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Neo-Colonialism A form of indirect control over developing countries, most of them former colonies Direct political control decreased whilst economic control.

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Presentation on theme: "Neo-Colonialism A form of indirect control over developing countries, most of them former colonies Direct political control decreased whilst economic control."— Presentation transcript:

1 Neo-Colonialism A form of indirect control over developing countries, most of them former colonies Direct political control decreased whilst economic control increased -Economic dependence on primary goods -Economic dominance of multinational companies -Impact of foreign aid and foreign debt

2 1965 the poorest 20% of the world’s population earned 2% of global income. Nowadays this has fallen to 1.4%. The richest 20% of the world’s population earn 64 times more than the poorest 20%.

3 How is neo-colonialism perpetuated 1) Trade Low raw material export prices contrast with high prices that developing countries have to pay for manufactured goods 2) Debt Many developing countries pay huge sums of money to developed countries each year in interest 3) Aid Often given with ‘strings attached’ forcing the developing countries to spend it in particular ways

4 Trade Terms of Trade Ghana’s Main exports: Gold, cocoa, timber, tuna, bauxite, aluminium, manganese ore, diamonds USA’s Main exports: Computers and electrical machinery, vehicles, chemical products, food and live animals, military equipment and aircraft What do you notice about the main exports of the two countries? What will the result of this be on the trading relationship between the two countries?

5 trade/balance/c7490.html#2010 trade/balance/c7490.html#2010 Trade imbalance between Ghana and USA

6 Read through and annotate the article to explain how the USA is using Aid to exert its power and influence saharan_africa/countries/ghana/ saharan_africa/countries/ghana/ Aid

7 Debt _external.html _external.html

8 Neo-colonialism For each strand of how neo-colonialism is perpetuated find an example from an old colonial country.

9 Ghana @ 50: success or failure? In 1957 gained independence from British Colonial rule Using table of development indicators for Ghana on p.152. In what ways has Ghana a)Made progress? b)Fallen behind? Prepare a report ‘Ghana – 50 years on’. In 750 words, assess whether life in Ghana is improving, and what issues it faces for the future

10 Exam Question To what extent is the relationship between the developed and the developing world a neo-colonial one’

11 Plenary Create a mind map around the key phrase ‘neo-colonialism a bridge between the developed and developing nations’

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