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America’s Boating Course 3 rd Edition State & Local Regulations ALASKA Chapter 2 Section 8 1 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends.

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1 America’s Boating Course 3 rd Edition State & Local Regulations ALASKA Chapter 2 Section 8 1 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends

2 References Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends 2 Continued education includes staying current with Alaska and Federal laws! Education, common sense, and courtesy.

3 Navigation Rules Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends 3 Prevent collisions! International Rules apply in Alaska waters Assign tasks but never confer entitlements “in certain situations should keep out of the way” of other vessels NEVER grants a vessel the “right of way” Prudent action required at all times under all circumstances – depart to avoid collision

4 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends 4 Cold Water Immersion NUMBER 1 THREAT TO ALASKA BOATERS! ALWAYS WEAR A LIFE JACKET Cold water - below 68 degree Fahrenheit – KILLS Cold Shock Response – within first 3 minutes Cold Incapacitation – within 30 minutes Immersion Hypothermia after at least 30 minutes Causes – swamping / capsizing / falling overboard / swimming to retrieve a drifting boat

5 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends 5 Cold Water Immersion

6 PFD Requirements Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends 6 The terms Life jackets and Personal Flotation Devices (PFD) are used interchangeably throughout the course. One USCG approved (stated on the label), correctly sized, fitted, and in serviceable condition Type I, II, III or V PFD is required for each person on board, worn or immediately available. Persons under 13 must wear a PFD when in an open boat, on an open deck or when being towed. A throwable Device (Type IV) is required for boats 16 feet and longer (Except for canoes and kayaks)

7 Type PFDsMinimum Adult Buoyancy in Pounds (Newtons) I - Inflatable33.0 (150) I - Buoyant Foam or Kapok22.0 (100) II - Inflatable33.0 (150) II - Buoyant Foam or Kapok15.5 (70) III - Inflatable22.0 (100) III - Buoyant Foam15.5 (70) IV - Ring Buoys16.5 (75) IV - Boat Cushions18.0 (82) V - Special Use Device - Inflatable 22.0 (Fully inflated) (100) 7.5 (Deflated) (34) V - Special Use Device - Buoyant Foam 22.0 to 34.0 (100 to 155) 15.5 to 22.0 (70 to 100) Higher Buoyancy Means Higher Lift 7 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends

8 Minimum Buoyancy 22 pounds Type I: Offshore Life Jacket 8 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends

9 Minimum Buoyancy 15.5 pounds Type II: Near-Shore Vest 9 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends

10 Minimum Buoyancy 15.5 pounds Type III: Flotation Aid 10 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends

11 Minimum Buoyancy 22 pounds Type III/V: Inflatable PFD 11 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends

12 Must have on board Type IV: Throwable Device 12 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends

13 Type V: Special-Use Device 13 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends

14 Fire Extinguishers Required on all powerboats with – enclosed engines, installed fuel tanks, or enclosed areas that could trap fumes Should be on all vessels! Fire Extinguisher Myths 14 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends

15 Trash Wood Paper Liquids Grease Electrical Equipment Types Of Fires 15 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends

16 Fire Extinguishers Dry chemical most common for marine use Type B required onboard Inboard or I/O engines Permanently installed fuel tanks Closed living spaces Closed compartments where portable fuel tanks are stored 16 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends

17 Charge Indicators 17 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends

18 VDS REQUIREMENTS Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends 18 USCG-approved visual distress signals (VDS) for both day and night time use must be carried on boats 16 feet and longer. Exception: boats and open sailboats not equipped with mechanical propulsion and under 26 feet in length are not required to carry day signals. USCG-approved night distress signals required between sunset and sunrise boats under 16 feet. Discussed in Section 2.

19 Non-pyrotechnic VDS Signal mirror – day Orange distress flag – day Electric distress light (SOS) - night 19 >> Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends

20 Sound Producing Devices Boats less than 65 feet / 20 meters must carry a mechanical whistle or horn. Boats less than 39 ft-4 in / 12 meters must carry an efficient sound device capable of signaling intentions or position in reduced visibility. 20 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends

21 Proper Ventilation Required on gasoline powered boats Powered ventilation on boats built after 31 July 1980 Natural ventilation for boats built before 1 August 1980 21 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends

22 Proper Ventilation Powered ventilation 22 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends

23 Proper Ventilation Natural ventilation 23 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends

24 Required on gasoline engines installed after April 25, 1940 Backfire Flame Arrestor 24 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends

25 REQUIRED NAVIGATION LIGHTS Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends 25 Requirements were discussed in Section 6. Navigation Lights must be displayed between sunset and sunrise and during periods of restricted visibility. Lighting configuration required (varies with length and mode of operation). See the Navigation Rules and Regulations Handbook

26 Lights – Powerboats Side lights on all Masthead and stern light combinations Range of visibility Example: In vessels of less than 12 meters in length: –a masthead light, 2 miles; –a sidelight, 1 mile 26 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends

27 Lights – Sailboats 27 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends

28 Less than 23 feet or 7 meters Under oars Lights – Human powered 28 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends

29 Registration 29 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends Undocumented boats in Alaska REQUIRED to be registered – "Boat" - a watercraft used or capable of being used as a means of transportation on water. Powered Boats All powered boats used on any water of the state, including rivers, streams, lakes and salt water within 3 miles of land. This includes non-powered boats with auxiliary power units Sport Fishing Guide's Boats All sport fishing guides are required to register both powered and non-powered boats. (AS 16.05.395)(5ACC 75.077) Tenders Tenders are boats that are used exclusively for transportation from a boat to shore and must be registered unless they are non-powered.

