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WELCOME TO CCCECE SPRING REGIONAL MEETING 201 6. OUR MISSION To serve as a dynamic voice for California Community College Early Childhood Education.

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2 OUR MISSION To serve as a dynamic voice for California Community College Early Childhood Education

3 CCCECE 2013-2018 VISION CCCECE will:  Serve as an active stakeholder when decisions are made about ECE workforce development.  Be the primary ECE teacher preparation/workforce development body.  Partner actively with other organizations and maintain our unique focus and role of representing community colleges.  Help shape and track ECE policy development.  Serve as a resource to child development/early childhood education departments throughout the state.

4 CCCECE UPDATES SHOUT OUT – Submitted to Department of Finance. CCCECE President, Sondra Moe provided testimony during a public input stakeholder in February. MEMBERSHIP  JOIN TODAY!!! Year membership October to October – Can pay ½ rate if joining for the rest of this year until October 2016!  EXCHANGE MAGAZINE for members  Digital copies of Exchange Magazine  20% DISCOUNT FOR TRAINING MODULES PEACH Practicum Survey 44 Community Colleges participated – link still available to participate Lecture hours 16-51 hours Lab hours 48-108 Follow up stakeholder meeting held March 11 th. Why is there such a wide variance in lecture and lab hours?

5 CCCECE UPDATES Transforming the Workforce for Children Birth Through Age 8 in California  Action Planning Team (APT) includes representation from higher education.  APT Work Group 3: Higher Education  3 Members on the group are from CCCECE Statement of Task: How can the science of children’s health, learning and development inform how the workforce supports children from birth to age 8?

6 CHANCELLOR OFFICE UPDATE  CTE– Debra Jones  SB 1070 Pathways – ECE is not an Emerging Sector but an Occupational Cluster.  A CCCECE work group was formed to provide written recommendations for securing CTE funding.  For example submitting funding requests to Regional CTE Consortiums.  Online Educational Initiative (OEI)- Michelle Pilati  Handout – The Online Education Initiative: A Process Report  Goals: to improve success & retention in online courses; provide resources for colleges to allow for adding quality online courses; provide students with opportunities to take classes when & where they need them  Overarching purpose: focus on ADT (Associate Degree for Transfer); common course management system at little to no cost to colleges; faculty professional development & student support tools  Pilot Colleges (3 phases)

7 UPDATES FROM THE STATE IMPACT OF GOVERNOR’S PROPOSED BUDGET Children Now - Kate Miller Early Edge California – Andrea Ball Budget proposes to restructure CA Preschool Programs to  a voucher system instead of contracts  locally distributed Early Education Block Grants through LEAs With a five year transition plan No content included regarding program structure and staff requirements  Stakeholder meetings held by Department of Finance to gather input

8 Current system CDEEESD “Title 5 contractors” CSPPCCTRCMIGCHANCFCC Alternative Payment (AP) contractors C2APC3APCAPPCMAP Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) TK-12

9 PROPOSED SYSTEM IN 5 YEARS CDE EESD Voucher contractors Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) TK-12 Early Education Block Grants

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