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"Revolutionizing how donors and lenders in the US are connecting with small entrepreneurs in developing countries” - BBC.

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Presentation on theme: ""Revolutionizing how donors and lenders in the US are connecting with small entrepreneurs in developing countries” - BBC."— Presentation transcript:

1 "Revolutionizing how donors and lenders in the US are connecting with small entrepreneurs in developing countries” - BBC

2 Kiva’s Mission Mission To connect people through lending for the purpose of alleviating poverty Method An online lending platform that lets the average Internet user finance a specific low income entrepreneur in the developing world

3 Poverty and Microfinance Two Billion people live on less than $2.00 per day Most of the working poor are self-employed The working poor need affordable access to capital in order to expand their businesses Microfinance loans have a 95%+ repayment rate Pioneered by Muhammad Yunus of the Grameen Foundation, microfinance lending provides this capital and an innovative solution for eradicating poverty -

4 Lende r Kiva.or g MFI Partner Entrepreneu r Kiva connects lenders to entrepreneurs overseas How Kiva Works

5 How Kiva Works

6 Since Oct 2005, Kiva has expanded to MFIs in 31 countries. Strong adoption with MFIs

7 New Access to Capital and Cost Savings 10 % 18% 10 % 0% 2% 4% 6% 9% 11% 13% 15% 17% Prisma – Honduras WEEC - Kenya CREDIT (World Relief) - Cambodia Industry Average 10 % 8%8% Kiv a Without, MFI partners would have to pay at least 4x more for capital from alternate sources 1- 2% Cost of Capital Comparison (Cost of Capital is one of the largest expenses for an MFI)

8 Sample Loan Application

9 Photo by: TKnoxB, Flickr CC

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