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WELCOME! Jean Bell, Coordinator & Facilitator June Smith, Facilitator.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME! Jean Bell, Coordinator & Facilitator June Smith, Facilitator."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME! Jean Bell, Coordinator & Facilitator June Smith, Facilitator

2 Brief Overview: The Incredible Years® (IY) Series is a set of interlocking and comprehensive training programs for parents, teachers and children. Here in Vance County, we offer: IY Preschool Basic (3-6 years)

3 Programs Offered by Incredible Years Offered in Vance County

4 FACTS: Evidence shows the programs have improved behaviors of up to 80 percent of the children of participating parents and teachers. If left unchecked these behaviors would mean those children are at greater risk in adulthood of unemployment, mental health problems, substance abuse, early pregnancy/early fatherhood, criminal offending, multiple arrests and imprisonment, higher rates of domestic violence and shortened life expectancy.

5 Short Term Goals: Improved parent-child interactions, building positive relationships and attachment Improved parental functioning, less harsh and more nurturing parenting, and increased parental social support and problem solving Prevention, reduction and treatment of early onset conduct behaviors and emotional problems Promotion of child social competence, emotional regulation, positive attributions, academic readiness and problem solving

6 Long Term Goals: Prevention of conduct disorders, academic underachievement, delinquency, violence and drug abuse

7 Program Targets: High risk socioeconomically disadvantaged families Child protective service referred families and foster parents Children with social and emotional behavior problems, including conduct problems, ADHD, and internalizing problems Families of children enrolled in preschool or early primary grades Preschool and Early Childhood Teachers ADHD, internalizing problems and developmental and language delays

8 When and Where Are Classes Held?... Parents meet as a group with two trained Facilitators once a week for fifteen weeks. They are given opportunities to collectively and individually develop new strategies for managing their children and working together in collaborative partnerships. Meetings will be held here at the Cooperative Extension Office in the main conference room (at other sites if enrollment is feasible for that area). The 2-hour meeting will include a meal and child care at the facility. Parents will receive a certificate of completion and a Wal-Mart gift card upon completion of the program.

9 Who Is Eligible? The Incredible Years program is open to any parent, relative, or caregiver, of a child who is between the ages of 3-5 years old who lives in Vance County, Granville County, or Franklin County.

10 More About the Incredible Years® Programs What Will Parents Learn?... Parents use various strategies to help children regulate their emotions, improve their social skills, and do better academically. It can also mean a more enjoyable family life.

11 Group aspects include : setting personal goals, role play practices, self reflection, facilitator feedback, and home or classroom activities. Each parent receives the book The Incredible Years by Carolyn Webster-Stratton (a trouble shooting guide for parents).

12 Facilitators use video scenes to encourage group discussion, problem-solving and sharing of ideas. Parents and teachers are given handouts, activities to practice with children, and reminder notes to put on their refrigerator or blackboards. Group Aspects continued….

13 Contact Jean Bell at or June Smith at for more information or to sign up for a session. You can also call 252-438- 8188 and ask to speak to Jean or June. For more information on the Incredible Years Program, visit the website: For more information:


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