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Intentional Strategies DGE Ed Irick. Intentional Membership Strategies To Grow Your Club You Recruit Engage Retain.

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Presentation on theme: "Intentional Strategies DGE Ed Irick. Intentional Membership Strategies To Grow Your Club You Recruit Engage Retain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intentional Strategies DGE Ed Irick

2 Intentional Membership Strategies To Grow Your Club You Recruit Engage Retain

3 How Do You Grow Clubs?

4 Intentional Strategies Purposeful, deliberate, and conscious plans of action or policies designed to achieve a major overall aim “gives us predictive power”

5 Recruit + Engage + Retain = Growth Intentional Membership Strategies Intentional Strategies Make It Happen

6 Intentional Strategies Recruit Prospect Identification (Lead Generation) Attraction Maintain Contact (Follow-up)

7 Intentional Strategies Engage Onboarding Mentoring Orientation Committee Assignment Projects Program District Events RLI

8 Intentional Strategies Retain Periodic checks Satisfaction Surveys Exit Interviews

9 Intentional Strategies The Bottom Line: Club Growth occurs when Intentional Strategies are applied and executed throughout the Membership Process

10 Questions? Ed Irick District Membership Chair, 2016-17 Intentional Strategies

11 D-7750 Grow Rotary Action Team DGN Ed Irick, GRAT Chairman

12 GRAT Team of domain experts (Past Presidents) Armed with a process for engagement, assessment, troubleshooting, training and accountability Applying the process consistently in Rotary clubs Help (only) clubs who want help

13 What the GRAT Does for a Club 1.“Contract” with leadership – Agreement that something is wrong and that they’ll work to fix it 2.Assessment – What are the symptoms? 3.Troubleshooting – Root Cause Analysis – what are the actual causes of the symptoms?

14 What the GRAT can do for a Club 4.The Fix – Intentional strategies to fix the causes and deliver the desired results 5.Training – Teach HOW to execute 6.Maintenance – Provide accountability for sustained, consistent effort to keep it fixed

15 What the GRAT will NOT do Will not recruit members for you Will not do all the work in preparing your membership growth plan Will not accuse, only encourage Will not interfere once the membership plan has been executed

16 Questions? Ed Irick 7750 District Governor, 2017-18 Grow Rotary Action Team

17 Intentional Prospect Invitation Strategy Rotary Club of Rock Hill

18 The Invite

19 Intentional Membership Strategy Worksheet

20 Governor’s Pin of Excellence MembershipFoundation Service

21 Welcome to the new member Rotary Club of Greenville scavenger hunt! Although not mandatory for your admittance to the club, we hope you will find this activity interesting and fun as you navigate Rotary to become more knowledgeable about Rotary and its service to mankind. The completion of the hunt will expand your knowledge about the opportunities of Rotary service and the inner organization of RI, the district, and the club. The club membership chair will act as your guide throughout this process; however, any club member will be happy to help you as well. Club of Greenville Scavenger Hunt 1. Read & keep for reference the article “Connect for Good” (formerly “Rotary Basics) Begin Here 2. Join a club committee 3. Read the club’s Bylaws 5. Find & read the last two issues of the district newsletter (Hint: they are archived on the website) 4. Explore the district website 7. Set up your Member Profile w/your photo in DACdb* 6. Find & read the Rotary Foundation Reference Guide (Hint: Look on Rotary International Website) 10. Complete the “Rotary Foundation Basics” course in My Rotary Want more activities to expand your Rotary experience? Attend a club board meeting, and when travelling, attend another Rotary club’s meeting. *These activities might require some technical assistance from a club member 9. Set up your Member page in My Rotary* So, are you finished? Not really, Rotary is a never-ending odyssey that will fill your life with transformative experiences. Learn and enjoy the journey! 8. Explore My Rotary on the Rotary International website

22 Intentional Strategy Exercise

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