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1. Communication Accountability Respect Empowerment iCare is the way we show our value of caring.

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3 Communication Accountability Respect Empowerment iCare is the way we show our value of caring

4 Say “Hello” State who you are and why you are there Tell how long the wait or procedure will be Tell the pt. why you are doing what you are doing Thank the pt. for allowing you to care for him/her

5 8 Behaviors important to Hourly Rounding with Purpose: Use warm acknowledgement to reduce anxiety Use warm acknowledgement to reduce anxiety Perform scheduled tasks Perform scheduled tasks Address the 3 Ps (Pain, Potty, Positioning) Address the 3 Ps (Pain, Potty, Positioning) Assess additional comfort needs Assess additional comfort needs Conduct an environmental assessment of the room Conduct an environmental assessment of the room Prior to leaving the room, ask, “Is there anything else I can do for you?” Prior to leaving the room, ask, “Is there anything else I can do for you?” Tell each patient when you will be back Tell each patient when you will be back Document the round Document the round

6 Clinical Key for Nursing / Clinical Skills – Information about diagnoses, meds, labs; journal articles; patient education materials Click here Then here

7 SAFETY ZONE PORTAL Events inconsistent with Cone Health Policies & Procedures, or not part of routine care. SZP reports lead to appropriate follow up. The Event will be documented in patient chart SZP records are not documented in patient’s chart

8 Cone Health Red Rule #1 A time out before all invasive procedures. Cone Health Red Rule #2 Patients are identified by: Name Medical Record # Prior to receiving medication, blood products or any procedure

9 A Safety Net Program for Patients and Families Ability for patients and families to activate a call to receive additional help, beyond their health care team, for unresolved patient care concerns. Seek assistance from your Instructor or Nurse

10 SRAR / HAND-OFF / HALL PASS Use for Internal and external transfer of care – Shift Report – Coverage for lunch / breaks – Critical Lab and Radiology Results Requires uninterrupted time – Requires ability to ask questions – Include the patient when possible

11 All personnel are required to know: Heart Attack Symptoms Heart Attack Symptoms Code Stroke Symptoms Code Stroke Symptoms What to Do What to Do

12 Chest discomfort Chest discomfort Pressure, heaviness Pressure, heaviness Squeezing, tightness Squeezing, tightness Burning Burning May come & go May come & go Lasts more than 2 minutes Lasts more than 2 minutes Pain felt in one or both arms, the back or the neck Pain felt in one or both arms, the back or the neck Shortness of breath. Breaking out in a cold sweat Shortness of breath. Breaking out in a cold sweat Nausea, vomiting. Light headedness Nausea, vomiting. Light headedness Extreme weakness, fatigue Extreme weakness, fatigue Can occur in women and young people Can occur in women and young people If you witness a patient, employee or visitor with these symptoms, get help immediately. Transport to ED or call 911.

13 B ehavior changes, headache E ye – vision changes F acial droop on one side A mbulation difficulty S peech slurred T ime is critical

14 Personal cell phone use is not permitted in clinical settings * Share the Department phone number with significant others Clinical Key for Nursing / Clinical Skills can be used for referencing information Printing materials is prohibited Avoid all social media posts Be mindful of topics for public conversations – people are listening and it may be misconstrued

15 Carpooling is strongly encouraged on each campus. Moses Cone Hospital –3 rd level of the Visitor Garage accessed from Church Street Wesley Long Hospital – Employee parking lot located off N. Elam and Friendly avenues. Women’s Hospital –Upper Employee Lot Annie Penn Hospital Employee parking lot located adjacent to the South Main Street exit of the hospital lot. Behavioral Health Hospital – Upper middle lot and to the left of the building. Alamance Regional Medical Center – S Lot across from Medical Mall entrance


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