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Digestive System Honors Biology. Digestive Processes.

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Presentation on theme: "Digestive System Honors Biology. Digestive Processes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digestive System Honors Biology




5 Digestive Processes

6 Digestive Organs


8 Mesentary

9 Peritonitis

10 Cadaver Midsaggital Section of Oral Structures

11 Oral Anatomy Anterior View

12 Tongue Anatomy

13 Taste Bud Anatomy


15 Salivary Glands

16 Cadaver ___ Gland

17 Tooth Anatomy


19 Tooth Eruption

20 Impacted Molar

21 Gingiva



24 Endoscope


26 Larynx

27 Esophageal Reflux

28 G.E.R.D. (GastroEsophageal Reflux Disease)

29 Gastric Fundus

30 Gastritis due to Helicobacter Pylori

31 Gastric Diverticulum

32 Gastric Polyps

33 Gastric Carcinoma


35 Duodenal Mucosa

36 Duodenal Ulcer

37 Proctologist

38 Testing for Occult Blood

39 Colonoscopy

40 Colonoscopy Administration



43 Caecal Diverticula

44 Descending Colon

45 Tapeworms

46 Ulcerative Colitis (Sigmoid Colon & Rectum)

47 Rectum

48 Anal Hemorrhoids (Piles) Caused by Inflammation of the Superior & Inferior Hemorrhoid Veins


50 Scope Comparison

51 Barium Enema

52 Colostomy & Stoma


54 Colostomy Bag

55 Peristalsis Food is moved through the alimentary canal two ways

56 Segmentation


58 27 Year Old Male

59 81 Year Old Male

60 Gastric Anatomy

61 Gastric Cells 4 layers

62 Gall Bladder & Pancreas Empty Contents into Duodenum

63 Liver & Pancreas Secretions


65 Liver FXN’s Synthesizes bile (bile salts, biliruben, & cholesterol)Synthesizes bile (bile salts, biliruben, & cholesterol) Stores glucose as glycogenStores glucose as glycogen Stores fat soluble vitamins ADEKStores fat soluble vitamins ADEK

66 Gall Bladder FXN Stores bileStores bilePathophysiology Gall stones – too much cholesterol or too few bile salts resulting in cholesterol crystal accumulationGall stones – too much cholesterol or too few bile salts resulting in cholesterol crystal accumulation Obstructional jaundice – bile duct becomes obstructed & bilirubin increases in bloodObstructional jaundice – bile duct becomes obstructed & bilirubin increases in blood

67 Gallstones

68 Bile Salt

69 Pancreas FXN Secretes basic pancreatic juice (pH 7.5-8.0)Secretes basic pancreatic juice (pH 7.5-8.0) Pancreatic Juice (p.j.) Bicarbonate rich p.j. neutralizes HCl in the duodenum (Stimulated by secretin when HCl enters the duodenum)Bicarbonate rich p.j. neutralizes HCl in the duodenum (Stimulated by secretin when HCl enters the duodenum)Note Enzymes released in inactive form so they don’t digest the pancreasEnzymes released in inactive form so they don’t digest the pancreas

70 Accessory Organ Ducts & Sphincter

71 Water & Mineral Digestion

72 Absorption of… Vitamins – A,D,E,K fat soluble (diffuse into blood)A,D,E,K fat soluble (diffuse into blood) B & C water soluble (diffuse into blood)B & C water soluble (diffuse into blood) Electrolytes (Na +, K +, HCO 3 -, Cl - )Electrolytes (Na +, K +, HCO 3 -, Cl - ) Calcium – PTH increases ionic calcium & vitamin D aids in absorptionCalcium – PTH increases ionic calcium & vitamin D aids in absorption

73 Lipid Emulsification

74 Carbohydrate Digestion

75 Na/K Symport

76 Protein Digestion


78 Small Intestine

79 Large Intestine with Mesentery

80 Cecum

81 Feces may indicate health issues Motility / timing Diarrhea Constipation Color / consistency Gray = lack of bile Black/tarry = bleeding (upper) Black = PeptoBismol Red = bleeding (lower)

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