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Update from GMP – Malaria Prevention, Diagnostics and Treatment Silvia Schwarte Prevention, Diagnostics and Treatment Interagency.

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Presentation on theme: "Update from GMP – Malaria Prevention, Diagnostics and Treatment Silvia Schwarte Prevention, Diagnostics and Treatment Interagency."— Presentation transcript:

1 Update from GMP – Malaria Prevention, Diagnostics and Treatment Silvia Schwarte Prevention, Diagnostics and Treatment e-mail: Interagency Pharmaceutical Coordination (IPC) Group Meeting World Bank, Washington, USA, 6-7 June 2016

2 Outline Past trends, current achievements, future goals Prevention  RTS,S/AS01 vaccine Diagnosis  Round 6 Report – WHO selection criteria product update  Procurement criteria – WHO PQ Treatment  New quality-assured medicines

3 MDG 6 target – to halt and reverse the incidence of malaria – has been achieved

4 20 April 2016: The WHO European Region is malaria free Ahead of World Malaria Day 2016, WHO announces that the European Region hit its 2015 target to wipe out malaria, thus contributing to the global goal to "End malaria for good". Global Technical Strategy 2016-2030

5  Jul 2015: Positive Scientific Opinion by EMA (Article 58)  Oct 2015: SAGE / MPAC: evidence review for global policy recommendation => large-scale implementation pilots  parts of 3-5 sub-Saharan African countries  administering 3 doses of the vaccine to children aged 5-9 months with a fourth dose 15-18 months later  mortality impact  meningitis and cerebral malaria => pilots to generate evidence for decision-making about potential wider scale use of RTS,S in 3-5 years' time  Jan 2016: WHO issues first position paper on a malaria vaccine ( RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine

6 Performance evaluation of malaria RDTs: Round 6 report published – WHO selection criteria updated Since 2009: WHO Malaria RDT Product Testing Programme

7 Changes to WHO criteria on RDT procurement (I) 12 malaria RDTs from 4 manufacturers are WHO prequalified:  7 Pf-only  4 Pf and non-Pf  1 all species (but does not distinguish between them) Products accessible at: 2016/rdt-procurement-criteria/en/

8 Timelines  For products that are currently eligible for WHO procurement, manufacturers must submit a WHO PQ pre- submission form to WHO PQT by 31 July 2016.  For products that are new to WHO processes or for products that are due for compulsory resubmission to Product Testing, manufacturers must submit to the revised EOI for Round 8, in quarter 4 of 2016.  Manufacturers are expected to have submitted a complete dossier for each product to WHO PQT by 31 December 2016.  Manufacturers are expected to complete full prequalification by 31 December 2017. Beyond this date only prequalified products will be recommended and eligible for WHO procurement. Changes to WHO criteria on RDT procurement (II)

9 Quality-assured antimalarial medicines (last updated 3 June 2016)  Fixed-dose combinations (FDCs) - AL 20/120mg: Ajanta, Cipla, Ipca, Macleods, Mylan, Novartis, Strides - AL 20/120mg dispersibles: Ajanta, Novartis - AL 40/240mg: Mylan - AL 80/480mg: Novartis - ASAQ: Ajanta, Cipla, Guilin, Ipca, Sanofi - ASMQ: DNDi/Cipla - DHA-PPQ (20/160mg, 40/320mg): Sigma-Tau  Co-Blisters (Co-B) - AS + AQ: Cipla, Guilin, Ipca, Strides - AS + SP:Guilin  Injectables - AS (30/60/120mg)powder for inj: Guilin  SP + AQ (76.5+25012.5mg, 153+500/250mg): Guilin  Primaquine (7.5mg, 15mg): Remedica, Sanofi  Chloroquine: Alliance Pharma, Remedica, Sanofi  SP (500/25mg):Guilin, Remedica  black: WHO prequalified + GF list  green: on GF list only  bold: single-source supplies  new since mid 2015

10 Thank you very much for your attention

11 Backup slides

12 WHO prequalified malaria RDTs

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