongoing communication

12  Well organized event  Audience questions submitted in writing to moderator  Opportunity to speak with operator (KM), state regulator (CSFM), and local (county) officials in the same room  Lengthy Q & A following presentations  Positive feedback received after event

13  Clarification of regulatory relationships  Operator  Local  State  Federal  Maintain focus on Damage Prevention, 811 notification, and Excavator Awareness

14  Develop or improve relationships between operators, regulators, and communities.  Increase education and awareness of pipeline operations and safety.  Demonstrate adherence to pipeline safety regulations and best management practices

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