30 Registration Boats in Alaska Exempt from registration – Non-boats – ship’s lifeboats / seaplanes / inspected passenger vessel / single air mattress, single inner tube or other water toy Non-powered boats – unless has an auxiliary power unit or used as Sport Fishing Guide, not required to register Registered elsewhere – valid registration in another state is valid in Alaska for up to 90 consecutive days Documented Boats – may be either U.S. or foreign country Number must be at least 3” high, bold, BLOCK letters 30 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends

31 Registration Register boat at local DMV office. Bring ownership document Registration papers to be aboard Valid for 3 years State of Alaska does not title boats Review Federal regulations for placing registration numbers on hull – validation decal w/in 6 inches 31 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends

32 Hull Identification Numbers (HIN) HIN unique 12-digit number Engraved into transom fiberglass 32 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends

33 Prohibited Operations Owner Liability No operations in a reckless or negligent manner which endangers the life or property of another person OR Not equipped as required under state law. Owner is liable for injury or damage caused by negligent operation - violation of state law failed to exercise ordinary care required by common law Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends 33

34 Alcohol and Boating Use results in decreased balance, blurred vision, impairs judgement, slows reaction time, accelerates heat loss, and reacts equally on drinking passengers. Legal limit is 0.08% BAC Criminal penalty imposed based on severity of offense and previous convictions 34 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends

35 Littering and Pollution Laws Unlawful to litter in Federal and State waters! Human waste to marine sanitation devices Discharge sanitation devices to pump out stations Do not throw any trash overboard 35 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends

36 Environmental Protection 2014 MARPOL regulations Placard required - boats 26 feet and longer 36 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends

37 Oil/Fuel Spills Spills: both US Coast Guard - 800 424 8802 and Alaska authorities - SE area – 907 465 5340 - Northern area – 907 451 2121 - Central area – 907 269 3063 - after hours 1-800 478 9300 37 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends Display 5 inch by 8 inch REQUIRED placard on boats 26 feet and longer

38 Type I or II Chemically treated Type III Holding tank only for pump-out or discharge beyond 3 miles off-shore Marine Sanitation Devices 38 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends

39 All MSD’s Must Be USCG Approved Marine Sanitation Devices – Type III 39 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends

40 Use Pump Out Stations 40 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends

41 Waste Management Plan Vessels 39.4 feet and longer with galley and berths must have a written plan Captain is responsible for implementation Plan should be posted with directives for crew and passengers 41 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends

42 Accidents Operator involved must: Render Assistance - Save others from danger Do not endanger crew Provide operator information in writing to all when injuries, casualties, damage Make report within 48 hours to Department of Public Safety if collision, accident, death or damage exceeding $500 and, Written report within 10 days after accident to Alaska Department of Boating Safety. if death, missing or medical treatment beyond first aid If vessel is lost, or damage is over $500, report must be filed within 10 days 42 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends

43 Thoroughly clean and dry boats and equipment before transporting to other water bodies. Remove visible mud, plants, fish or animals from the hull, trailer and other parts of your gear. Completely dewater boats any equipment, including any areas where water can be held, before transporting. Dump bait buckets, coolers, etc. on land. State regulations prohibit releasing plants, fish or animals into a body of water unless they came out of that body of water. To prevent the AIS spread, boaters should follow these simple rules: Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) 43 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends

44 Pump fresh water through engines before leaving the area. Empty water out of kayaks, canoes, rafts, etc. Let boat, PWC's, trailer and equipment dry for at least 5 days. Aquatic Invasive Species 44 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends

45 Who May Operate A Vessel Alaska does not require boating education. Boating safety courses may save on boat insurance. There is no minimum age requirement to take the boating safety courses in Alaska. You do not have to be a resident of Alaska to take boating safety courses. 45 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends

46 State PEACE OFFICERS enforce Alaska boating laws. When approached by an officer, must stop or slow to steerageway to allow boarding Safe boaters will find officers helpful Law violators – expect citation Marine Law Enforcement 46 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends

47 Going Boating USE Pre-Departure Checklist (pages 21-29) Re-check weather forecast for duration of cruise Passenger Briefing is RECOMMENDED! All passengers on the event and Float Plan Distribute life jackets for the event, fit and adjust On-board procedures – heads / emergency gear Emergency actions and roles - MOB Fire extinguisher locations and use Partner in command Stability / trash / pollution rules 47 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends

48 Float Plan Assess the risk BEFORE you go. Make GO/NO GO decision – ABC3 Appendix “E” Prepare the FLOAT PLAN – ABC3 Appendix “D” – next slide Provide PLAN to responsible adult and confirm destination, estimated return time and which authority to notify for assistance if needed. 48 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends

49 Float Plan Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends 49

50 Towing Requirements Boat Or PWC Tow boat must be equipped with rear view mirror in which the person towed may be seen OR Observer 12 years or older on the tow boat in addition to the operator in position to observe the progress of the person being towed Life jacket required if under 13 50 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends

51 Minimum 12 by 12 inches, rigid. 3 feet above surface, on float or boat. Diver remain within 100 feet of flag. Boats remain at least 100 feet away, proceeding with caution. Outside shipping channels, boats within 100 feet at no wake speed (less than 5 mph) Diving/Snorkeling Flag 51 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends

52 Regulatory Markers 52 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends

53 Homeland Security Observe and avoid all security zones and other restricted areas. Avoid commercial port operation areas Do not stop or anchor beneath bridges or in the channel Keep a sharp eye out for anything that looks peculiar or out of the ordinary. Report all suspicious activities to local authorities, USCG, or port or marina security 53 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends

54 End Chapter 2 54 Come for the boating education … Stay for the friends

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